Faunistic remains are plentiful and belong to varied species. Of the remains most often found are those of the Bison, the Rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus) and the Elephant (Elephas antiquus). And because of the great numbers of these animals' reperts, biometric studies of its population are possible. Less frequents are findings of the Bear (Ursus deningeri) and the Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus anfibious). Those of deers' families are extremely rare as those of the wild boars (Sus scrofa) and Thar (Emitragus). The sifting of deposits allows the findings of micro-vertebrates, such as fishes, amphibians, reptiles (among these the tortoises) birds and many roditors. The presence of micro-mammals and the possibility of gathering exact dates with the help of radiometrics give reasons to believe those deposits be at Isernia, the stronghold of cronostratigraphy. Hence the ipothesis of the re-construction of the camp is floated mainly because of the presence of large mammals remains. The climate was supposed to consist of two seasons, a long one very dry, followed by a shorter one with its own abundant annual precipitations. This type of climate favoured the life and developments of open vegetation that allowed for the ecology and food assistance to big game herds. In the pockets of very high humidity sites, many boars and deers inhabited and downstream many hippopotami lived around river's edge.

Following are pictures of some of the animals living in the territory.
You can clik on their heads to retrieve additional informations.




Bison Goat
Deer Hippopotamus

Leon Rhinoceros

Boar Bear Rodent






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