I had also the fortune to see strange lights in the sky, and that happened to me two times.
My first UFO sighting occured on the 1/15/1997 at 20:15 PM. My father, while was smoking at the window, noticed a strange light in the sky. He called me, I took the camera and filmed a video of it. You can see the video by clicking on the link, but unfortunately I'm not able to post it in a very high quality since I don't have so much free web space.

there are some better pics (screenshots from the higher quality video), so that you can better understand that this UFO changed form and color repeatedly. It does not look like anything human...

In the red part you can see evidented forms that the UFO assumed in different poses.
The other pics are not modified, they are as the camera caught them!

Wiev PGV's second UFO sighting here.