Welcome to the Church's audio archive. You can hear what Wazzpinator soundz like here.

Note: All sounds marked with a '*' were recorded by  TW Cool

Megatron: "I rather like these aliens."  Terrorsaur: "Like them? They're trying to destroy us!" Waspinator: "Waspinator not want to be destroyed. Waspinator has plans."  Scorponok: "Megatron will save us."  Megatron: "I think not." *

Waspinator:  "Waspinator to Megatron. Waspinator has, ow, female fleshy bot, ow,  but there is problem." Megatron: "She'd better not be injured."  Waspinator: "No, she injuring Waspinator, ow!" Megatron: "Ahh, situation normal then, yes." *

Waspinator: "Waspinator having good day. Not yet shot once."

Megatron: "Waspinator, salvage Inferno." Waspinator: "Oh, Inferno blow up, Waspinator must salvage. Waspinator blow up, nobody salvage. Why universe hate Waspinator?"

Megatron: "Waspinator will speak for the defense."  Waspinator: "Ooo, Waspinator like defense. A little more defense and maybe Waspinator not get blown up all the time." *

Waspinator: "Ohhhh, Waspinator has a headache in his whole body."

Waspinator: "Waspinator pinned like iron butterfly."

Inferno: "There! That will be our new colony."  Quickstrike: " Ewww, I don't want to move in there. It's got all them hairy critters in it. Unless....unless you mean we's gonna slag 'em. Oh, oh please tell me that's what you're plannin." Inferno: "The royalty demands a new colony. And we shall take it...by force." Quickstrike: "Yahoo, now you're talkin! Ha ha. How's about it bug boy? You ready to rip? Ha ha. "  Waspinator: "No."  Quickstrike: "WHAT!?" Inferno:" But the royalty commands." Waspinator: "I said no! Dragon-bot command you subcommander kiss butt. Dragon-bot not command Waspinator, not any more. Waspinator sick of being evil, sick of being Predacon. And Waspinator especially sick of getting blown to scrap all the time! Soooo Waspinator quit. As of now, which means antbot and two heads can just pucker their mandibles and plant big wet juicy one right here on Waspinator's big, fat, stripey- " (Blam!) *

(Waspinator clears his throat) *

Terrorsaur: "Stop slobbering on me Tarantulas." Tarantulas: "I am feasting." Waspinator: "Give Waspinator more room. Tarantulas fat enough already." Tarantulas: "If Waspinator doesn't stop cuddling me like a stuffed toy when he sleeps, I'll eat him as well." Waspinator: "I'd like to see you try." Tarantulas: "Yes I will." Waspinator: "No you won't." Tarantulas: "Yes so." Waspinator: "No, you ahhh" Terrorsaur: "You all make me sick. I can't stand this any longer Megatron. I... I've got to get out." *

Terrorsaur: "Oops." Waspinator: "Pteradactyl idiot!" Terrorsaur: "Ahhh." *

Terrorsaur: "Let's gather some fragments. Megatron will want proof." Waspinator: "Waspinator wants his head!" Terrorsaur: "It's mine bugface." *

(crash) Waspinator: "Doh, no. Down raptor, bad raptor. Ohhhhhhhhh."

Waspinator: "Waspinator hate birdbot."

Waspinator: "Wha? Catbot cannot fly."

Waspinator: "Oh sure. Don't mind Waspinator. Waspinator just lie here and suffer. Drag himself to CR tank. Ohhh, not fair."

Waspinator: "Waspinator down with that."

Inferno: "The royalty will triumph. All we need is a new colony. And I shall find it." Waspinator: "Ha! Antbot not find own thorax with both hands and a road map." (Inferno pulls Waspinator from tree, throws him to ground)

Megatron: "The clone cell's Waspinator. Infuse them into our new host." Waspinator:(In Igor kind of way)"Yesss Megatron." Megatron:" Install the transmetal driver." Waspinator: "(still like Igor) Yesss Master, hehehheheh." Megatron: "And now I bequeath you half a spark. The very core of a nightmare. (Gasps) Ah hungry for life, yesss. Ready!"

Waspinator: "Waspinator see helpless target. Oh happy day."

Waspinator: "Waspinator sick of taking orders. Waspinator is greatest of Predacons. Waspinator rules!"

Waspinator: "Waspinator 1......Doggiebot zippo."

Waspinator:"Not fair. Waspinator always gets slag assignments." Megatron: "May I remind Waspinator that the current cease fire applies only in reference to the Maximals." Waspinator: "Waspinator go."

Megatron: "Quickly, damage report." Waspinator: " Moderate. Waspinator in pain but still functional." Megatron: "Not you, imbecile, the computer!

Waspinator: "Waspinator not want to be destroyed. Waspinator has plans."

Waspinator: "Humph, you not tell Waspinator what to do. Waspinator in command." Silverbolt: "Okay, what is your command?"  Waspinator: "Doggiebot follow Waspinator. Waspinator will lead." Silverbolt: "Ohhhh."

Waspinator: "Oh, one day Megatron see Waspinator is true leader of Predacons."

Waspinator: "Waspinator want to renegotiate contract."

Waspinator: "Waspinator not think this job so important." Inferno: "Every job for the royalty is a gift." Waspinator:"Antbot is major suck-up."

Waspinator: "Destroy all autobot-bot-bot-bot-bot." Megatron: "Waspinator, what are you buzzing about?" Waspinator: "Waspinator, negative, negative, negative. I am Shrapnel, Decepticon hero-o-o-o-o-o."  Blackarachnia: "Shrapnel? That was a Decepticon from the Great Wars three centuries ago. He's wacko." Waspinator: "Wacko? No! Wonko, Wonko the Sane!(Proceeds to hit himself in the head)"

Waspinator: "Ohhhh, Maximal will leave or be scrap." Rattrap: "No chance bug face I got here first. Besides there's a cease fire goin, remember?" Waspinator: "So? Waspinator not shoot.(Hits Rattrap)"

Non-Show Waspinator & Rattrap Sounds

These come courtesy of Kevin Lukis from Botcon 99

Scott McNeil explaning how he came up with Rattrap's voice

Scott McNeil explaning how he came up with Waspinator's voice

Scott McNeil saying thank you in the voices of Rattrap, Silverbolt, Dinobot, and Waspinator and Doug Parker saying thank you in the voice of Terrorsaur

Sounds from the U.S. 'Beast Wars: Transmetals' N64 game

"It's not fair."
"Waspinator not scrap this time."
(Sounds of being hit and jumping)
"Waspinator is greatest of Predacons."
"Go Predacons!"
"Oh, goodie!"
"Waspinator always gets scrapped."
"Oh, back to CR tank for Waspinator."
"Megatron will be pleased."
"Waspinator quit."
"Waspinator rules!"
"Waspinator tired of this."
"Vehicle mode!"
"Waspinator tear loser-bot a new waste disposal unit."
