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Jesus Christ
Saint Francis of Assisi
Pope John XXIII
Martin Luther King Jr
Nelson Mandela
Mother Theresa
Nobel Prizes

      Beatles - Stand by me


Some personalities are really particular for their life and become a reference point for all humanity.

It's also true that: " ... don't switch on a oil lamp to put it under a bed ..." so the instances we report in these pages are surely STARS   who illuminate our path in the night. Although in a summary and without pretence of completeness, these pages may be an early attempt to allow all surfers can give their contribution.

We like to think that Peace is a hope's project. It's cultivate in our intimacy; it's also a trend towards the respect of other beings. Everybody must join us on the road to achieve lasting peace.

Others Peace's Stars not included in this site.

Bertolt Brecht Dom Helder Camara Aldo Capitini (1899-1968) Dorothy Day (1897-1980) Danilo Dolci (1924-Vivente) Albert Einstein Anna Frank (1929-1944) Elisabeth Fry (1780-1845) Gandhi (1869-1948) Jean E Hildegard Goss-Mayr Franz Jagerstatter Martin luther King (1929-1968) Gertrud Kurz (1890-1972) Giorgio La Pira Alberto Luthuli Don Primo Mazzolari Chico Mendes Max Josef Metzger (1887-1944) Don Lorenzo Milani Ernesto Teodoro Moneta (1833-1918) Florence Nightingale (1823-1910) Alfred Nobel (1833-1896) Oppenheimer Adolfo Perez Esquivel Gianni Rodari Oscar Romero Bertrand Russel Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) Herman Stohr (1898-1940) Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) Leone Tolstoj Marinela Garcia Villas Berta Von Suttner

Suggested from surfers

Daisaku Ikeda  Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev Nerhu Gandhi  Indira Gandhi

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