The Australian Television

Australians often call television "the box".

-Many of the Australian programs come from England or from the U.S.A.

-There are many TV channels:

-2 - 7 - 9 - 10 and SBS.

On CHANNEL 2 there is the ABC, that is mainly international NEWS;
CHANNEL 7 is about SPORT;
also CHANNEL 9 is about SPORT especially Australian football;
is the one for children and young people;
SBS is an international channel with films from every country in the world.
Films are usually broadcast in the original language with subtitles at the bottom.

There are programs which are similar to the Italian ones: "The Price is Right" , "The Wheel of Fortune", "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" or "Good News Week", which is similar to our Zelig and makes fun of the politicians.

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