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Sul libro Complex Numbers & Geometry di Liang-shin Hahn

Storia della matematica in rete dall'università di Ferrara
Storia della matematica in rete

Introduzione motivante ai numeri complessi con esercizi risolti
Visual Complex Analysis di Tristan Needham
Complex Numbers di Gary S. Stoudt
Un piano di Gauss in Java
Dave's Short Course on Complex Numbers provides a thorough and accessible introduction to complex numbers, their meaning, geometry, and operations.
Geometry and Complex Numbers offers a text with exercises on complex numbers and trigonometry.
Complex Applet provides an interactive tool for studying the geometry of complex numbers.
Teorema fondamentale dell'algebra
COMPLEX ANALYSIS: Mathematica 4.0 Notebooks by John H. Mathews, and Russell W. Howell, 2000
Solving the Quintic with Mathematica
Applets Java per i numeri complessi
Altre applets Java

The Mathematical Atlas: Functions of a complex variable
Grafici di funzioni complesse
Understanding Complex Function Graphs by Tom Banchoff and Davide Cervone
f(z) - The Complex Variables Program Lascaux Graphics
Complex Analysis: Explorations with F(Z)
Julia and Mandelbrot Set Explorer David E. Joyce
Complex Function Visualization Frank Farris
Visualizing complex analytic functions using domain coloring Hans Lundmark
The Geometry of C2 , The Complex Map Visualizer
Java Complex Function Viewer Keith Orpen and Djun M. Kim
Complex in life
Complessi per Ingegneria, Università di Bologna di Giulio Cesare Barozzi
Communications in Visual Mathematics an aid to visualizing complex graphs in four dimensions.

Resources for the Teaching of Complex Variables Paul Fishback

cut-the-knot: un sito particolarmente intrigante per la matematica
a cominciare in particolare What is a number?
Mathématique du secondaire

pagine e figure in CabriJava di Roberto Ricci L.S. "A. Righi", Bologna. Ultima revisione