Chapter: Defense against Side Control
Move: Against a Wrestler's cradle

He has both arms past you in a side control.
He reaches between your legs. At this point he is open to a triangle.
As he switches his grip to around your head and tries to pull your leg up, push his head away by pushing on his neck with the blade of your forearm and...
...accelerate the upward movement of your leg, bringing it past his head as shown.
Make a figure four with your legs.
At this point you can strike his face, or...
..ribs, or both. Always aim for the floating ribs, or high under the arm pit, but not the middle.
If neccesary you can roll him. If in his attempt to escape, his hips come up, that is the time you would want to roll him to his back as shown. Notice the foot and hand placement facilitating the roll.
When you are rolled all the way over, lift your foot and squeeze your knees together to complete the choke.


This move can be found on page D-22 in the Fighter's Notebook.