My 2nd Edition Imperial Guard army is now 3.000 pts and includes 2 commissars, 4 command squads, 5 regimental units, 3 heavy weapons squads, 3 Chimera, 3 Leman Russ, 1 Griffon, 1 Basilisk, 1 Hellhound, 1 Stormtrooper squad and a Ratling Sniper unit.

In this page you can find:
  • 1200 pts standard army
  • 2100 pts campaign army
  • 1200 pts league army

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    85th Cadian Infantry Regiment
    "Fortiter pugnare"

    (Warhammer 40.000 2nd Edition)

    This is my standard Imperial Guard Army, circa 1200 points.

    Command Units:

    Colonel with Chainsword and Krak Grenades; Armour piercing ammo, Displacer Field and Combi weapon (two bolter).
    His command squad includes a Flamer and a Commlink operator.
    Veteran Abilities: Dead Eye Shots.

    Captain with Krak Grenades; Bionic Eye and Combi weapon (two bolter).
    His command squad includes a Lascannon team and a Comm-link operator.
    Veteran Abilities: Street Fighter.

    Battle line
    A platoon consisting of two battle squad and a heavy weapons squad.

    Each standard battle squad has a Heavy Bolter team and a Flamer.
    Veteran Abilities: Dead Eye Shots.

    Heavy Weapons Squad:
    2 Mortar teams and a Lascannon team.
    Veteran Abilities: Slick Crew.

    Armoured Section

    1 Chimera
    1 Leman Russ Battle Tank

    I'm playing a small campaign at my gaming club, this is the main battle force of a rebel Imperial Guard planet...
    	Imperial Guard Army		2160	 points
    	Command Unit
    Captain Cmd Squad,(146): Autocannon, Dead Eye Shots, Comm Link
    Lieutnant Cmd Squad,(145): Lascannon, Dead Eye Shots, Comm Link
    Lieutnant Cmd Squad,(155): Lascannon, Gren. Launc.,Dead Eye Shots,Comm Link
    	Battle Line
    Regimental Unit (142): Heavy Bolter, Flamer, Dead Eye Shots
    Regimental Unit (162): Lascannon, Flamer, Dead Eye Shots
    H. Weapons Unit	(130): 2x Mortar, Heavy Bolter, Slick Crew
    	Additional Units
    Storm Trooper Unit (135): Freedom Fighters
    	Armoured Section
    Chimera (140)
    Chimera (140)
    Chimera	(140)
    Leman Russ (205)
    Leman Russ (205)
    Basilisk (175)
    Griffon (140)

    2nd Armoured Infantry Company,
    85th Cadian Infantry Regiment

    I'm playing in a Gaming League, here at my gaming club in Bari.
    I recently fielded this armoured company (1197 points):
    Command Unit
    Captain Cmd Squad (112 pts)
    Special Weap. 2x Plasma Gun
    Veteran Abil. Dead Eye Shots

    Lieutnant Cmd Squad (135 pts) mounted into a Chimera
    Heavy Weap. Lascannon
    Special Weap. 2x Grenade Launcher
    Veteran Abil. Dead Eye Shots

    Battle Line
    Regimental Unit (130 pts) mounted into a Chimera
    Heavy Weap. Lascannon

    H. Weapons Unit (130 pts)
    Heavy Weap. 2x Mortar, 1x Heavy Bolter
    Veteran Abil. Slick Crew

    Additional Units
    2x Leman Russ Battle Tank (2x 205)

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    Page created: 05/29/1997
    Last update: 06/04/1997