Dott. Ing. Gianluca Massaccesi - Scientific and Technological Consulting
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analysis of a fixed planeThe services offered concern two concepts of the modern product development process: Concurrent Engineering and Virtual Prototyping.

Concurrent Engineering and Virtual Prototyping are amongst the most powerful levers which a company has at disposition to maximize its productive efficiency and to obtain a constant product innovation.

Concurrent Engineering allows for the simultaneous and synergic participation of all the company's operative areas, from the design office to the productive division, and can only be fulfilled by using computer tools able to consent the monitoring of the developing phase, signaling and allowing for immediate corrections to the project, sometimes before the realization of the physical prototypes.

fixed planeVirtual Prototyping allows for the complete definition of all the characteristics of an industrial product without physically producing the prototype. By using this technology it is possible to know:

  • the esthetic form and impact, by using highly realistic image rendering to produce an image of photographic quality;
  • the physical properties and response to stresses, whether they be static, dynamic, thermal, electromagnetic or fluid dynamic, of the product under the actual working conditions of its operative environment;
  • the industrial production process, whether it be for machine tool processing, injection molding, thermoforming, blow molding or die-casting.

By adapting such methodologies in the development process of a manufactured good, a machine or a mechanical system, we can:

  • highlight the critical factors of the project and rapidly verify alternative solutions;
  • optimize the esthetic and functional form and characteristics;
  • minimize material and production costs;
  • reduce time and cost of laboratory trials and tests, and the time to production;
  • define the technical specifications and testing standards in a rigorous way.