Topics for the oral test



  1. Tell about a dream you had
  2. Tell about a book you read
  3. Tell about a wedding you attended
  4. Tell about a time you felt embarassed
  5. Tell about a time you felt happy
  6. Tell about a time you felt really surprised
  7. Tell about a wish you have
  8. Tell about what you think of TV
  9. Tell about your predictions for the planet future
  10. Tell about what you think of genetic engineering
  11. Tell about your relationship with money
  12. Tell about a job you’d like to do
  13. Tell about if you’d like to be famous and why or why not
  14. Tell about you and shopping
  15. Tell about you and food
  16. Tell about you and health
  17. Tell about you and rules
  18. Tell about you and parties
  19. Tell about a film you saw
  20. Tell about an important decision you or a person you know had to make.
  21. Tell about you and fashion.
  22. Tell about what you hope for in the future.
  23. Tell about what you think of village and city life.
  24. Tell about you and school.
  25. Tell about your early memories.
  26. Tell about your habits.
  27. Tell about your ambitions.
  28. Tell about you and the media.
  29. Tell about you and advertising.
  30. Tell about you and the internet.