Courses by Internet

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Now, through the Internet it is possible to attend very different courses connecting to each other through the net with your own computer. In fact, thanks to the new computer technology, it is possible to have a virtual personal teacher at home and in every moment with an easy  "click". With these courses you can improve your scholastic output in a simple and fast way; in America by now all this has been effected in a way greater than in Italy.

Computers in the schools

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Today, in almost all schools there is at least one multimedial laboratory, in which boys and girls can learn to use computers. In schools computers are used for all disciplines, with different purposes: to learn to program, to be connected to the net, to make web pages, to communicate with the rest of the world. In the near future computers will be used more and more by pupils and teachers to make life easier.

Substitution of books with CD-ROMs

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CD-ROMs, unlike books, are lighter, have more information and are more practical. Because of this fact, by now, a lot of encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc... have begun to use this new means of communication. In America, teachers have already begun to replace books with CD-ROMs, with good results; and this will have effects all over the world.

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