A New Celestia Data Model Proposal

By Paolo Angeli ver. 01 2004/11/24





In order to prepare Celestia 1.x to manage add-on automatically it is necessary to redefine the data model to reorganize the structure of the folders and to introduce the necessary files.


To develop the data model I’ve used Access that allows to represent graphically the tables and the relations between them. The resulting scheme reports all the fields of the data model.


I’ve used Access to prototype the forms that are necessary for the implementation of the add-on manager client included in Celestia.


The server side of Motherlode should be implemented using this data model. Motherlode actually is developed upon my-sql and using php. I have competence for a realization that uses Access and asp. It is necessary that someone implements the data model for Motherlode. As the analysis is almost complete it shouldn’t be very difficult indeed.


Using the Access schemes I’ve prepared the following specification.



Folders Structure

In order to get the optimal functionalities from the automated add-on management system it is necessary to revise completely the folders structure of Celestia.

      1 Celestia

            1 UI

                  1 System

                  1 Schemes

                        1 [a]

                        1 [b]

                        1 [..]

            1 Data

                  1 Temp

                        2 system.cdb

                  1 System

                        2 authors.cdb

                        2 contributionTypes.cdb

                        2 configurations.cdb

                        2 installation.cdb (*)

                        2 installationModules.cdb (*)

                        2 modules.cdb

                        2 sections.scb

                        2 sectionTypes.cdb

                        2 system.cdb

                        2 versions.cdb

                  1 Modules

                        1 Standard

                              2 manifest.cdb

                              2 *.jpg

                              2 *.dat

                              2 *.xyz

                              2 *.ssc

                              2 *.dsc

                              2 *.cmod

                              2 *.3ds

                              2 *.cel

                              2 *.celx

                              2 *.*

                        1 [m1]

                              2 manifest.cdb

                              2 ...

                              2 *.*

                        1 [m2]

                              2 ...

                        1 […]

                  1 Develop

                        1 [d1]

                        1 [d2]

                        1 […]


* These file area used by the add-on manager



Celestia File Extensions

·         cdb : Celestia Database (New Hashed container of all Celestia data)

·         dat : Celestia data usually star definitions (deprecated)

·         ssc : Celestia bodies data used for planets, moons, probes, locations, etc (deprecated)

·         xyz: Model path typically is used to drive probes (deprecated)

·         jpg: Textures

·         png: High quality textures and effects

·         dds: Large textures optimized for Graphic board memory

·         3ds: Models for bodies and probes

·         cmod: Models Optimized for Celestia usage

·         cel: Old style Celestia script

·         celx: Celestia script in LUA language




Celestia Objects

·         Galaxy

·         Nebula

·         Star

·         Barycenter

·         Planet

·         Moon

·         Asteroid

·         Comet

·         Spacecraft

·         Location




Data management basic concepts

The Celestia data model relies upon the following basic concepts:

·         Data files

·         Objects

·         Modules

·         Sections

·         Configuration


The Celestia data files contain specific information about Celestia objects and about their properties such as model files, ZXY paths, textures and so on.


The modules are the containers for the distribution of Celestia data. A module can be considered as the collection of data files. When distributed as add-on the module is a zip file that when unpacked spreads the data file into Celestia.


The sections are the logical containers of the Celestia data. A module can contain data of different sections. The usage of sections have many useful advantages. First of all can categorize the Celestia data in families or groups. Some examples should be:

·         system (all the data that are at least necessary for the correct Celestia functioning)

·         real/Sol comets

·         real/Jupiter minor moons

·         real/Sol asteroid belt objects

·         real/Sol kuiper belt  objects

·         real/Stars within 25 Ly

·         real/Galaxies

·         real/Quasars

·         fictional/Star Wars

·         fictional/Star Trek

·         etc.

The full implementation of the Sections concept should allow the Celestia user to switch on and off some of them interactively in order to get an extremely realistic and complete configuration or a completely fictional and very light one.


The configuration is the list of modules and sections that the user prefers to enjoy Celestia. The user can create many configurations each containing a different list of modules and of sections. The configuration can contain also the Celestia set-up preferences. This allows to create completely different environments that the user can choose when Celestia starts.




Add-on manager Client Side

This chapter describes briefly how should function the add-on manager system on the local user machines.




First of all when the synchronization procedure is started, if an internet connection is available, Celestia uses its internet module, connects to Motherlode and downloads the file [system.cdb] in a temporary local folder.


Celestia compares the entries in this temporary file with the entries in the local [system.cdb] file already present in the data\system folder. If the entries are different then downloads and overrides the necessary file in the data\system folder and then overrides the file [system.cdb].


If a new version of [modules.cdb] is available then Celestia:

·         opens the local file [localmodules.cdb];

·         adds the new Module IDs present in [modules.cdb];

·         updates the Module IDs that have been updated with new versions by the authors in Motherlode since the last connection;

·         marks all the modules that are suitable for an update,

·         marks all the modules that are obsolete and are suitable for deletion.


Celestia add-on manager prompts the user with a checklist for the selection of the modules suitable for update. The marked modules will be downloaded to/removed from the local repository in the folder data\modules.


