HOWTO: Install a Debian Woody on a Compaq Proliant ML310


This document covers the steps needed to install a Debian Woody on a Compaq Proliant ML310. It assumes the use of a custom kernel, compiled using the same parameters as the default BF24 kernel, with a custom megaide.o module, compiled against said custom kernel, and the availability of the following elements:

This document DOES NOT cover the steps needed to create the files referenced: it is assumed that they are already available.
It also DOES NOT cover the procedure to install a non-IDE RAID controller: such a controller should be managed by the default BF24 kernel, but that is not guaranteed.
Finally, this document DOES NOT cover the standard parts of a Debian installation: it is assumed that the user is familiar enough with Debian to perform the standard installation steps on his own.


Requirements for this step: three blank floppies, a windows or linux machine, the files boot.img, initrd.img, megaide.0, eepro100.o, and the Debian Woody CD 1 or Debian Woody NetInstall CD (from now on referred to as THE CD).

1.0 Creating the diskettes from an image file

To create a floppy from an image file in Windows, you need to use the rawrite2.exe command (provided in the install directory of THE CD). To create a floppy from an image file in linux you need to use the dd command. Refer to

(CD):\install>rawrite2 -h


#man dd

for further info.

1.1 Creating the boot diskette

Create the boot floppy from the boot.img file, using the procedure described above. This diskette is a valid ext2 volume, with a boot loader, the lilo.conf file, and a minimal set of files needed to load the system. Label this diskette Boot Disk and write-protect it.

1.2 Creating the root diskette

Create the floppy using the root.bin image file in the install directory of THE CD. This diskette contains a compressed root directory, with a minimal set of files required to boot the system to a shell and perform the installation tasks. Label this diskette Root Disk and write-protect it.

1.3 Creating the driver diskette

This diskette contains the set of drivers required to see the RAID controller and proceed with the installation. There is no disk image for this one: simply use a formatted disk, create a boot directory in it and copy the eepro100.o and megaide.o files into it. Copy the initrd.img file on the diskette root: you will need it later in order to reboot. Label this diskette Drivers Disk and write-protect it.


Requirements for this step: an FTP server, the custom files drivers.tgz and rescue.bin, the floppy disks prepared above, the machine to be set up.

The drivers.tgz and rescue.bin files mentioned above are NOT the ones in THE CD, but the custom version specifically prepared for this installation.
The server SHOULD be on the same LAN as the address you will assign to the new machine, as this will speed up the download and also prevent possible routing problems.

2.0 First Things First

Check that your target FTP server accepts anonymous connections, as that is required for the Installer to download the required files.

2.1 Setting up the ftp server

Choose a path for the files; keep it simple, as you will have to retype it during the installation. Copy drivers.tgz in this directory, then create a new one called images-1.44 (at the same level as drivers.tgz) and copy rescue.bin into it.

2.2 Booting the machine

Insert the Boot Disk into the machine's floppy drive and turn it on: it will take a minute for it to POST, load the kernel and detect the hardware. At this point, it will prompt you to change the diskette: replace the Boot Disk with the Root Disk and press ENTER.


Requirements for this step: a DHCP server (or a static IP address), the floppy disks prepared above, the FTP server prepared above, THE CD, the machine to be set up.

This steps assumes that the machine has been booted as per the step 2.2 and the Debian Installer is running.
The default keyboard layout is en-us.

3.0 The Debian Installer

The Debian Installer offers you an easy menu that will guide you through the various installation steps. Some of the steps described here, though, are not in the usual sequence: you SHOULD perform the steps in the order described here, not the one suggested by the Debian Installer.

3.1 Loading the Drivers

Remove the Root Disk and replace it with the Drivers Disk. Choose Preload Essential Modules from the Debian Installer menu. Following the on-screen instructions, load megaide.o and eepro100.o. It is important that you load the network driver eepro100.o, otherwise you won't be able to access the Proliant's network card and set up the network to access the FTP server.

3.2 Partitioning the Hard Drive and selecting the mount points

This step is easy: just partition the disk as you see fit. It is advisable that you create a small boot partition as sda1, and place the swap partition in sda2 - or do the math to evaluate the correct size of sda2, if you want to place your swap space in sda3.

3.3 Configuring the Network

Choose Configure the Network from the Debian Installer menu. If you have a DHCP server, the Installer will do all the job, otherwise you will need to manually configure a static IP address.

3.4 Copying the Kernel

At this point, the Installer should be offering you the choice of installing your kernel: choose the manual mode via FTP, and insert the address of the FTP server configured above.

3.5 Proceeding with the installation

Once the kernel is installed, the rest of the installation is pretty standard: insert THE CD in the machine's drive and proceed with the normal steps until it asks you whether you want to install LILO or create a boot floppy.

3.6 Manually configuring the LILO setup

The Installer may or may not be able to perform this last installation step: it is advisable that you do it manually anyway. To perform this step the Drivers Disk MUST be in your diskette drive.

Press Alt-F2 to switch to the console. Press ENTER to activate it, and type the following commands (without the #):

#alias vi=nano-tiny
#mkdir /d0
#mount /dev/fd0 /d0
#cp /d0/initrd.img /boot/
#cd /target
#ln -s boot/initrd.img
#ln -s boot/initrd.img
#cp vmlinuz bot/
#ln -s boot/
#vi etc/lilo.conf

Type the following text in the file:

boot = /dev/sda
install = boot/boot.b
map = map
timeout = 50

default = Linux

image = vmlinuz
    label = Linux
    root = /dev/sda3
    initrd = initrd.img

image = /
    label = LinuxSafe
    root = /dev/sda3
    initrd = /

Save the file and exit. Execute the following commands (without the #):

#umount /d0

If LILO reports an error, do not reboot the machine: you need to fix the error first, or it won't boot properly.


4.0 Rebooting

Remove the diskette and THE CD from their drives. Press Alt-F1 to switch back to the Debian Installer, choose the option to reboot your machine. You may wish to cross your fingers...

4.1a Debian Setup

Congratulations, your machine rebooted and there is a new baby Debian in the world: the angels are smiling and everything looks a little brighter. From here on the rest of the setup is pretty standard. There are a few caveats you should be aware of, though:

If your machine didn't reboot properly, continue to 4.1b.

4.1b Try It Again Sam

Something did not work, and your machine did not reboot properly. You need to manually boot the machine, following the steps outlined in 2.2 and 3.1, mount the existing partitions, in the same order as you did before, switch to the console with Alt-F2, and fix the error. In that case, you may want to contact the author to let him know what didn't work and how you fixed it, so that he can update this document. Once you fix the error, you can proceed to 4.1a.


5.0 Copyright, License, and Disclaimer

This document is Copyright (C) 2004 Alessandro Gandini & Reggiani IT Division. Redistribution and verbatim copies are allowed, provided that the text in this section remains intact.

THE PRESENT DOCUMENT AND THE RELATED SOFTWARE ARE PROVIDED AS IS, without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. In no event shall the author, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of this document, be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of the use of, or inability to use, the documentation provided.

5.1 Obligatory Copyright Notice

As hard as it is to believe, any trademarks used are the property of the respective owners.

The source for the custom kernel can be downloaded from one of the many existing Debian mirrors.

The megaide.o module (and its source) are protected by their own set of copyrights.

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