These informations are for educational purposes only!|

                                How to crack Vbox 4.0 protections
                                     using Procdump 1.5.0 
                                          -4 newbies-

      Hi there! Uzzi's back with a new tut ... Read it!

      Program to crack: NetAccelerator 2.0
      Tools you need: Procdump 1.5.0

      A few words about VBox

   VBox is a commercial protection system which is founded in some apps. Few months ago this
  protection was 'uncrackable' for some crackers. But with Procdump is fairy easy to crack
  for a newbie.

        Questions &

   Q : Procdump ? What's thiz ?
   A : ProcDump  is  brand  new  type  of  tool  that  allows u  to Dump, Unpack, some Protected         PE files without any need of debugger.

   Q :  Why we use it ?
   A : Because the app we want to crack it's a protected PE File.

   Q : Where can i find thiz tool ?

      Let's start the party !

    In Procdump, choose unpack, then in the list choose Vbox Dialog and click 'OK'. Select file
   protected : NetAccel.exe. Now you have to wait until the target has been loaded and the
   VBox screen displayed. Next, click Try button. Switch back to Procdump and press 'OK' (target
   it's ready to be worked with).
    The unpacker status window will be show:

      Predumping File ...

      Tracing File ...

      Hiding Debugger to host ...

      Breakpoint reached at 0x004C0000

      String search in progress .....

      Breakpoint reached at 0x004C002B

      Setting breakpoint at 0x004BF000

      Breakpoint reached at 0x004BF000

      Setting Memory Search Base to 0x004BF000

      String search in progress .....

      Setting breakpoint at 0x004BF02B

     After that, VBox dialog is displayed again and you'll have to push 'Try'.
     Then you must specify a name for the unpacked exe who will be saved, let's say crackacc.exe.
     You will see a message: 'Process Succesfully unpacked ;) (EIP 0x004BF02B)'.
     Now, we use PE Editor to remove no-longer needed section, WeijunLi. Click on PE Editor,
    then select crackacc.exe. Click on Sections button, right-click on WeijunLi section and
    choose 'Kill Section' (say BYE-BYE to Weijunli) . Apply the changes by checking 'To PEfile'.
    Now let's try ... Start crackacc.exe and you won't see that ugly Vbox dialog ... 
       You may run ever and forever this app because there are no time limitations...CooL!
    (but don't forget! : IF you like the program THEN buy it!)

   You can crack many others apps like thiz ... Advanced crackers may choose to unpack manually,
     but u r a newbie (no shame) and you have to read many tut ...

     If you want more informations on Vbox Cracking go ahead and read Xoanon or Marigold's tuts
      (Knowledge is power!)

    To practice, apply what you learned on others apps protected with VBox 4.0.


        Jackie Twoflower - you r a great coder, keep VX-ing ;).
        HexCrasher - the CD will gr0W ? I'm waiting for........
        Nostradamus - your page is pretty, 10nx for SmartCheck.
        3D iDA - you r one of the best graphix man i can see...
        oRIon - maybe u 2 he, he, he...........................
        FlashKid - 10nx for the script.........................
        +ORC, fravia (u have the best site 'bout cracking), tKC
        Tuturor crackerilor romani - contactati-ma
        Everyone inside #lz0, #cracking (undernet)

    If you have any question about this tut, mali to me at uzziest@yahoo.com or catch me in #lz0
      (or #cracking) in undernet.

     See you on the next tutor!