Reconfig. Ironhide, Reconfig. Evil Ironhide and Cow variations

Reconfig. Ironhide and Reconfig. Evil Ironhide
Sticker Enhancement Kits

Many of us fans have long awaited the return of our favorite G1 characters like Optimus Prime, Megatron, Prowl, Sideswipe, and of course - Mirage and Ironhide. Hurray! The Robots in Disguise line gives us some of the characters we want! However, it seems that we're getting our characters in name, but not in spirit... Ironhide looks like... a COW! What's up with that?! Shouldn't they have at least tried to make them look like they did in G1? I wanted to do something about it, so I designed a special sticker kit that covers most of Ironhide's pickup truck body with awesome metallic RED, with visual features and details true to the original G1 Ironhide. Put these stickers on and help poor Ironhide kiss that cow skin good-baaahye! Besides practically turning Ironhide red for the most part, I designed this kit so that when he transforms, the big titanium plate design on the hood will simulate G1 Ironhide's distinctive chest window. Your toy will look more like the G1 animated Ironhide than any other version available! (Aren't we lucky that the original G2 Go-Bot head mold was actually somewhat based on the animated Ironhide!). I've added a couple of metallic plates bearing Ironhide's memorable catchphrase "LEAKIN' LUBRICANT!", that you can stick onto the tailgate and front bumper. And if that wasn't enough to make you want to give your lil RID spychanger a makeover, keep in mind that you'll be giving your toy a very attractive metallic finish of extremely high quality - turning an inexpensive plasticy little toy into a radiant work of art that you may be very proud of owning! It doesnt feel cheapy anymore! Wheeee!!! I also made an evil variation of the kit that will transform Ironhide into an ominous black and purple Decepticon... After his head was blown to scrap in the movie, the Decepticons could have had their way with what was left of him... Could this Evil Ironhide be the result? :) But wait.. there's more variations!!

Originally, I had designed the Reconfig Ironhide kits so that they would effectively turn Ironhide red or purple, but he would still keep the cow skin pattern. However, I got a lot of feedback from people telling me how much they absolutely hated the cow pattern, so I decided to redesign the sets to banish and cover the cowskin look. (it took me an extra week or two!). Despite that, I still felt there might be some people out there who want the cow pattern, whether it be for amusement, faithfulness to the RID cartoon, preference, etc. Also, I worked my butt off to make the cow skin accurate, so I wouldnt want that work to go to waste! Personally I think the cow pattern actually looks pretty cool in red and black... so ... I worked on the set a little more, changed some colors, and gave him new plates that say "LEAKIN' LACTOSE!" and "got milk?".. and voila! The Cowhide and Evil Cowhide kits were born! I've got some funny story concepts to explain this character, that will be going into my upcoming tech specs section. Teletran 1 scanned a pickup truck that happened to be hauling a dairy cow back to the farm... Got the protoforms mixed up and wham! Truck + Cow + Ironhide = Cowhide! With his hyper-pressurized cannon that squirts endless streams of milk with deadly force, Cowhide is a force to be reckoned with! Each kit, whether it be Reconfig Ironhide, Reconfig Evil Ironhide, Reconfig Cowhide or Reconfig Evil Cowhide - is made up of one metallic sticker sheet, and application map/notes sheet. They are each sold seperately and are priced as follows:

$8 Reconfig. Ironhide Kit
$8 Reconfig. Evil Ironhide Kit
$8 Reconfig. Cowhide Kit
$8 Reconfig. Evil Cowhide Kit

Please e-mail me to order. Go the the ordering section for more information.