Okay, my turn -- TOP TEN SIGNS YOU ARE OBSESSED WITH TRANSFORMERS: (R. Jung version) =================================================================== 10. Talk to cars and other inanimate objects in hopes of getting a response. 9. Changes clothes while making the "Breep breep braap braap bruup" transformation sound. 8. Try to entertain people at parties by acting out the movie, complete with voices and sound effects. 7. Answer boss'/parents'/spouse's requests with "As you command, Megatron." 6. Sneak backstage at Monster Truck rallies to paint Decepticon sigil on the transforming Truckasaurus. 5. Would rather watch the entire American and Japanese animated series than the O.J. Simpson trial. (Well, who -wouldn't,- really? B-) 4. Petition Congressman to start massive Pentagon funding for "Multi-purpose Reconfigurable Humanoid Weapons Systems." 3. Make your own Energon using common household fuels. 2. Look into plastic surgery to make you look like your favorite Autobot/Decepticon. And the number one sign you are obsessed with Transformers... 1. Cybertron or Bust. --R.J. B-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "I write because I am personally amused by what I do, and if other people are amused by it, then it's fine. If they're not, then that's also fine." Send mail to rjung@netcom.com --Frank Zappa