How to find the real serial 

MultiMedia JukeBox Version 1.0

a Cracking tutorial By Nemesis] TNT


This reading material is not intended to violate Copyrights
and/or it is law, but educational purposes only. I hold no
responsibility ( by all means and in any shape whatsoever )
of the mis-used of this material.

About The Program

This program can create, modify and play different play lists, composed by multimedia files that can be played    in background with many options.


Homepage :
Size : 41,2KB

Tool: numega Softice 4.5 [can be download at

HOW TO GET VALID SERIAL NUMBER for your name By Using [Softice]

lets get started run the MultiMedia JukeBox  now enter your name And Password click  register message say incorrect password so what we have to do is ctrl D bring softice , now we should put breakpoint like this bpx hmemcpy and enter press F5 to get out off softice, type your Name fake Password click register what happen!! back to softice, now lets search for real serial ;-) ok press F5 1times becose we want the password not your name F12 24 times until we land at this address below, now press F10 to go down to the call

:00403F56 E8D9140000 Call 00405434

:00403F5B 89C0 mov eax, eax <-----WE LAND HERE

:00403F5D 8945E8 mov dword ptr [ebp-18], eax

:00403F60 C705D470400000000000 mov dword ptr [004070D4], 00000000

:00403F6A 837DE800 cmp dword ptr [ebp-18], 00000000

:00403F6E 0F8488000000 je 00403FFC

:00403F74 E81FD2FFFF call 00401198

:00403F79 88C0 mov al, al

:00403F7B 88050C714000 mov byte ptr [0040710C], al

:00403F81 803D0C71400000 cmp byte ptr [0040710C], 00

:00403F88 745A je 00403FE4

:00403F8A 680D784000 push 0040780D

* Possible StringData Ref from Code Obj ->"rname"


:00403F8F 685A144000 push 0040145A

:00403F94 E87FD3FFFF call 00401318

:00403F99 83C408 add esp, 00000008

:00403F9C 6804784000 push 00407804

* Possible StringData Ref from Code Obj ->"rpass"


:00403FA1 6860144000 push 00401460

:00403FA6 E86DD3FFFF call 00401318

:00403FAB 83C408 add esp, 00000008

:00403FAE 6A00 push 00000000

:00403FB0 A108704000 mov eax, dword ptr [00407008]

:00403FB5 50 push eax

:00403FB6 6855704000 push 00407055

:00403FBB A16CE44000 mov eax, dword ptr [0040E46C]

:00403FC0 50 push eax <--------TYPE D EDX FOR THE PASSWORD



now remember the Password you have fond enter it and is registered !

Note: this method works with all they product.

easy or ??? the program is registered  ;-) hope you find it useful ?


Special Thanks go to All [TNT MEMBERS] Keep it Real guys.

