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Source code for ribbon.art_msw

L{RibbonMSWArtProvider} is responsible for drawing all the components of the ribbon
interface using a Windows appearance.


This allows a ribbon bar to have a pluggable look-and-feel, while retaining the same
underlying behaviour. As a single art provider is used for all ribbon components, a
ribbon bar usually has a consistent (though unique) appearance.

By default, a L{RibbonBar} uses an instance of a class called `RibbonDefaultArtProvider`,
which resolves to `RibbonAUIArtProvider`, `RibbonMSWArtProvider`, or `RibbonOSXArtProvider`
- whichever is most appropriate to the current platform. These art providers are all
slightly configurable with regard to colours and fonts, but for larger modifications,
you can derive from one of these classes, or write a completely new art provider class.

Call L{RibbonBar.SetArtProvider} to change the art provider being used.

See Also


import wx
import types

from math import cos
from math import pi as M_PI

import panel as PANEL
import page as PAGE

from art_internal import RibbonLoadPixmap, RibbonInterpolateColour, RibbonDrawParallelGradientLines
from art_internal import RibbonCanLabelBreakAtPosition
from art_internal import RibbonHSLColour

from art import *

gallery_up_xpm = ["5 5 2 1", "  c None", "x c #FF00FF", "     ", "  x  ", " xxx ", "xxxxx", "     "]
gallery_down_xpm = ["5 5 2 1", "  c None", "x c #FF00FF", "     ", "xxxxx", " xxx ", "  x  ", "     "]
gallery_left_xpm = ["5 5 2 1", "  c None", "x c #FF00FF", "   x ", "  xx ", " xxx ", "  xx ", "   x "]
gallery_right_xpm = ["5 5 2 1", "  c None", "x c #FF00FF", " x   ", " xx  ", " xxx ", " xx  ", " x   "]
gallery_extension_xpm = ["5 5 2 1", "  c None", "x c #FF00FF", "xxxxx", "     ", "xxxxx", " xxx ", "  x  "]

