Top Ten Rejected TransFormer Slogans: 10. Arcee: "Darn! Broke a nail!" 9. Ratchet: "Cut it out! I'm DEAD already!" 8. Grimlock: "Your feeble attempt to participate in any social event only goes to show your complete lack of mental ability and---wait, me can't read next word!" 7. Kup: "Comfound it! Where's my false denture-units?" 6. Ratbat: "One question.....How the heck did I ever become leader of the Decepticons?" 5. Nightbeat: "Quit callin' me Minerva!" 4: Fortress Maximus: "Ack! Where's my head!" 3: Soundwave: "Disco's back. Trust me." 2: Megatron: "Blowing up stuff is cool. Huh-huh huh-huh-huh huh-huh...." 1: Optimus Prime: "I have but one--no--two, er....THREE lives to give for my country!" "All must obey THE CHEESE."--David Willis For comments/questions/cuss-outs, write David Willis at