My interests



Andrea Antognini



My interests? Lots of them, perhaps too many... but all subtly linked by a common thread. I obviously adore reading and writing… and it is to these activities that I dedicate the majority of my time… As far as poetry is concerned, E. Dickinson, Neruda, Borges and Prevert are just some of the many which I prefer… As for prose, I read a bit of everything, from thrillers to tales… I like the smell of printed paper… of the ink… it has a certain magical aroma about it, which I don't know how to explain… From time to time I enjoy attending creative writing courses: it is both an interesting and very positive experience.

Playing musical instruments is another of my great passions. It is wonderful to be able to unite the musicality of words to instrumental sounds, resulting in a marvellous voice … The music that I prefer is New Age even if, deep down, I like almost everything, so long as it transmits something... I think that music is like poetry: one cannot define it beautiful or ugly… it can only burst into our thoughts and upset them, or remain there… leaving us indifferent.

I have a marvellous relationship with plants and animals. My dream? To be able to have a large garden! For relaxation I dedicate myself to Bonsai art... a difficult hobby requiring infinite amounts of patience. Nature represents the teacher from which I manage to learn the most subtle and vital things… it is never taken for granted, banal and manages to surprise me more and more every day with its thousands of nuances, its ever differing sounds and images within one unique theme: life…

The sea is definitely one of nature's best creatures.





| Bio | Past Experience | Tales |