Project 11 - April 26, 1999

+=widY@cL 2011=+

from newbie to another


Tools used : W32dasm 8.93 - Hiew 6.04
Target : CompuPic 4.50 build 979
Homepage :

CompuPic is a high performance, easy to use digital content manager distributed exclusively online by Photodex. Digital Content Managers enable graphic and web designers, digital photography enthusiasts and business and home users to efficiently acces and manage digital content stored across a single hard drive or across a network.

Ok .. run the program .. aah we have a trial message .. skip it ..  this time we're not gonna find out the correct password .. 'coz we have more interesting way to registering this program ..  now look at the title bar .. you should see ' Evaluation Copy ' .. this text won't show up if we are a registered user right ?! .. heh a good hint don't you think ?! .. let's dissasemble compupic.exe .. find the text in SDR .. waah it's not in here ! ..  now dissasemble if.dnt .. wait ... wait  .. done .. ok find the text in SDR .. double kick on it :

10004B57 E824B30200 call 1002FE80 ; we must return from this call with EAX=1
10004B5C 85C0 test eax, eax ; ands 1 with 1 result 1 ( zero flag not set)
10004B5E 753A jne 10004B9A ; so we'll jump to 10004B9A (good routine)

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->" - Evaluation Copy"

Now let's take a look what's inside the CALL .. snip .. snip .. aah here is the interesting parts :

* Reference To: if._ReadRegVal@12

1002FEBD E86EE5FFFF call 1002E430
1002FEC2 85C0 test eax, eax
1002FEC4 0F858F000000 jne 1002FF59 ; we should nop this jump
1002FECA 6639742408 cmp word ptr [esp+08], si
1002FECF 0F8584000000 jne 1002FF59 ; nop
1002FED5 668B44240A mov ax, word ptr [esp+0A]
1002FEDA 660344240C add ax, word ptr [esp+0C]
1002FEDF 668B0DBC630A10 mov cx, word ptr [100A63BC]
1002FEE6 6603442408 add ax, word ptr [esp+08]
1002FEEB 662944240E sub word ptr [esp+0E], ax
1002FEF0 66394C240E cmp word ptr [esp+0E], cx
1002FEF5 7562 jne 1002FF59