
-When Tre first took drum lessons from one of his neighbours, the guy would not let him have any cymbals! Just so he could get better on his drum skills! Than after he quit going to its drum lessons, he stole cymbals from a local music store and used them like there was no tomorrow.
-The main habit that Tre has is talking about his cock to his fans because is in his horny nature. He also has another habits, the masturbation and he loves to do and seems to go on about it a lot.
-When Green Day first got started, their tour bus was an old bookmobile van that Tre's dad bought and fixed up.
-If Tre could play any movie role in history, he would choose Cat Woman.
-In the Last Ride In video, Tre plays the accordian part to DUI.
-In Holiday video, Tre dressed up as Alkaline Trio and a woman.
-Tre has his left nipple peirced.
-When they first went touring, Tre was staying in a house which didn't have any milk but only coffee. There was, however a dog, and Tre milked the dog and put it into his coffee. In an interview, Mike and Tre were alone and Mike said "You didn't tell everyone it was a boy dog"!!!
-Tre was class president for a time when he was in high school.
-Tré climbed the Universal Studios ball (their trademark) in Orlando, Florida. He climbed the ball at the 1998 MTV Video Music Awards. It landed him in VH1's Top 100 Red Carpet Acts.
-Tre loves to golf.
-Tre dressed up as Benji Madden of Good Charlotte for Halloween '04.
-Tre likes his shoes.
-Tre only has one nut. He was performing on a unicycle on a stage at a high school when he fell off and landed on the unicycle. His nut sack went inside his body, and he still has one nut. Probably this accident gave him his high voice.
-Tre played violin in the second grade.
-Tre went to a clown college and took a course in it.
-In an interview on Trio, Tre has said that if he were any female celebrity he would be "that chick from the Golden Girls, because she's old and loose".
-Tre once caught a shark on accident, and after beating it with a baseball bat multiple times, it finally died when he hit it with the stump of the bat.
-Tre is the godfather of Billie Joe's kids.
-In an interview, they were asked what kind of music they liked, and Tre answered, " I like Fisher Price music, nursery rhymes, and the alphabet song"................Mike "seconded the motion".
-In the Walking Contradiction video Tre is chased by a bread truck.
-Tre's dad was a Vietnam helicopter pilot.
-On MTV's Wildest moments of the VMA's there's a short Clip of Tre with David Grohl from The Foo Fighters (and previously from Nirvana) singing to Marilyn Manson's "Beautiful People".
-Tre dressed as a priest at a gig (in Dublin). It was probably in reference to Matt Skiba (Alkaline Trio) who is a big fan.
-Tre made his first records with The Lookouts when he was 12.
-Tre is french for very, which makes him very cool.
-Tre hopes that if if the band does star in the American Idiot movie, at least he gets to dress in drag.
-Some summers ago, Tre was drunk at a bar and went up to some girl and started to fondle her. The girl's friend was restrained from kicking his ass until Tre was shown to the door by security. He kept screaming "I'm the drummer of Green Day! I can get any pussy that I want!"
- Tré often set his drums on fire during the Warning tour, an homage to his main drumming influence Keith Moon.
- Tre supports the legalization of marijuana.
- Tre appeared in an episode of King of the Hill.
- Tré briefly dated Torry Castellano AKA Donna C, drummer of fellow Bay Area band The Donnas. It is rumored that she is the basis for the American Idiot track, "Rock n Roll Girlfriend".
- Tré was filmed for Season 5 of punk'd, but denied the broadcasting rights to the show.
- Tré's favourite drink is a tequila cocktail called the Cheech. 

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