Last Night In Atlantic City

We are now in Tokyo. Sorry that this report on the Nov 26 concert comes in a bit late as we could not access internet until now.

Seeing that it is relatively easy to give him present, we bought a Christmas Bear, a red ribbon, a gold glowing glue, and we made him a sash written with "Passion Tour" and put the sash on the bear, representing that his "Passion Tour" has won an honor award. We only finished off the bear 20 minutes before the show started!

The last concert in Atlantic City started at 2:20 am and the rundown was the same as the second show. Again, it was almost full house. The response from the audience was the best among the three shows and he received many gifts from fans. Bunches of flowers, toy cars and the only soft toy was our bear.

Many Japanese fans bought him flowers and one asked for a kiss but not succeeded. He received two bouquets from two white American ladies. One of them said to him "America loves you", and he replied with "I love you too!". A cute little toy beetle bundled with balloons was presented to him and he said "Ah!, how do you know I have this car?" and playfully in English "Ha... ha... now I've got another car! I will bring it home".

After he finished singing American Pie we (3 Japanese ladies and me) rushed forward and presented our Xmas Bear to him. When he saw the bear he said "Oh, this matches my kilt". I said to him "Passion Tour is No.1" and he said "No. 1?". I said "You're the best of the best". He acknowledged it nodding his head. We left with a greeting "Merry Christmas" and he replied with the same greeting. After we went back to our seats he said "My fans always treat me like a kid". A lady whom he said was his friend, who runs a Chinese restaurant in NY came forward to give him a big bunch of flowers. He was so funny in saying that "Thank you, you look like your barbecue pork, fat and juicy, hahahaha". Everyone in the arena laughed so heartily.

Before he sang “Me”, he gave us another big heart attack, "This is going to be the last show for me in the Atlantic City for the rest of my life. So you're the lucky guys to see me tonight". When he said this he looked serious and I was a bit upset to hear this. Then he went on to sing “Me”. In the instrumental part, everyone applauded for him and it was so touching that he shed tears.

During the party time almost half of the audience on the ground level came forward to dance with him. He looked so sexy and sometimes playfully seducing in his cut short white vest. All of us were swaying our bodies and clapping our hands with him. When the party ended (it was the scheduled ending part), no one wanted to leave and we shouted out so loudly "Encore... Encore... Encore", "Leslie... Leslie..." for almost ten minutes, yet the light turned on.

After the concert I asked the lady who said "America loves you", how's the concert?" She said it was just terrific and she has been waiting for his concert in America for several years.

We left the concert in a little depressed mood, thinking of his words ..... "last concert ....".

by Susanna - November 29, 2000
