January 2nd...

I shan’t forget the first glimpse of your form.
Illuminated as it was by flashes of sunlight.

I have dreamt nightly of your face and walked the landscape of my life with the rhythms of your writing ringing in my ears.

I shall never forget our shining progress towards one another.

Never have I felt such a concentration of my entire being.

I cannot let you burn me up.

Nor can I resist you.

No mere human can stand in a fire and not be consumed.

And I took your hand.

Mine rested in yours with trust and belief.

With love,


... 21 years ago, they began a relationship that was to last longer than 20 years.


January 2nd 2004 - Leslie's Pillow in sweet remembrance

many thanks to LeslieTong.com for the picture - poem was found on a gay forum right after Leslie's demise in the memory of their love


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