[docs]def LikePrimary(primary_hsl, is_gray, h, s, l): return primary_hsl.ShiftHue(h).Saturated((is_gray and [0] or [s])[0]).Lighter(l).ToRGB()
[docs]def LikeSecondary(secondary_hsl, is_gray, h, s, l): return secondary_hsl.ShiftHue(h).Saturated((is_gray and [0] or [s])[0]).Lighter(l).ToRGB()
[docs]def SingleLine(dc, rect, start, finish): dc.DrawLine(start.x + rect.x, start.y + rect.y, finish.x + rect.x, finish.y + rect.y)
[docs]class RibbonMSWArtProvider(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, set_colour_scheme=True): self._flags = 0 self._tab_label_font = wx.NORMAL_FONT self._button_bar_label_font = wx.NORMAL_FONT self._panel_label_font = wx.NORMAL_FONT self._gallery_up_bitmap = [wx.NullBitmap for i in xrange(4)] self._gallery_down_bitmap = [wx.NullBitmap for i in xrange(4)] self._gallery_extension_bitmap = [wx.NullBitmap for i in xrange(4)] if set_colour_scheme: self.SetColourScheme(wx.Colour(194, 216, 241), wx.Colour(255, 223, 114), wx.Colour(0, 0, 0)) self._cached_tab_separator_visibility = -10.0 # valid visibilities are in range [0, 1] self._tab_separation_size = 3 self._page_border_left = 2 self._page_border_top = 1 self._page_border_right = 2 self._page_border_bottom = 3 self._panel_x_separation_size = 1 self._panel_y_separation_size = 1 self._tool_group_separation_size = 3 self._gallery_bitmap_padding_left_size = 4 self._gallery_bitmap_padding_right_size = 4 self._gallery_bitmap_padding_top_size = 4 self._gallery_bitmap_padding_bottom__size = 4 self._cached_tab_separator = wx.NullBitmap
[docs] def GetColourScheme(self, primary, secondary, tertiary): """ Get the current colour scheme. Returns three colours such that if L{SetColourScheme} were called with them, the colour scheme would be restored to what it was when L{SetColourScheme} was last called. In practice, this usually means that the returned values are the three colours given in the last call to L{SetColourScheme}, however if L{SetColourScheme} performs an idempotent operation upon the colours it is given (like clamping a component of the colour), then the returned values may not be the three colours given in the last call to L{SetColourScheme}. If L{SetColourScheme} has not been called, then the returned values should result in a colour scheme similar to, if not identical to, the default colours of the art provider. Note that if L{SetColour} is called, then L{GetColourScheme} does not try and return a colour scheme similar to colours being used - it's return values are dependant upon the last values given to L{SetColourScheme}, as described above. :param `primary`: Pointer to a location to store the primary colour, or ``None``; :param `secondary`: Pointer to a location to store the secondary colour, or ``None``; :param `tertiary`: Pointer to a location to store the tertiary colour, or ``None``. """ if primary != None: primary = self._primary_scheme_colour if secondary != None: secondary = self._secondary_scheme_colour if tertiary != None: tertiary = self._tertiary_scheme_colour return primary, secondary, tertiary
[docs] def SetColourScheme(self, primary, secondary, tertiary): """ Set all applicable colour settings from a few base colours. Uses any or all of the three given colours to create a colour scheme, and then sets all colour settings which are relevant to the art provider using that scheme. Note that some art providers may not use the tertiary colour for anything, and some may not use the secondary colour either. :param `primary`: MISSING DESCRIPTION; :param `secondary`: MISSING DESCRIPTION; :param `tertiary`: MISSING DESCRIPTION. :see: L{SetColour}, L{GetColourScheme} """ self._primary_scheme_colour = primary self._secondary_scheme_colour = secondary self._tertiary_scheme_colour = tertiary primary_hsl = RibbonHSLColour(primary) secondary_hsl = RibbonHSLColour(secondary) # tertiary not used for anything # Map primary saturation from [0, 1] to [.25, .75] primary_is_gray = False gray_saturation_threshold = 0.01 if primary_hsl.saturation <= gray_saturation_threshold: primary_is_gray = True else: primary_hsl.saturation = cos(primary_hsl.saturation * M_PI) * -0.25 + 0.5 # Map primary luminance from [0, 1] to [.23, .83] primary_hsl.luminance = cos(primary_hsl.luminance * M_PI) * -0.3 + 0.53 # Map secondary saturation from [0, 1] to [0.16, 0.84] secondary_is_gray = False if secondary_hsl.saturation <= gray_saturation_threshold: secondary_is_gray = True else: secondary_hsl.saturation = cos(secondary_hsl.saturation * M_PI) * -0.34 + 0.5 # Map secondary luminance from [0, 1] to [0.1, 0.9] secondary_hsl.luminance = cos(secondary_hsl.luminance * M_PI) * -0.4 + 0.5 self._page_border_pen = wx.Pen(LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 1.4, 0.00, -0.08)) self._page_background_top_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, -0.1, -0.03, 0.12) self._page_hover_background_top_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, -2.8, 0.27, 0.17) self._page_background_top_gradient_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 0.1, -0.10, 0.08) self._page_hover_background_top_gradient_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 3.2, 0.16, 0.13) self._page_background_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 0.4, -0.09, 0.05) self._page_hover_background_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 0.1, 0.19, 0.10) self._page_background_gradient_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, -3.2, 0.27, 0.10) self._page_hover_background_gradient_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 1.8, 0.01, 0.15) self._tab_active_background_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, -0.1, -0.31, 0.16) self._tab_active_background_gradient_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, -0.1, -0.03, 0.12) self._tab_separator_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 0.9, 0.24, 0.05) self._tab_ctrl_background_brush = wx.Brush(LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 1.0, 0.39, 0.07)) self._tab_hover_background_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 1.3, 0.15, 0.10) self._tab_hover_background_top_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 1.4, 0.36, 0.08) self._tab_border_pen = wx.Pen(LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 1.4, 0.03, -0.05) ) self._tab_separator_gradient_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 