'); write(''); write("

This game is a JavaScript-powered game. Your browser doesn't support some of the elements of JavaScript that are required to make it work.

Internet Explorer users should upgrade to version 4. Netscape Navigator users can upgrade to version 3."); } if(document.images) { window.onerror=null; var now = new Date(); var seed = now.getTime() % 0xffffffff; var randNum = new Array(); var no = 0; var cl_1 = ''; var cl_2 = ''; var clicks = 0; var user = 'u'; var user_score = 0; var jenny = 'j'; var jenny_score = 0; var cur_pl = user; var pairs = 0; var choice = ''; var cheat = false; var free = false; var klickat = 0; //ARRAY OF IMAGE NAMES var imgArray = new Array('a1', 'a2', 'b1', 'b2', 'c1', 'c2', 'd1', 'd2', 'e1', 'e2', 'f1', 'f2', 'g1', 'g2', 'h1', 'h2', 'i1', 'i2', 'j1', 'j2'); } //TURNING IMAGES function img_swap(nowImage, nextImage) { document [nowImage].src = nextImage; } function turn_Img(imgName) { document.images[imgName].src = eval(imgName + '_on.src'); } function reset_Img() { document.images[cl_1].src = mem.src; document.images[cl_2].src = mem.src; } function clear_Img() { document.images[cl_1].src = blank.src; document.images[cl_2].src = blank.src; } //SCORE HANDLING function winner() { if(user_score == jenny_score) { if (confirm('Pareggio!\n\nGiochi ancora?')) { location.href = script_url } } if(user_score > jenny_score) { if (confirm('Bravo,hai battuto il computer ' + user_score + ' - ' + jenny_score + ' .\n\nGiochi ancora?')) { location.href = script_url } } if(jenny_score > user_score) { if (confirm(jenny_score + ' - ' + user_score + ' per Me!\n\nGiochi ancora?')) { location.href = script_url } } } function setScore() { if(cur_pl == user) { user_score++; document.scoreboard.player1.value = user_score; if(user_score >= 2) { cheat = true } } else { jenny_score++; klickat = 0; document.scoreboard.player2.value = jenny_score; cheat = false; } if(pairs == imgArray.length / 2) { setTimeout('winner()', 1000) } } function pairCheck() { if(cl_1.charAt(0) == cl_2.charAt(0)) { pairs++; for(i = 0; i < imgArray.length; i++) { if(imgArray[i] == cl_1 || imgArray[i] == cl_2) { imgArray[i] = 'taken'; } } setTimeout('clear_Img()', 1000); return true; } else { return false; } } //CLICK HANDLING function makeMove() { if(cl_1 != cl_2) { turn_Img(cl_2); if(pairCheck()) { setTimeout('clear_Img()', 1000); clicks = 0; setScore(); setTimeout('setFree()', 1000); if(cur_pl == jenny) { setTimeout('handleClick("")', 2000); } } else { setTimeout('reset_Img()', 1000); clicks = 0; klickat++; if(cur_pl == user) { cur_pl = jenny; setTimeout('handleClick(" ")', 2000); } else { cur_pl = user; setTimeout('setFree()', 1000); } } } else { if(cur_pl == jenny) { handleClick(''); } else { free = true; } } } function setFree() { free = true } function handleClick(namn) { if(pairs < imgArray.length / 2) { if(clicks == 0) { if(cur_pl == user) { if(notClicked(namn)) { free = false; cl_1 = namn; clicks++; turn_Img(cl_1); free = true; } } else { if(reply()) { cl_1 = choice; clicks++; turn_Img(cl_1); setTimeout('handleClick("")', 1000); } } } else { if(cur_pl == jenny) { reply(); cl_2 = choice; makeMove(); } else { if(notClicked(namn)) { free = false; cl_2 = namn; makeMove(); } } } } } function notClicked(elm) { var status = false; for(i = 0; i < imgArray.length; i++) { if(imgArray[i] == elm) { status = true; } } return status; } function reply() { rand(imgArray.length); while((imgArray[no]) == 'taken') { rand(imgArray.length); } if((cheat == true && clicks == 1) || (klickat == 7)) { if(cl_1.charAt(1) == '2') { choice = cl_1.charAt(0) + '1'; } else { choice = cl_1.charAt(0) +'2'; } } else { choice = imgArray[no]; } return true; } function rand(n) { seed = (0x015a35 * seed) % 0x7fffffff; no = (seed >> 16) % n; } function get_random() { rand(imgArray.length); while(no == randNum[no]) { rand(imgArray.length); } randNum[no] = no; return no; } //-->

Le Regole
-Premere con il mouse sopra le immagini.Nel caso le due immagini in sequenza siano identiche potete continuare.
Nel caso non siano identiche dovete passare il vostro turno al computer.La stessa procedura e valida anche per il
computer. Lo score si puo vedere a destra.Buon divertimento!!