
1. You start in your opponent's guard.

2. You now start to pass one arm under in an attempt to pass the guard.
Remember to block the incoming triangle choke by keeping his other leg down with your elbow.

3. Your opponent now blocks your guard pass by puting his foot under your leg.
(This is a text book defense on his part.)

4. You will want to keep the grip that you have under his leg and secure it even more by bringing your other knee right between his legs and on to his hip as shown.
You will want to make sure that the blade of your forearm is under his knee as tight as you can get it.

5. Now you want to clasp your hands together and start to fall back keeping the tight grip under his knee.

6. As you fall back, you will want to continue to pull his leg toward you in order to ensure a tight grip. You will want to squeeze your knees together at this point.

7. To make the finish possible, you need to squeeze your knees together tightly and push your legs toward him at the same time.
You will also want to pull his leg toward your chest with your arms.
Remember that you want the blade of your forearm under his knee as tight as you can get it.

This will cause a tremendous amount of pain under the knee if done properly.