PDAng project status


Actually PDAng works on AmigaOS v3.9, in a 16 bit colours vga chunky window (it is 3.1 compatible). The project consts of about 600 kbytes of compact ANSI C code. It interfaces with the OS using few dependant functions. It is easly portable, and it will be interfaced to AmigaDE really soon. I suppose i will finish its (and port to AmigaDE) before the 2002's end summer . Actually two person are working on its:

_ Valdiserra Giovanni (Lone Wolf) for the great graphics

_ Emanuele Cesaroni (the undersigned), for code, game and level design, pratically = the whole - (graphics  + audio)


Moreover some betatester enjoy the group. They are testing the game deeply. Many thanks to them all!!!  We are continuing to search for musicians and betatesters (actually for the Amiga version). If you are interested contact us (please use the e-mail links you find here).



- Really few things, as enemies (now we have only a nice UFO and a dangerous HEDGEHOG), sound effects and musics, some more bonuses (one looks like "all platform to ice platforms"), transparencies (for bubbles and more), a bit of bugfixxing, and finally the port  to AmigaDE.


- The porting on GCC is ended. Actually the game is compiled by GCC rather than StormC. Soon i will start to port on AmigaDE the few machine dependant functions.



We are now 90% ready to go............


