La storia dei globetrotters - The history of globetrotters - L'histoire des globe-trotteurs

Con mezzi di linea - by public transportation



Anonime - “An Unattended Journey or Ten Thousand Miles By Rail A Tour of Four Young Ladies.” 1895. Trascontinental trip of the USA. rail.jpg (8117 bytes)
Gertrude Bell (1868-1926) was born in Washington, in what was then Co. Durham, but, when she was very young, she moved with her family to Redcar. She was educated first of all at home, and then at school in London; finally, in a time when it was not at all usual for a woman to have a university education, she went to Oxford to read history, and, at the age of twenty and after only two years study, she left with a first-class degree. In the years immediately following, she spent time on the social round in London and Yorkshire, she travelled extensively in Europe, and visited Persia. Her travels continued with two round the world trips, in 1897-1898 and in 1902-1903. At about this time too, in the seasons1899-1904, her climbing exploits in the Alps earned her renown as a mountaineer.
But from the turn of the century onwards, her life was governed by a love of the Arab peoples. She learned their language, investigated their archaeological sites, and travelled deep into the desert, accompanied only by male guides. 

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Bisland Wetmore Elizabeth (1861?-1929) -Two American women journalists raced each other around the world in 1889-90 trying to beat the "record" set by fictional character Phileas Fogg in Jules Verne's Around the World in Eighty Days. The winner of the race, Nellie Bly (pseudonym of Elizabeth Cochrane), who vanquished both Fogg and the other woman, emerged as an international celebrity, was welcomed home by adoring throngs, and was enthroned as America's first popular woman hero. The also-ran, Elizabeth Bisland, came in almost four days later, and, although she too beat Fogg's eighty days, was met at the pier by her friends and thereafter was consigned to oblivion. In 1891, she travel around the world in 73 days.

Here you can download the book of Bisland:

Blake Winfield e Amber Maude

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Bly Nellie - In a time when men widely believed a woman's place was in the home, Nellie Bly (pen name of Elizabeth Cochrane), a pioneering female reporter for the New York World, set out trying to circle the globe faster than fictional character Phileas Fogg in Jules Verne's popular novel Around the World in Eighty Days. Her trip was a publicity stunt designed to boost the circulation of Joseph Pulitzer's thriving newspaper, a mixture of crusades championing the rights of the city's downtrodden masses and stories seething with sex, crime, and scandal.
The same day -- November 14, 1889 -- that Nellie Bly embarked for the port of Southampton, England, another woman, Elizabeth Bisland, an arts-and-culture editor for The Cosmopolitan magazine in New York, was dispatched round the earth in the opposite direction in an effort to beat both Nellie Bly and Verne's already legendary creation.
Nellie Bly  completed the world tour in 72 days, 6 h. 11 min. 14 sec.
Here you can download the book of Bly 

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Champion Tramp - New York to San Francisco nysfr.jpg (54486 bytes)
Cocteau Jean - French - It was actually Cocteau's Algerian companion Marcel Khill who suggested the 1936 80 Days trip. To make the deadline Cocteau and Khill took an airplane over the American West (that Cocteau himself felt this was cheating is signalled by his need to rationalize it on the grounds Verne overestimated USA rail speed in his published account.) cocteau.jpg (18406 bytes)
Fitzmorris Charles - He circumnavigated the earth setting a record for going round-the-world faster than any other human had previously done. He departed Chicago, IL and 60D 13H 20M later he returned there completing his journey round-the-world carving his record-setting position into history. 

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Feri Rehak - World tour with train, ship, auto, airplane, riding, skiing, sled dog,.... ferirehak.jpg (31522 bytes)
Fogg William Perry - World tour in 1896/ 1871c, published a book in 1872.


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Gamler Harry -522 Main Street BUFFALO gamler1.jpg (137916 bytes) gamler2.jpg (131090 bytes) gamler3.jpg (30615 bytes)
Huld Palle - In 1928, the 14-years old Danish boy Palle Huld did the World Tour in 44 days, to celebrate Jules' 100th anniversary. This trip was organized by a magazine. huld.jpg (9966 bytes)
Katz Richard - (1888-1968) World tour in two years, wit ship, auto and camel (1925). katz.jpg (19379 bytes)
Knox W.Cromwell - The Globe Trotter knox.jpg (131915 bytes)
Mears John - World tour in 35 days, in 1913. In 1928, with Collyer, 23 days. 

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Norton Harry W. - World tour nortonwt.jpg (21854 bytes)
Sayre J Willis - Emulating Jules Verne's Phileas Fogg, in 1903 he took advantage of the recent opening of the Trans-Siberian Railway to circle the globe in 54 days, 9 hours and 42 minutes. 

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Stiegler Gaston - Gaston Stiegler, journaliste au Matin, parti de Paris le 29 mai 1901 à 01h50 du soir, put abaisser le record de Phileas Fogg à 63 jours et 16 heures. Il fut plus heureux que son adversaire Henri Turot, parti dans l'autre sens. Toutefois, comme le fit remarquer Jules Verne, « aujourd'hui ce n'est plus une affaire de tourner ainsi, commodément installé dans un wagon, autour du monde ».

He completed the world tour in 63 days, 10 h. 20 min

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Train George Francis - (1829-1904) Train was a rich business man from Boston. In 1870 he had just finished the work on the Union Pacific RailRoad, and he felt he needed a change. He got the idea of a fast journey around the world. He left New York, went to San Francisco, from there to Japan, Hongkong, Saigon, Singapore, Suez and Marseille. Here he got in trouble when he was mixed up with the Commune. He drapped himself in the Tricolore and challenged the soldiers to shoot at their flag. He was arrested and imprisoned in Lyon. Dumas got him out of jail. The republican politician Gambetta helped him leave the country in a train. From Liverpool hereturned to NY. The journey took him 80 days, the time spent in prison not included.
In 1890, he travelled in 67 days, and in 1892 he used only 60 days. 

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