PIC32-fan page





If you are reading this page, probably you are interested in microcontroller programmation, and probably you already had experiences with the well known 8-bit PIC family...

Well, while the old 8-bit PIC family
is still a comfortable device for  common applications, now there is a new choice for the hobbist!
The PIC32 family wich is a real 32 bit controller.

The PRO are: more memory, more speed and better peripherals for about the same price...
The CONS are: chip package difficult to handle, few developments tools avaiable (till now) and complex documentation to read...

The Scope

This site is dedicated to introduce the use of PIC32 to hobbists.
The scope is to find and set-up the tools to program the PIC32 at low cost and in a way avaible to common users.

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