These informations are for educational purposes only!|

Cracking "NetInfoR v 3.4 (special build 603)"
Date: July 15, 1999
Author : +ViPeR+
[E]bola [V]irus [C]rew

Program Name : NetInfoR v 3.4 (special build 603)
Location     : http://www.netinfo.co.il/downloads.html

Method: ECHO
Difficulty : Easy. Good for beginner to practice.

Locate the registration screen and enter the following info first:

User Name: evc_viper
License Key: 54545454
Computer Name: C58018-A


'Ctrl-D' to get into Soft-Ice and set a breakpoint by typing
'bpx getwindowtexta' in it. Ok. get out of Soft-Ice and press the 'OK'

Now, you are back to Soft-Ice. 
'x enter' two times.
'F11' one time.
'F10' 26 times to get back to NetInfo process. Now, you will find you
land at 0041156C. 'F10' several times and you will see the following 

:00411571 E8BC1D0000              Call 00413332
:00411576 8BCF                    mov ecx, edi
:00411578 E8AF1D0000              Call 0041332C
:0041157D 8D5E64                  lea ebx, dword ptr [esi+64]
:00411580 8BCB                    mov ecx, ebx
:00411582 E8AB1D0000              Call 00413332
:00411587 8BCB                    mov ecx, ebx
:00411589 E89E1D0000              Call 0041332C
:0041158E 8B07                    mov eax, dword ptr [edi]
:00411590 8B4E68                  mov ecx, dword ptr [esi+68]
:00411593 6A01                    push 00000001
:00411595 50                      push eax ; <-- user name
:00411596 51                      push ecx ; <-- computer name 
:00411597 FF158C604100            Call dword ptr [0041608C] ; <-- generate the
                                                            ; license key 
:0041159D 8B0B                    mov ecx, dword ptr [ebx]
:0041159F 50                      push eax ; <-- correct license key
:004115A0 51                      push ecx ; <-- our fake license key
:004115A1 FF1530654100            Call dword ptr [00416530] ; <-- compare them
:004115A7 83C414                  add esp, 00000014
:004115AA 85C0                    test eax, eax
:004115AC 7535                    jne 004115E3 ; <-- jump if bad cracker.

If you want to write a key generator, check the call at :00411597 
(Call dword ptr [0041608C]). 

My license key is : A824-AC4EF0D3-F7F5. Of course you can NOT use it to
register NetInfo coz your computer name is different from mine and I am 
pretty sure about that. Go try and find your own license key. 

Final Note:

Ob Duh
   Do I really have to remind you all that by buying and NOT stealing the 
   software you use will ensure that these software houses will continue to
   produce even *better* software for us to use and more importantly, to
   continue offering even more challenges to breaking their often weak
   protection systems.

[E]bola [V]irus [C]rew
July 15, 1999