Nerf Arenablast

The Protection: A simple CD-check at the beginning when running the exe to start the game.

Tools needed
Wdasm, Hex-editor

The Crack: Run the game without the CD in the drive and you will get a message box asking you to insert the CD. So load the nerf.exe (inside the \system folder in your <Gamedir> into Wdasm and serach for the string 'insert'.

You will find it at line 18972, look at the section below:

:1090815D FF5208 call [edx+08] ---------------------------------------------> Do CD search
:10908160 85C0 test eax, eax -------------------------------------------------> Is CD in the drive?
:10908162 7F79 jg 109081DD -------------------------------------------------> If it is then bypass the error message
:10908164 6A00 push 00000000

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Window"
:10908166 68500D9210 push 10920D50
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"InsertCdTitle" -----------> This is our string search
:1090816B 68DC149210 push 109214DC
:10908170 FFD7 call edi
:10908172 83C40C add esp, 0000000C
:10908175 8BF0 mov esi, eax
:10908177 6A00 push 00000000
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Window"
:10908179 68500D9210 push 10920D50

What we need to do to crack this check is to always bypass the error message. To do this we place a JMP in place of the JG at 10908162. The hexcode for which is EB.

So fire up your hex-editor and goto offset h8162 and enter EB in place of 7F.

Save your newly cracked exe end run it.................look, no more cd-check.
