He Was A True Superstar – Anthony Wong

Anthony Wong reminisces Leslie Cheung

The independent label and production company, 'People Mountain People Sea' formed by renowned HK singer, Anthony Wong celebrates its 10th anniversary this July with a series of activities. In an exclusive interview with Netease Entertainment in Guangzhou earlier, Anthony Wong touched on his collaboration with the late Leslie Cheung during which time they launched an album together. Anthony Wong expressed that Leslie Cheung was a true superstar; he exposed that he was extremely nervous at the start of their co-operation.
Very nervous at the start of their collaboration
In 2002, the two superstars of the Hong Kong music industry, Anthony Wong and Leslie Cheung launched a most impressive album entitled 'Crossover'. Recalling his collaboration with Leslie Cheung, Anthony Wong said, "To be completely honest, I was feeling rather nervous at the beginning because he was Leslie Cheung, a true superstar! You must understand it is very easy to be nervous working with a superstar." Although prior to their co-operation, Anthony Wong and Leslie Cheung had met on various occasions but during these meetings, it was just a friendly exchange of greetings; they had never sat down for a cup of tea nor shared in any in-depth discussions together.
Anthony Wong, being the younger generation of artists, was naturally happy with the opportunity to work with mega-star, Leslie Cheung. They gradually became good friends through their co-operation in producing that album. "It was during those few months that I had a deeper understanding of Gor Gor. Once in a while we would make arrangements to meet up for drinks and discuss music-related matters. I spent a lot of time with him together in the recording studio and also in meetings. He was an individualist artist; it was only after being in contact with him that I discovered that he was indeed a true superstar; he was unassuming and never flaunted his status."
Gor Gor's husky voice was beautiful
In that year there were five tracks in the 'Crossover' album including Anthony Wong and Leslie Cheung's respective re-make of each other's old piece of work. One of the tracks, 'So Far, So Close' has become a classic hit in the hearts of all music fans. This was a song written by Gor Gor himself. In order to achieve perfection for this song, Gor Gor personally contributed the dramatic effects with his voice-over monologue for Anthony Wong. At this point when Anthony Wong was talking about this song, his recollections of the scene was clearly vivid in his mind. "During that time I remember that Gor Gor was not in very good health; recordings were halted a few times due to his health reasons and he was apologetic over this; but Gor Gor was really sick at that time. He apologized to me on one or two occasions saying "I am sorry, I don't feel very well at all; my throat is giving me some problems. Overall I am not in very good form"."
"When we were recording the song, 'So Far, So Close', Gor Gor's voice was a bit hoarse. He asked me if it was okay; I thought the hoarseness in his voice was rather beautiful so from his monologue, I picked a few lines to complement the song. The resulting effect was simply brilliant.
In the 'Crossover' album Anthony Wong had chosen for himself to do a re-make of, 'If You Knew My Difficulties' a song that Leslie Cheung had written specially for Vivian Chow whilst he selected his own song, 'Happy Together' for Gor Gor to sing because Gor Gor had acted in the film, 'Happy Together'. "However he had never sung a song of this kind; instead I did sing it already so I felt it would be perfect if he could sing that song."
The regret of not knowing how to be more considerate at that time
Anthony Wong and Leslie Cheung gave people the impression that there were some similarities between them; although their songs were different in styles yet they do have the same alternative element. "During our recording sessions I felt that he was a bit worried. At that time he told me his health was not very good; that he was not in the best of form. We advised him to relax a bit. However my friendship with him was not that of a bosom buddy who could chat with him all day long; my conversational topics with him went only to a certain extent." Anthony Wong explained that it was only later that he found out that Gor Gor had a lot of stress. "Perhaps if I had been a bit more sensitive; if I had been a bit more considerate at that time; if I had done more things, maybe it was possible to help him untie some of the knots in his heart but unfortunately in this world, there is no room for 'ifs'. I hope wherever he is right now, that he has found his spiritual rest."
Talking about the sudden passing of Leslie Cheung, Anthony Wong said, "Naturally it was with deep regret just like everyone else; we have lost a good artist. As a friend, although not a very close friend, there were regrets but to have had the opportunity to share the rewards of our collaborated work was actually a kind of honor. Just like everybody, I love him very much too and did not want him to leave."


source: Red Forum - many thanks to Simie for her translation

