The Bad...




The Decepticons' most impressionable, ABC gum chewing, Designing Women obsessed member, Barry has the ability to summon a giant Delta Burke Megazord, along with Gary, his ill-suited companion.

Battle wins: 0/0

Fists?: Yes

First appearance:
Ep 6


Battle Buffalo*

One of Fred's numerous unnamed underlings, this guy's name probably isn't Battle Buffalo, but that's the name of the toy, so that's what we've got to work with for now. Fred's most trusted unnamed advisor, Battle Buffalo is the source of Fred's most vile and ridiculous plots, including conquering McDonalds and kidnapping Justin Timberlake.

Battle wins: 0/1 (Against McDonalds' Secret Sauce)

Fists?: Nope

First appearance:
Ep 6


Delta Burke Megazord

The hideous giant, summoned by the combined abilities of Barry and Garry, single-handedly obliterated the Linolium Plains, as well as the Not-Even-Close-To-Being A Unicron Wanna-Be, when its ego grew too large and exploded.

Battle wins: 1/1 (destroyed itself in the process)

Fists?: Before it blew to pieces

First appearance:
Ep 63



The truly, truly outragious leader of the Decepticon forces, Fred first took on the Autobots when Prime left him negative feedback on the lot of Transformers he'd sold him. Fred is surely the most powerful transformer of all, and has previously taken on all the Autobots at once (and won!), but rather than obliterate them easily, he opts to "pimp it with style", adding a tastefully artistic style to his tactics. Fred has also previously held the coveted number one spot at TRL, and after years of questing, has succeeded in finding Waldo. His only weakness appears to be his Trademark. Ask him why he doesn't transform into a gun and he'll kill you.

Fred is currently running for the 2004 presidency.

Battle wins: 2/4 (once against a part time McDonalds' employee)

Fists?: Yep

First appearance:
Ep 2 (cameo)
Ep 3 (full)



The slightly insane, power-crazed opponent of the Autobots with an inferiority complex regarding his size was once a relatively benign, fashion-conscious, Designing-Women loving stuffed something-or-other, who abducted the Autobots because he wanted to chat. Upon seeing Grapple's offensive orange color scheme, he was forced to kill him, only to have the Not-Even-Close-To-Being-A Unicron Wanna-Be stomp on him, his minions eat him, and be resurrected as Galvaphil.

He later obliterated Prime as well, making Phil/Galvaphil the only enemy ever to kill two Autobots, let alone one. It hasn't all been sunshine and roses for Galvaphil though. He's also been stomped to death, devoured by Goblin minions, and had his eyebrows plucked and eaten. Most recently, he was murdered quite mercilessly by a mob of copyrighted Transformer-haters.

Battle wins: 2/5

Fists?: more like little chunks of non-descript plastic

First appearance:
Ep 16 (as Phil)
Ep 20 (as GalvaPhil)

Final appearance:
Ep 105



The Decepticon who loves to have allies pull his finger, Gary seems to enjoy standing over the shoulder of his companion, Barry, while watching him do stupid things. Together, they possess the ability to summon the unstoppable Delta Burke Megazord.

Battle wins: 0/0

Fists?: Yep

First appearance:
Ep 6


Justin Timberlake

The evil pop divo of the Decepticons, Justin is horrified by Waruderos' boobs and is largely responsible for Fred's brief rise to stardom with his "Fredified" album.

Battle wins: 0/0

Fists?: Yes

First appearance:
Ep 28


Ned Meadows

Sensationalist news reported with CIA ties and a whole lot of issues. Ned experienced a close encounter of the first kind when Poseidon made first contact with him by offering to buy him a brewski. Fear-stricken by this experience, Ned ultimately assassinated him during a September 11th Breakfast Cereal parade.

Though a suspect, Ned never faced charged for Poseidon's death. Currently, he is leading an aggressive war against copyrighted Transformers.

Battle wins: 1/1 (Bye bye, Poseidon)

Fists?: Yes

First appearance:
Ep 08


Prince Waruderos I, II, & III

Waruderos's three strange children who don't seem to be able to do much other than fly around the heads of important political leaders and, occasionally, poop on some of them.

Battle wins: 0/0

Fists?: Yes

First appearance:
Ep 25



The weirdest member of the Decepticons, Rudy is best known for his strange choice of names for his offspring, as well as his fake boobs with 'N-Sync written on them, which make him feel more "comfortable". Waruderos is feared throughout the galaxy for his ruthlessness, but that reputation doesn't seem to have followed him to Earth.

Battle wins: 0/0

Fists?: Claws, actually

First appearance:
Ep 25