#!BPY """ Registration info for Blender menus: Name: 'DirectX8(.x)...' Blender: 234 Group: 'Export' Submenu: 'Export all the scene' export Submenu: 'Export selected obj' exportsel Submenu: 'How to use this exporter?' help Tip: 'Export to DirectX8 text file format format.' """ # DirectX8Exporter.py version 1.0 # Copyright (C) 2003 Arben OMARI -- omariarben@everyday.com # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # This script export meshes created with Blender in DirectX8 file format # it exports meshes,armatures,materials,normals,texturecoords and animations # Grab the latest version here :www.omariben.too.it import Blender from Blender import Types, Object, NMesh, Material,Armature from Blender.Mathutils import * global new_bon,mat_flip,index_list index_list = [] new_bon = {} mat_flip = Matrix([1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]) def draw(): # clearing screen Blender.BGL.glClearColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1) Blender.BGL.glColor3f(1.,1.,1.) Blender.BGL.glClear(Blender.BGL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) # Buttons Blender.Draw.Button("Exit", 1, 10, 40, 100, 25) #Text Blender.BGL.glColor3f(1, 1, 1) Blender.BGL.glRasterPos2d(10, 310) Blender.BGL.glRasterPos2d(10, 290) Blender.Draw.Text("1.Before exporting set:") Blender.BGL.glRasterPos2d(10, 270) Blender.Draw.Text(" a)Armature and mesh must have the same origin location") Blender.BGL.glRasterPos2d(10, 255) Blender.Draw.Text(" (press N for both and set the same LocX,LocY and LocZ)") Blender.BGL.glRasterPos2d(10, 230) Blender.Draw.Text(" b)Armature and mesh(or meshes) must have the same rotation and size") Blender.BGL.glRasterPos2d(10, 215) Blender.Draw.Text(" (select them and press Ctrl + A)") Blender.BGL.glRasterPos2d(10, 195) Blender.Draw.Text("2.Read warnings in console(if any)") Blender.BGL.glRasterPos2d(10, 175) def event(evt, val): if evt == Blender.Draw.ESCKEY and not val: Blender.Draw.Exit() def bevent(evt): if evt == 1: Blender.Draw.Exit() #*********************************************** #*********************************************** # EXPORTER #*********************************************** #*********************************************** class xExport: def __init__(self, filename): self.file = open(filename, "w") #********************************************************************************************************************************************* #*********************************************** #Select Scene objects #*********************************************** def SelectObjs(self): print "exporting..." self.writeHeader() for obj in Object.Get(): mesh = obj.getData() if type(mesh) == Types.NMeshType : chld_obj = obj.getParent() if chld_obj : dt_chld_obj = chld_obj.getData() if type(dt_chld_obj) == Types.ArmatureType : self.writeRootBone(chld_obj, obj) else : self.exportMesh(obj) self.file.write("AnimationSet {\n") for obj in Object.Get(): mesh = obj.getData() if type(mesh) == Types.NMeshType : ip_list = obj.getIpo() if ip_list != None : self.writeAnimationObj(obj) elif type(mesh) == Types.ArmatureType : act_list = obj.getAction() if act_list != None : self.writeAnimation(obj) ip_list = obj.getIpo() if ip_list != None : self.writeAnimationObjArm(obj) self.file.write("}\n") self.writeEnd() #*********************************************** #Export Mesh without Armature #*********************************************** def exportMesh(self, obj): tex = [] mesh = obj.getData() self.writeTextures(obj, tex) self.writeMeshcoord(obj, mesh) self.writeMeshMaterialList(obj, mesh, tex) self.writeMeshNormals(obj, mesh) self.writeMeshTextureCoords(obj, mesh) self.file.write(" }\n") self.file.write("}\n") #*********************************************** #Export the Selected Mesh #*********************************************** def exportSelMesh(self): print "exporting ..." self.writeHeader() tex = [] obj = Object.GetSelected()[0] mesh = obj.getData() if type(mesh) == Types.NMeshType : self.writeTextures(obj, tex) self.writeMeshcoord(obj, mesh) self.writeMeshMaterialList(obj, mesh, tex) self.writeMeshNormals(obj, mesh) self.writeMeshTextureCoords(obj, mesh) self.file.write(" }\n") self.file.write("}\n") ip_list = obj.getIpo() if ip_list != None : self.file.write("AnimationSet {\n") self.writeAnimationObj(obj) self.file.write("}\n") print "exporting ..." else : print "The selected object is not a mesh" print "...finished" #*********************************************** #Export Mesh with Armature #*********************************************** def exportMeshArm(self,arm,arm_ob,ch_obj): tex = [] mesh = ch_obj.getData() self.writeTextures(ch_obj, tex) self.writeMeshcoordArm(ch_obj, mesh) self.writeMeshMaterialList(ch_obj, mesh, tex) self.writeMeshNormals(ch_obj, mesh) self.writeMeshTextureCoords(ch_obj, mesh) self.writeSkinWeights(arm,mesh) self.file.write(" }\n") self.file.write("}\n") #*********************************************** #Export Root Bone #*********************************************** def writeRootBone(self,am_ob,child_obj): global new_bon,mat_flip space = 0 arm = am_ob.getData() Blender.Set('curframe',1) mat_ob = mat_flip * am_ob.getMatrix() self.writeArmFrames(mat_ob, "RootFrame", 0) root_bon = arm.getBones() mat_r = self.writeCombineMatrix(root_bon[0]) name_r = root_bon[0].getName() new_bon[name_r] = len(root_bon[0].getChildren()) self.writeArmFrames(mat_r, name_r, 1) self.writeListOfChildrens(root_bon[0],2,arm) self.file.write("}\n") self.exportMeshArm(arm,am_ob,child_obj) #*********************************************** #Export Children Bones #*********************************************** def writeListOfChildrens(self,bon,space,arm): global new_bon bon_c = bon.getChildren() Blender.Set('curframe',1) for n in range(len(bon_c)): name_h = bon_c[n].getName() chi_h = bon_c[n].getChildren() new_bon[name_h] = len(chi_h) if bon_c == [] : self.CloseBrackets(bon, new_bon, space, arm.getBones()[0]) for nch in range(len(bon_c)): mat = self.writeCombineMatrix(bon_c[nch]) name_ch = bon_c[nch].getName() self.writeArmFrames(mat, name_ch,space) self.findChildrens(bon_c[nch],space,arm) #*********************************************** #Create Children structure #*********************************************** def CloseBrackets(self, bon, new_bon, space, root_bon): tab = " " self.file.write("%s" % (tab * (space -1))) self.file.write("}\n") while bon.hasParent(): if new_bon[bon.getName()] == 0: pare = bon.getParent() name_p = pare.getName() if new_bon[name_p] > 0: new_bon[name_p] = new_bon[name_p] - 1 if new_bon[name_p] == 0 and pare != root_bon: self.file.write("%s" % (tab * (space-2))) self.file.write("}\n") space = space - 1 bon = pare else: break #*********************************************** #Create Children structure #*********************************************** def findChildrens(self,bon_c,space,arm): bon_cc = bon_c space += 1 self.writeListOfChildrens(bon_cc,space,arm) #*********************************************** #Offset Matrix #*********************************************** def writeMatrixOffset(self,bon): Blender.Set('curframe',1) mat_b = bon.getRestMatrix() mat_b.invert() return mat_b #*********************************************** #Combine Matrix #*********************************************** def writeCombineMatrix(self,bon): Blender.Set('curframe',1) mat_b = bon.getRestMatrix() if bon.hasParent(): pare = bon.getParent() mat_p = pare.getRestMatrix() else : mat_p = Matrix([1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]) mat_p.invert() mat_rb = mat_b * mat_p return mat_rb #*********************************************** #Combine Matrix #*********************************************** def writeCombineAnimMatrix(self,bon): mat_b = bon.getRestMatrix() if bon.hasParent(): pare = bon.getParent() mat_p = pare.getRestMatrix() else : mat_p = Matrix([1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]) mat_p.invert() mat_rb = mat_b * mat_p return mat_rb #********************************************************************************************************************************************* #*********************************************** #Write SkinWeights #*********************************************** def writeSkinWeights(self, arm, mesh): global index_list Blender.Set('curframe',1) self.file.write(" XSkinMeshHeader {\n") max_infl = 0 for bo in arm.getBones() : name = bo.getName() try : vertx_list = mesh.getVertsFromGroup(name,1) for inde in vertx_list : vert_infl = mesh.getVertexInfluences(inde[0]) ln_infl = len(vert_infl) if ln_infl > max_infl : max_infl = ln_infl except: pass self.file.write(" %s; \n" % (max_infl)) self.file.write(" %s; \n" % (max_infl * 3)) self.file.write(" %s; \n" % (len(arm.getBones()))) self.file.write(" }\n") for bo in arm.getBones() : bo_list = [] weight_list = [] name = bo.getName() try : vert_list = mesh.getVertsFromGroup(name,1) le = 0 for indx in vert_list: ver_infl = mesh.getVertexInfluences(indx[0]) len_infl = float(len(ver_infl)) infl = 1 / len_infl i = -1 for el in index_list : i += 1 if el == indx[0] : le +=1 bo_list.append(i) weight_list.append(infl) self.file.write(" SkinWeights {\n") self.file.write(' "%s"; \n' % (name)) self.file.write(' %s; \n' % (le)) count = 0 for ind in bo_list : count += 1 if count == len(bo_list): self.file.write(" %s; \n" % (ind)) else : self.file.write(" %s, \n" % (ind)) cou = 0 for wegh in weight_list : cou += 1 if cou == len(weight_list): self.file.write(" %s; \n" % (round(wegh,6))) else : self.file.write(" %s, \n" % (round(wegh,6))) matx = self.writeMatrixOffset(bo) self.writeOffsFrames(matx, name, 1) except : pass self.file.write(" }\n") #*********************************************** # Write Matrices #*********************************************** def writeArmFrames(self, matx, name, space): tab = " " self.file.write("%s" % (tab * space)) self.file.write("Frame ") self.file.write("%s {\n\n" % (name)) self.file.write("%s" % (tab * space)) self.file.write(" FrameTransformMatrix {\n") self.file.write("%s" % (tab * space)) self.file.write(" %s,%s,%s,%s,\n" % (round(matx[0][0],4),round(matx[0][1],4),round(matx[0][2],4),round(matx[0][3],4))) self.file.write("%s" % (tab * space)) self.file.write(" %s,%s,%s,%s,\n" % (round(matx[1][0],4),round(matx[1][1],4),round(matx[1][2],4),round(matx[1][3],4))) self.file.write("%s" % (tab * space)) self.file.write(" %s,%s,%s,%s,\n" % (round(matx[2][0],4),round(matx[2][1],4),round(matx[2][2],4),round(matx[2][3],4))) self.file.write("%s" % (tab * space)) self.file.write(" %s,%s,%s,%s;;\n" % (round(matx[3][0],4),round(matx[3][1],4),round(matx[3][2],4),round(matx[3][3],6))) self.file.write("%s" % (tab * space)) self.file.write(" }\n") #*********************************************** # Write Matrices #*********************************************** def writeOffsFrames(self, matx, name, space): tab = " " self.file.write("%s" % (tab * space)) self.file.write(" %s,%s,%s,%s,\n" % (round(matx[0][0],4),round(matx[0][1],4),round(matx[0][2],4),round(matx[0][3],4))) self.file.write("%s" % (tab * space)) self.file.write(" %s,%s,%s,%s,\n" % (round(matx[1][0],4),round(matx[1][1],4),round(matx[1][2],4),round(matx[1][3],4))) self.file.write("%s" % (tab * space)) self.file.write(" %s,%s,%s,%s,\n" % (round(matx[2][0],4),round(matx[2][1],4),round(matx[2][2],4),round(matx[2][3],4))) self.file.write("%s" % (tab * space)) self.file.write(" %s,%s,%s,%s;;\n" % (round(matx[3][0],4),round(matx[3][1],4),round(matx[3][2],4),round(matx[3][3],6))) self.file.write("%s" % (tab * space)) self.file.write(" }\n") #********************************************************************************************************************************************* #*********************************************** #HEADER #*********************************************** def writeHeader(self): self.file.write("xof 0303txt 0032\n\n\n") self.file.write("template VertexDuplicationIndices { \n\ \n\ DWORD nIndices;\n\ DWORD nOriginalVertices;\n\ array DWORD indices[nIndices];\n\ }\n\ template XSkinMeshHeader {\n\ <3cf169ce-ff7c-44ab-93c0-f78f62d172e2>\n\ WORD nMaxSkinWeightsPerVertex;\n\ WORD nMaxSkinWeightsPerFace;\n\ WORD nBones;\n\ }\n\ template SkinWeights {\n\ <6f0d123b-bad2-4167-a0d0-80224f25fabb>\n\ STRING transformNodeName;\n\ DWORD nWeights;\n\ array DWORD vertexIndices[nWeights];\n\ array float weights[nWeights];\n\ Matrix4x4 matrixOffset;\n\ }\n\n") #*********************************************** #CLOSE FILE #*********************************************** def writeEnd(self): self.file.close() print "... finished" #*********************************************** #EXPORT TEXTURES #*********************************************** def writeTextures(self,name, tex): mesh = name.data for face in mesh.faces: if face.image and face.image.name not in tex: tex.append(face.image.name) #*********************************************** #EXPORT MESH DATA with Armature #*********************************************** def writeMeshcoordArm(self, name, mesh): global index_list #ROTATION mat_ob = name.matrixLocal self.writeArmFrames(mat_ob, name.name, 1) self.file.write("Mesh {\n") numface=len(mesh.faces) #VERTICES NUMBER numvert = 0 for face in mesh.faces: numvert = numvert + len(face.v) self.file.write("%s;\n" % (numvert)) #VERTICES COORDINATES counter = 0 for face in mesh.faces: counter += 1 for n in range(len(face.v)): index_list.append(face.v[n].index) self.file.write("%s; %s; %s;" % (face.v[n].co[0], face.v[n].co[1], face.v[n].co[2])) if counter == numface : if n == len(face.v)-1 : self.file.write(";\n") else : self.file.write(",\n") else : self.file.write(",\n") #FACES NUMBER self.file.write("%s;\n" % (numface)) coun,counter = 0, 0 for face in mesh.faces : coun += 1 if coun == numface: if len(face.v) == 3: self.file.write("3; %s, %s, %s;;\n" % (counter, counter + 2, counter + 1)) counter += 3 elif len(face.v) == 4: self.file.write("4; %s, %s, %s, %s;;\n" % (counter, counter + 3, counter + 2, counter + 1)) counter += 4 elif len(face.v) == 2: print "WARNING:the mesh has faces with less then 3 vertices" else: if len(face.v) == 3: self.file.write("3; %s, %s, %s;,\n" % (counter, counter + 2, counter + 1)) counter += 3 elif len(face.v) == 4: self.file.write("4; %s, %s, %s, %s;,\n" % (counter, counter + 3, counter + 2, counter + 1)) counter += 4 elif len(face.v) == 2: print "WARNING:the mesh has faces with less then 3 vertices" #*********************************************** #EXPORT MESH DATA without Armature #*********************************************** def writeMeshcoord(self, name, mesh): global index_list #ROTATION mat_ob = mat_flip * name.matrixLocal self.writeArmFrames(mat_ob, name.name, 0) self.file.write("Mesh {\n") numface=len(mesh.faces) #VERTICES NUMBER numvert = 0 for face in mesh.faces: numvert = numvert + len(face.v) self.file.write("%s;\n" % (numvert)) #VERTICES COORDINATES counter = 0 for face in mesh.faces: counter += 1 for n in range(len(face.v)): index_list.append(face.v[n].index) self.file.write("%s; %s; %s;" % (face.v[n].co[0], face.v[n].co[1], face.v[n].co[2])) if counter == numface : if n == len(face.v)-1 : self.file.write(";\n") else : self.file.write(",\n") else : self.file.write(",\n") #FACES NUMBER self.file.write("%s;\n" % (numface)) coun,counter = 0, 0 for face in mesh.faces : coun += 1 if coun == numface: if len(face.v) == 3: self.file.write("3; %s, %s, %s;;\n" % (counter, counter + 2, counter + 1)) counter += 3 elif len(face.v) == 4: self.file.write("4; %s, %s, %s, %s;;\n" % (counter, counter + 3, counter + 2, counter + 1)) counter += 4 elif len(face.v) < 3: print "WARNING:the mesh has faces with less then 3 vertices(edges and points)" print " It my be not exported correctly." else: if len(face.v) == 3: self.file.write("3; %s, %s, %s;,\n" % (counter, counter + 2, counter + 1)) counter += 3 elif len(face.v) == 4: self.file.write("4; %s, %s, %s, %s;,\n" % (counter, counter + 3, counter + 2, counter + 1)) counter += 4 elif len(face.v) < 3: print "WARNING:the mesh has faces with less then 3 vertices(edges and points)\n" print " It my be not exported correctly." #*********************************************** #MESH MATERIAL LIST #*********************************************** def writeMeshMaterialList(self, name, obj, tex): self.file.write(" MeshMaterialList {\n") #HOW MANY MATERIALS ARE USED count = 0 for mat in