The face of Leslie Cheung

by Cheung Siu Hung (Human World)

"... most people only have one face, on the contrary, as movie stars, they could have many many different faces. The face of Leslie is the face of Ling Choi San and also is The 12th Master, Cheng Dieyi, Ho Po Wing. The faces of ordinary people would grow old and turn ugly, but the face of a star is a labyrinthine network of time, just as circuitous of spider's nets; as membranous of blood veins, making things possible for the beauty of faces on cinematic films to speed up, rewind, freeze, fade in and out, releasing our imagination at random." What kind of faces make us giddy and dazzle into our dreams? What is the most mysterious and unpredictable face? Blossom out from daydreaming or haunting incubus, mystique and clues, could they be all written on the faces? Contributing to a face is the most opened and also the most seclusive part of our body.

Leslie possesses the face that is unanimously renowned as the most unique and beautiful ever in Chinese movie history, the comparative relation with his five facial organs is perfect; in between eyebrows, there is virtuousness and charm; elegance from his high and straight nose; cute looking contour lines of his pair of lips, in matching with two wretched in occasion, frightening sometimes, childish, gracile and frantic big eyes, with the girlish looks for a boy; adult's mind in teenager's body as unconfinement of brain teasing, leaving us a handsome boy or gorgeous man, a forever "man in floral imagery of catching reflection in water".

However, his fall to his death is letting in the most unique beautiful face to soak up the heart-broken sorrow from all of his friends and fans, projecting the discouragement and despair of general public towards wars [wars in Iraq] and virus [SARS], and also touched the unspeakable sadness for the sudden vanished youngster. The face of Leslie has carried the weight of grief and added acceleration, turned into a dashing straight downfall object of our times...***... become the most distressing metaphor of flesh and bones in the 21st century of Chinese movie history.

Face Reading in facies close-up of movies

Faces are always recognized as the best visual evidences of confirming people's identity: I recognize this face, I remember this face, I've seen this face; using partial to represent the whole, a face could almost be used as cognizant of credential for a person's class. But the faces of movie stars are distinctive, most people only have one face, on the contrary, as movie stars, they could have many many different faces. The face of Leslie is the face of Ling Choi San and also is The 12th Master, Cheng Dieyi, Ho Po Wing. The faces of ordinary people would grow old and turn ugly, but the face of a star is a labyrinthine network of time, just as circuitous of spider's nets; as membranous of blood veins, making things possible for the beauty of faces on cinematic films to speed up, rewind, freeze, fade in and out, releasing our imagination at random.

Leslie is dead, but the facies of Leslie on screens had already integrated into the form of non-destructible as gold and steel long ago. In the memory of Leslie, his charming and lamenting facies in close-ups on screens are all dominant, I think, could Leslie be the actor who has the most facies close-ups in the history of Chinese movies? Why he could have had so many close-ups facies?

Solitary is a face of taciturnity

"But not all the faces of male actors are suitable for close-up shots"

Leslie was bestowal of the finest skins and his facial contour lines (of course that is also included his cosmetic efforts for improvement), giving him more merits than other famous actors to have close-up shots. With the famous directors of the Chinese film-making circle, they had all given us the beautiful and sad looking facies in close-ups of Leslie. Sometimes, his face looks like a window, allowing us to peek through his loner's pride and anxiety; his face can also be the utmost beautiful and melancholic masquerade, we can never look through or peer inside his [real emotions of] joyfulness, anger, pensiveness and mournfulness; his face might be scenic displays of wild and exotic eroticism; a naked notarial proclamation of covetousness, petulance, lustfulness and the accumulation of sins; his face could be staring at the convergence of the other strange world in cogitating of intuitional, a suspicious realm of half God and half beast.

Nevertheless, leaving us the most unforgettable is the 'solitariness' that is always floating glutinously onto his face. 'Solitariness' could be a inevitable form of aestheticism. Facies in close-up of movies are helping the girlish looks and unisexual Leslie to be more feminized and materialistic and also adding the erratic, indulging and disturbed adolescent Leslie to be appeared more solitary of silence in abnormality on silver screens. The famous words from Eisenstein*: movies are resurrecting the Ancient Face Reading, facies in close-ups are "monologue with the linguistic of taciturnity". Movie stars on silver screens could not act like the actors on stage whom can make use of spoken language as monologue to elaborate their inner feelings, rather they turn to facial expression [as collaborative acting skills] for intrinsic emotions, mood and thoughts. But this kind of facies in close-up still requires lips closed tight, because if talking, the movement of lips and the content of conversation would let this kind of expressional mode to penetrate inference within the internality, breaking up the stillness of aestheticism and materialistic prospect. This form of 'ambiguous taciturnity' monologue by facial expression is embodying facies close-up in movies to have a pertinacious kind of solitary in spiritual appearances.

In the other words, being the most shot in close-up for facies, Leslie surely looks more taciturn with solitary. But Leslie's 'solitariness' is not only just a kind of formality in facial aestheticism, it is also his kind of sublime movie star's charisma that is enveloping and circulating. Leslie's films made him as the loner's myth of the city, a legend of solitary love story. Sleeping with the female ghost, Leslie is solitary; doesn't have enough gust to swallow opium together with lover to die, Leslie is solitary; acting side by side with senior actors, would never call it a life term if it is a little less of a second or minute, Leslie is solitary; in foreign land with lover of the same sexual orientation to flirt and make love under extreme passion, Leslie is also solitary.

