The Newsletter from  -  issue 2  October 2001


The burner control devices for European market must fulfil all requirements of EN298, and should be examined by an EC Notified Body in order to achieve specific certification and PIN release.
European Standard EN746-2 1997 must also be applied when such devices are installed in all industrial environments.
Without specific attestation from the manufacturer of these devices, the responsibility of the correct application will be charged to integrators, installers and kiln manufacturers.

The easy way is to leave the customer into this ambiguous position of responsibility, without information.

A typical problem: supposing that the burner control device is linked with communication bus and this technology was incorporated by an incompetent device manufacturer.
The manufacturer of the kiln will provide for remote control system, involving software procedures, convinced that burner control device can work in full safety.

If for any reason, deliberate or accidental, the supervision system should send continuously unlock commands the kiln could be filled by gas due to failed ignition trials reiteration. You could imagine the consequences.

The manufacturer of the kiln! The responsibility is always of the manufacturer that put CE mark to the machinery: he should have made a sure system, having specific competence or using certified products.

To leave Customers free of any responsibility about correct use of any involved technology we can provide special examination certificate from TÜV Munich that states full conformity to the EN746-2 (GE2825), in addition to EN298 certificate (CE-0085BM0346), considering that remote communication, like any innovative function of our QUAD Burner Control Device, is fully tested for safe operation.

Copyright © 2001 Contrive S.r.l. - Italia

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