Material.Get(): count+=1 self.file.write(" %s;\n" % (len(tex) + count)) #HOW MANY FACES IT HAS numfaces=len(obj.faces) self.file.write(" %s;\n" % (numfaces)) ##MATERIALS INDEX FOR EVERY FACE counter = 0 for face in obj.faces : counter += 1 mater = face.materialIndex if counter == numfaces: if face.image and face.image.name in tex : self.file.write(" %s;;\n" % (tex.index(face.image.name) + count)) else : self.file.write(" %s;;\n" % (mater)) else : if face.image and face.image.name in tex : self.file.write(" %s,\n" % (tex.index(face.image.name) + count)) else : self.file.write(" %s,\n" % (mater)) ##MATERIAL NAME for mat in Material.Get(): self.file.write(" Material") for a in range(0,len(mat.name)): if mat.name[a] == ".": print "WARNING:the material " + mat.name + " contains '.' within.Many viewers may refuse to read the exported file" self.file.write(" %s "% (mat.name)) self.file.write("{\n") self.file.write(" %s; %s; %s;" % (mat.R, mat.G, mat.B)) self.file.write("%s;;\n" % (mat.alpha)) self.file.write(" %s;\n" % (mat.spec)) self.file.write(" %s; %s; %s;;\n" % (mat.specR, mat.specG, mat.specB)) self.file.write(" 0.0; 0.0; 0.0;;\n") self.file.write(" }\n") for mat in tex: self.file.write(" Material Mat") self.file.write("%s "% (len(tex))) self.file.write("{\n") self.file.write(" 1.0; 1.0; 1.0; 1.0;;\n") self.file.write(" 1.0;\n") self.file.write(" 1.0; 1.0; 1.0;;\n") self.file.write(" 0.0; 0.0; 0.0;;\n") self.file.write(" TextureFilename {\n") self.file.write(' "%s" ;'% (face.image.name)) self.file.write(" }\n") self.file.write(" }\n") self.file.write(" }\n") #*********************************************** #MESH NORMALS #*********************************************** def writeMeshNormals(self,name,mesh): self.file.write(" MeshNormals {\n") #VERTICES NUMBER numvert = 0 for face in mesh.faces: numvert = numvert + len(face.v) self.file.write("%s;\n" % (numvert)) numfaces=len(mesh.faces) #VERTICES NORMAL counter = 0 for face in mesh.faces: counter += 1 for n in range(len(face.v)): self.file.write(" %s; %s; %s;" % ((round(face.v[n].no[0],6)),(round(face.v[n].no[1],6)),(round(face.v[n].no[2],6)))) if counter == numfaces : if n == len(face.v)-1 : self.file.write(";\n") else : self.file.write(",\n") else : self.file.write(",\n") #FACES NUMBER self.file.write("%s;\n" % (numfaces)) coun,counter = 0, 0 for face in mesh.faces : coun += 1 if coun == numfaces: if len(face.v) == 3: self.file.write("3; %s, %s, %s;;\n" % (counter, counter + 2, counter + 1)) counter += 3 else : self.file.write("4; %s, %s, %s, %s;;\n" % (counter, counter + 3, counter + 2, counter + 1)) counter += 4 else: if len(face.v) == 3: self.file.write("3; %s, %s, %s;,\n" % (counter, counter + 2, counter + 1)) counter += 3 else : self.file.write("4; %s, %s, %s, %s;,\n" % (counter, counter + 3, counter + 2, counter + 1)) counter += 4 self.file.write("}\n") #*********************************************** #MESH TEXTURE COORDS #*********************************************** def writeMeshTextureCoords(self, name, mesh): if mesh.hasFaceUV(): self.file.write("MeshTextureCoords {\n") #VERTICES NUMBER numvert = 0 for face in mesh.faces: numvert += len(face.v) self.file.write("%s;\n" % (numvert)) #UV COORDS numfaces = len(mesh.faces) counter = -1 co = 0 for face in mesh.faces: counter += 1 co += 1 for n in range(len(face.v)): self.file.write("%s;%s;" % (mesh.faces[counter].uv[n][0], -mesh.faces[counter].uv[n][1])) if co == numfaces : if n == len(face.v) - 1 : self.file.write(";\n") else : self.file.write(",\n") else : self.file.write(",\n") self.file.write("}\n") #***********************************************#***********************************************#*********************************************** #*********************************************** #FRAMES #*********************************************** def