Besides all that, would it be his unisexual upbringing of the mobiliary identity [of sex agenda] had already isolated himself reclusively from men as men, women as women, an obsoletizing in classificatory domain, can never find where he belongs? Could it be his extreme narcissism, causing him to have the special attitude of glaring our dusty world from a distant and unconcerned? Would it be his entanglement of homosexual passion in 'closet' for decades, even with the blessings and adoration from people after he walked out from 'there', but the unbearable during the time 'inside' had already conformed with the heterosexual straight society, straight morality in a hidden-seeming cynical confronting state? The solitariness of Leslie is the kind of 'not being with you in the same country', 'not being together', but this haughty pride while helpless kind of solitariness had transformed into enormous motivation from his temptability on screen, leaving people couldn't help but throwing their recognition and expressing their loving affection. His face is well written that "leave me", "let me alone", but fans and audience are flooded in and stayed wondering around.

The Truth, Scar Face and The Face of Death

"and death always is the ultimate solitary form with the final destiny for our existent mode"

[Written] history is anti-irony, when facing with Cheung Oi Ling* who was the most concerned about her make-ups and dress manner, we, otherwise, are unwilling to discuss her outfit when she died, while coping with Leslie who was the most narcissistic and cared very much about his looks, we, somehow, are reluctant to imagine what his figure and his face might be after the fall. No one was allowed to take photos of Leslie's body, no fan dares to speculate how Leslie might look at the scene. All memories and grief have been visualized into his concerts and movies, circulated all over the media restlessly. Finally they all set focus onto the selection of the obituary altar photo by his love Mr. Tong and family.

The obituary altar photo is from the promotional pictures of Leslie's movie 'He is a woman, She is a man'; in the photo, Leslie is in deep concentration of affectionate, irresisting glamourous in uniqueness ever and never again in the generation, showing us [part of] his side face; on the right half of the face is spotless and shining with cleaniness, but left half of the face is blending to merge into shadows; the centre line is the border between left and right in breaking down with contrast of bright light and dark shadows, sculpting for his utmost beautiful nose and contour lines of lips. Leslie really looks beautiful in the photo, but he is really lonely. Almost all of the obituary altar photos is face on, side faced photo gives people the impression of a haughty loner, and he is looking away from straight ahead visual focus, building in additional a kind of internal concealed narcissistic dimensions, not allowing people to enter.

This photo is an aesthetic form of death, not only because it has been used as obituary altar photo, it is also a exhibitionistic form for the face in close-up of Leslie Cheung in perfection. Lona Barrett* once made comments about movie star Garbo*, she said the face of Garbo is from taking different diets beyond our human world, because she is too scarless and too perfect, cannot see any sign of bodily deterioration or rottenness; the face of divinity after transcendence, not a humanly face. But this excelling death to non-decayness itself is also adding aesthetics to become a kind of final destiny in the form of death. And this photo of Leslie, however, is overlapped with multiple senses of death. Firstly, Leslie's whole body is synthetize as the refined form into the aesthetic facies in close-up, and the shadows in the photo are portending that the death is coming. And then the motional time and dimensions in the movie is freeze by photography into a "I've been here" kind of stillness mode. Eventually it was hanged up in the obituary hall for people to mourn and send their prayers.

Before Leslie died, I had hard times in understanding the advisory words said by the psychologist Fromm*: "The Truth is the grimace of reality"; after Leslie passed away, I think I seemed bluringly to be able to perceive partially the enigmatic wonder. All of us are questioning, Leslie had already made appointment with friends for ball game, how could he suddenly jump down from 24th floor? Just like people are still puzzling today about the Japanese Nobel Prize winner of literature Kawabata Yasumari*, why would he booked tables for 40 people of fine dining in the temple, getting set for celebration with friends just before he committed suicide? All of us would think the whole-heartedly working for perfection Leslie could never stand the getting old and turning to ugly of the biological control, but no matter what kind of dramatic character, there is no way we can apprehend a person who is so narcissistic and love of beauty such as Leslie, would ever choose to jump to death, the most bodily destroying, tragic and horrific way to bear for ending his life? Is it really when the 'Truth' the darkest moment is here, all the rational judgements and decisions would like power failure that nothing works; standing at the edge of dangerous shaking deep fall, there is no way to return? Is it the choosing to commit suicide itself, actually is a ultimate form of no alternative?

Source: - April 18 2003

[ _ ] words are added from my interpretation only, ignore them if you found them not helpful, please refer to the
Chinese original.

*** 3 phrases are not translated, because of the graphic description that might cause unrest to fans, please excuse my personal call!

*Sergei Eisenstein, a former Russian engineering student who turned first to theatre and then to films, famous of his 'montage' theory in film-making in the early years of movies.

*Cheung Oi Ling (fans who are more knowledgeable, please help!)

*Greta Garbo, born in Sweden, famous Hollywood movie star from 20's to 40's.

*Lona Barrett, born in 1939, American gossip columnist

*Erich Fromm (1900-1980) internationally renowned German-American psychologist and humanistic philosopher

*Kawabata Yasumari (1899-1972) Nobel Prize winner of literature


kindly translated by Dreaming Cat - many thanks!