User can check some options in the add-on manager that allows to:

·         keep the preferred sections (I.e.  “Fictional/Star Wars”) updated automatically;

·         keep the modules already downloaded updated automatically when newer version is available in Motherlode;

·         remove automatically the obsolete modules.


When the file are downloaded then Celestia creates the appropriate folders in data\modules and unpacks them automatically (Add-on data modules are zip format).


Each zip data module represents a folder that contains all the add-on files without a further internal folder subdivision. Models, textures, scripts, catalogs etc. are contained in the same module folder.


Celestia objects (stars, planets, moons etc)  that are defined more than once are overridden and the last one takes priority. So the loading order of the modules is very important. By default the order is defined by Motherlode administrator that updates the order field in table modules that generates the [modules.cdb].

The order can be redefined locally by the user using the add-on manager that updates the file [localmodules.cdb].


To function correctly each module folder must contain a file named [manifest.cdb] that Celestia uses to load the Celestia data and all the related models, textures and so on.





The user can define many configurations to use different modules separately.


Through the add-on manager, the user can build his own configuration using a check list that reports the available modules downloaded by Motherlode. Then Celestia updates the [configurations.cdb].


In the modules present in a configuration there are many sections. Through a check list the user can define which sections are included in the configuration. Celestia Updates the configurations.cdb



File structures



When installed  Celestia creates the file [installation.cdb]. It contains the data used by Celestia Motherlode to keep track of the synchronizations performed by all the installations worldwide that connects for updating.


# Celestia current installation



Installation “ffes4563fettsd3245”     #UCIID Universal Celestia Installation Identifier


   Version 1.4.1

   Installed @2004:11:25:00:00:00:000”

   Updated @2004:11:25:00:00:00:000”





With the standard distribution package there is [system.cdb]. This file contains the system cdb modules and is used for the synchronization with Celestia Motherlode.



# Celestia system



SystemFile “Authors”


   Version 75

   Updated @2004:11:25:00:00:00:000”


SystemFile “Versions”


   version 23

   Updated @2004:11:25:00:00:00:000”


SystemFile “Modules”


   version 135

   Updated @2004:11:25:00:00:00:000”




   Version 3

   Updated @2004:11:25:00:00:00:000”


SystemFile “Sections”


   Version 25

   Updated @2004:11:25:00:00:00:000”




   Version 5

   Updated @2004:11:25:00:00:00:000”





The [authors.cdb] is used only by the add-on manager. It generates a C++ STL map of records that are used for display authors information about the modules.



# Celestia Authors file Ver. 123 Date 2004/11/22 15:02:09.012



Author 1



   name “Chris”

   surname   Laurel

   locationSeattle US”


   url “www.shatters.net”

   date @2004:11:02:00:00:00:000@



Author 2





Author n








The [versions.cdb] is used to resolve the version requirements of the various modules. It generates a C++ STL  map of the Celestia versions. If an add-on requires a beta version of Celestia, the data used to warn the user is extracted from this map.



# Celestia Versions file Ver.134 Date 2004/11/22



Version “”


   notes “Beta six: Bug fixing.”

   date  @2004:11:22:00:00:00:000@




Version “”


   notes “Beta five: Implemented Multiple eclipse shadows.”

   date  @2004:11:12:00:00:00:000@





Version “1.3.2”


   notes “Minor release see changes log.”

   date  @2004:11:12:00:00:00:000@









The [configurations.cdb]  will generate a C++ STL map of the configurations that the user can create to manage different Celestia environments. When Celestia starts loads this file and prompts the user for choosing one configuration.  When started the user can change configuration and Celestia unloads all the old configuration modules  and loads the new configuration modules.



# Celestia Configurations file



Configuration “Default”


   modules [ 1 3 4 7 8 9 12 14 15 18 25 27 28 30 35 37 39 40 42]

   sections [ 1 2 5 6 8 23 ]



Configuration “Star wars”


   modules [ 1 3 4 8 12 14 18 25 28 35 37 39 40 42 52 53 54 55 56 58 59]

   sections [ 1 2 12 13 14 23 ]



Configuration “My development”


   modules [ 1 3 4 8 12 42 52 59]

   sections [ 1 2 12 ]








The [sections.cdb] is used to store data about the groups of Celestia objects. It generates a C++ STL map of sections that are to categorize the Celestia objects.



# Celestia Authors file Ver. 123 Date 2004/11/22 15:02:09.012



Author 1



   name “Chris”

   surname   Laurel

   locationSeattle US”


   url “www.shatters.net”

   date @2004:11:02:00:00:00:000@



Author 2





Author n









The [localmodules.cdb] is the list of the modules in the system:



# Celestia Installation modules





   {ID 1 avail 2004/11/22 updated 2004/11/22}

   {ID 2 avail 2004/11/22 updated 2004/11/22}

   {ID 3 avail 2004/11/22 updated 2004/11/22}

   {ID 4 avail 2004/11/22 updated 2004/11/22}


   {ID 60 avail 2004/11/22 updated 2004/11/22}