writeFrames(self, matx): self.file.write("%s,%s,%s,%s," % (round(matx[0][0],4),round(matx[0][1],4),round(matx[0][2],4),round(matx[0][3],6))) self.file.write("%s,%s,%s,%s," % (round(matx[1][0],4),round(matx[1][1],4),round(matx[1][2],4),round(matx[1][3],6))) self.file.write("%s,%s,%s,%s," % (round(matx[2][0],4),round(matx[2][1],4),round(matx[2][2],4),round(matx[2][3],6))) self.file.write("%s,%s,%s,%s;;" % (round(matx[3][0],4),round(matx[3][1],4),round(matx[3][2],4),round(matx[3][3],6))) #*********************************************** #WRITE ANIMATION KEYS #*********************************************** def writeAnimation(self,arm_ob): arm = arm_ob.getData() act_list = arm_ob.getAction() ip = act_list.getAllChannelIpos() for bon in arm.getBones() : point_list = [] try : ip_bon_channel = ip[bon.name] ip_bon_name = ip_bon_channel.getName() ip_bon = Blender.Ipo.Get(ip_bon_name) poi = ip_bon.getCurves() for po in poi[0].getPoints(): a = po.getPoints() point_list.append(int(a[0])) point_list.pop(0) self.file.write(" Animation { \n") self.file.write(" {%s}\n" %(bon.getName())) self.file.write(" AnimationKey { \n") self.file.write(" 4;\n") self.file.write(" %s; \n" % (len(point_list)+1)) self.file.write(" %s;" % (0)) self.file.write("16;") mat = self.writeCombineMatrix(bon) self.writeFrames(mat) self.file.write(",\n") for fr in point_list: self.file.write(" %s;" % (fr)) self.file.write("16;") Blender.Set('curframe',fr) mat_new = self.writeCombineAnimMatrix(bon) self.writeFrames(mat_new) if fr == point_list[len(point_list)-1]: self.file.write(";\n") else: self.file.write(",\n") self.file.write(" }\n") self.file.write(" }\n") self.file.write("\n") except: pass #*********************************************** #WRITE ANIMATION KEYS #*********************************************** def writeAnimationObj(self, obj): point_list = [] ip = obj.getIpo() poi = ip.getCurves() for po in poi[0].getPoints(): a = po.getPoints() point_list.append(int(a[0])) point_list.pop(0) self.file.write(" Animation {\n") self.file.write(" {") self.file.write("%s }\n" % (obj.name)) self.file.write(" AnimationKey { \n") self.file.write(" 4;\n") self.file.write(" %s; \n" % (len(point_list)+1)) self.file.write(" %s;" % (0)) self.file.write("16;") Blender.Set('curframe',1) mat = obj.matrixLocal * mat_flip self.writeFrames(mat) self.file.write(",\n") for fr in point_list: self.file.write(" %s;" % (fr)) self.file.write("16;") Blender.Set('curframe',fr) mat_new = obj.matrixLocal * mat_flip self.writeFrames(mat_new) if fr == point_list[len(point_list)-1]: self.file.write(";\n") else: self.file.write(",\n") self.file.write(" }\n") self.file.write(" }\n") #*********************************************** #WRITE ANIMATION KEYS #*********************************************** def writeAnimationObjArm(self, obj): point_list = [] ip = obj.getIpo() poi = ip.getCurves() for po in poi[0].getPoints(): a = po.getPoints() point_list.append(int(a[0])) point_list.pop(0) self.file.write(" Animation {\n") self.file.write(" {RootFrame}\n" ) self.file.write(" AnimationKey { \n") self.file.write(" 4;\n") self.file.write(" %s; \n" % (len(point_list)+1)) self.file.write(" %s;" % (0)) self.file.write("16;") Blender.Set('curframe',1) mat = mat_flip * obj.getMatrix() self.writeFrames(mat) self.file.write(",\n") for fr in point_list: self.file.write(" %s;" % (fr)) self.file.write("16;") Blender.Set('curframe',fr) mat_new = mat_flip * obj.getMatrix() self.writeFrames(mat_new) if fr == point_list[len(point_list)-1]: self.file.write(";\n") else: self.file.write(",\n") self.file.write(" }\n") self.file.write(" }\n") #***********************************************#***********************************************#*********************************************** #*********************************************** # MAIN #*********************************************** def my_callback(filename): if filename.find('.x', -2) <= 0: filename += '.x' xexport = xExport(filename) xexport.SelectObjs() def my_callback_sel(filename): if filename.find('.x', -2) <= 0: filename += '.x' xexport = xExport(filename) xexport.exportSelMesh() arg = __script__['arg'] if arg == 'help': Blender.Draw.Register(draw,event,bevent) elif arg == 'exportsel': Blender.Window.FileSelector(my_callback_sel, "Export DirectX8") else: Blender.Window.FileSelector(my_callback, "Export DirectX8")