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Jesus Christ                                       

     Beethoven - 9th

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Let me say first of all that I am a Christian who doesn't feel ashamed. Although I'm Catholic, anyway a little inclined to the orthodoxy because I really feel that truth is certainly not anybody’s private property. On the contrary, I think it's a continuous process of research which nobody can take away. What I say here is obviously my personal interpretation of Christ's figure and I assume the entire responsibility as I know that all people can't have my point of view.

"I am the way, the truth and the life ..."

Jesus presents himself in this way: He proclaims to be the Messiah to the world, THE GOD'S SON.

He is certainly the basic reference's figure of west culture and for Christianity. He is the fulcrum and engine of life and universe. Jesus gives Peace's definition from his point of view and it's easier but also the most complex in terms of application. "I live you peace, I give you my peace ... that is not as the same of this world" and I retain that the meaning of this sentence is synthesizable in three of his rules:

bullet"Love God, your sir, with all your hath, with all your soul and with all your mind"
bullet"Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself"
bulletAnd  "to be perfect sell your things and give revenue to the poor. You will receive a treasure in the sky" (this is explained as his peace is not the same world's peace: corruptible, wanting).

The peace's concept seems more anchored to a being's condition than to the research of a material welfare which is able to put down will's satisfaction and reach a peace's status.

The Gospel is expressed in a simple style, to make the first Christians understand the way of the Gospel. Its content is extremely rich in examples (parables) which tends on one hand to effective in communication and from the other hand to send messages which give believers models of life with high impact on social organizations of that time (and not only of that time!). Although we must "render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and unto God that are God's ... " anyway Jesus’s peace, in its day by day application, has an impact on all our relationships; in fact it suggests individual sacrifice in order to have common benefits and let me say ... it's too hard!!!

Anyway the real goal, the true peace, is the eternal life that means the understanding of God's Thoughts; this is the same as saying that the nearer we are to Him then the more we are as Him. Jesus’s promise: after resurrection men and women will be as angels (i.e. nearest God).

love your enemy, show kindness to those who hate you, ... if somebody gives you a slap on the face present him the other side ... if somebody pulls off your cloak, let him take away also your shirt ... give something to all that ask you for something ... give to others the same things that you like to have back ... who is without sin fling the first stone ...

All these examples are related in a coherent point of view and their common denominator is reflected in His life which was offered for all people ... because all was made and the light lamp is not left under a pail! Therefore the Christian concept of peace, every thing leads towards someone.

Each consideration, all things and all activities can't be assumed just for themselves but they become a way to achieve universal peace.


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