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Mission of the Santa Maria - Game Web Site

Welcome to all players and guests of Mission of the Santa Maria, an RPoL Play By Post RPG based on the Witchcraft/Armageddon books published by Eden Studios.

Game Concept

Faster Than Light. There is no such thing, Einstein taught us, at least for matter as we know it. Still, human beings do not give up easily when faced with a problem, and when the rules can't be broken they try to bend them...


After centuries of study, an accident allows a team of scientists to stumble into a new propulsion system, which can theoretically allow for FTL travel. Two unmanned probes, the Nina and the Pinta, have already completed the trip to the Pluto base and back - a journey that usually requires years completed in just a few hours. Now it's time to send the first manned ship: the Santa Maria.

Of course Something Goes Wrong when the Santa Maria enters the wormhole. The crew, and several high brass from the most important political factions of Earth, find themselves stranded on an alien world, which does not even seem to the follow the same physical laws they are used to.

Will they be able to find a way back home?

Players in Mission of the Santa Maria can choose to play the role of one of the original passengers from the ship or of one of the natives of the new world the crew has found.

Like most games, MotSM has a set of House Rules, designed to adapt the standard Corebook material to the specific setting.

Also, as a PBP/PBB/PBF, some, PBP-specific rules are applied.