1.7, -0.15, -0.18) self._tab_hover_background_top_gradient_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 1.8, 0.34, 0.13) self._tab_label_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 4.3, 0.13, -0.49) self._tab_hover_background_gradient_colour = LikeSecondary(primary_hsl, secondary_is_gray, -1.5, -0.34, 0.01) self._panel_minimised_border_gradient_pen = wx.Pen(LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, -6.9, -0.17, -0.09)) self._panel_minimised_border_pen = wx.Pen(LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, -5.3, -0.24, -0.06)) self._panel_border_gradient_pen = wx.Pen(LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, -5.2, -0.15, -0.06)) self._panel_border_pen = wx.Pen(LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, -2.8, -0.32, 0.02)) self._panel_label_background_brush = wx.Brush(LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, -1.5, 0.03, 0.05)) self._panel_active_background_gradient_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 0.5, 0.34, 0.05) self._panel_hover_label_background_brush = wx.Brush(LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 1.0, 0.30, 0.09)) self._panel_active_background_top_gradient_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 1.4, -0.17, -0.13) self._panel_active_background_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 1.6, -0.18, -0.18) self._panel_active_background_top_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 1.7, -0.20, -0.03) self._panel_label_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 2.8, -0.14, -0.35) self._panel_hover_label_colour = self._panel_label_colour self._panel_minimised_label_colour = self._tab_label_colour self._gallery_button_disabled_background_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, -2.8, -0.46, 0.09) self._gallery_button_disabled_background_top_brush = wx.Brush(LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, -2.8, -0.36, 0.15)) self._gallery_hover_background_brush = wx.Brush(LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, -0.8, 0.05, 0.15)) self._gallery_border_pen = wx.Pen(LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 0.7, -0.02, 0.03)) self._gallery_button_background_top_brush = wx.Brush(LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 0.8, 0.34, 0.13)) self._gallery_button_background_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 1.3, 0.10, 0.08) # SetColour used so that the relevant bitmaps are generated self.SetColour(RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_FACE_COLOUR, LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 1.4, -0.21, -0.23)) self.SetColour(RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_HOVER_FACE_COLOUR, LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 1.5, -0.24, -0.29)) self.SetColour(RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_ACTIVE_FACE_COLOUR, LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 1.5, -0.24, -0.29)) self.SetColour(RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_DISABLED_FACE_COLOUR, LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0)) self._gallery_button_disabled_background_gradient_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 1.5, -0.43, 0.12) self._gallery_button_background_gradient_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 1.7, 0.11, 0.09) self._gallery_item_border_pen = wx.Pen(LikeSecondary(secondary_hsl, secondary_is_gray, -3.9, -0.16, -0.14)) self._gallery_button_hover_background_colour = LikeSecondary(secondary_hsl, secondary_is_gray, -0.9, 0.16, -0.07) self._gallery_button_hover_background_gradient_colour = LikeSecondary(secondary_hsl, secondary_is_gray, 0.1, 0.12, 0.03) self._gallery_button_hover_background_top_brush = wx.Brush(LikeSecondary(secondary_hsl, secondary_is_gray, 4.3, 0.16, 0.17)) self._gallery_button_active_background_colour = LikeSecondary(secondary_hsl, secondary_is_gray, -9.9, 0.03, -0.22) self._gallery_button_active_background_gradient_colour = LikeSecondary(secondary_hsl, secondary_is_gray, -9.5, 0.14, -0.11) self._gallery_button_active_background_top_brush = wx.Brush(LikeSecondary(secondary_hsl, secondary_is_gray, -9.0, 0.15, -0.08)) self._button_bar_label_colour = self._tab_label_colour self._button_bar_hover_border_pen = wx.Pen(LikeSecondary(secondary_hsl, secondary_is_gray, -6.2, -0.47, -0.14)) self._button_bar_hover_background_gradient_colour = LikeSecondary(secondary_hsl, secondary_is_gray, -0.6, 0.16, 0.04) self._button_bar_hover_background_colour = LikeSecondary(secondary_hsl, secondary_is_gray, -0.2, 0.16, -0.10) self._button_bar_hover_background_top_gradient_colour = LikeSecondary(secondary_hsl, secondary_is_gray, 0.2, 0.16, 0.03) self._button_bar_hover_background_top_colour = LikeSecondary(secondary_hsl, secondary_is_gray, 8.8, 0.16, 0.17) self._button_bar_active_border_pen = wx.Pen(LikeSecondary(secondary_hsl, secondary_is_gray, -6.2, -0.47, -0.25)) self._button_bar_active_background_top_colour = LikeSecondary(secondary_hsl, secondary_is_gray, -8.4, 0.08, 0.06) self._button_bar_active_background_top_gradient_colour = LikeSecondary(secondary_hsl, secondary_is_gray, -9.7, 0.13, -0.07) self._button_bar_active_background_colour = LikeSecondary(secondary_hsl, secondary_is_gray, -9.9, 0.14, -0.14) self._button_bar_active_background_gradient_colour = LikeSecondary(secondary_hsl, secondary_is_gray, -8.7, 0.17, -0.03) self._toolbar_border_pen = wx.Pen(LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 1.4, -0.21, -0.16)) self.SetColour(RIBBON_ART_TOOLBAR_FACE_COLOUR, LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 1.4, -0.17, -0.22)) self._tool_background_top_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, -1.9, -0.07, 0.06) self._tool_background_top_gradient_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 1.4, 0.12, 0.08) self._tool_background_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 1.4, -0.09, 0.03) self._tool_background_gradient_colour = LikePrimary(primary_hsl, primary_is_gray, 1.9, 0.11, 0.09) self._tool_hover_background_top_colour = LikeSecondary(secondary_hsl, secondary_is_gray, 3.4, 0.11, 0.16) self._tool_hover_background_top_gradient_colour = LikeSecondary(secondary_hsl, secondary_is_gray, -1.4, 0.04, 0.08) self._tool_hover_background_colour = LikeSecondary(secondary_hsl, secondary_is_gray, -1.8, 0.16, -0.12) self._tool_hover_background_gradient_colour = LikeSecondary(secondary_hsl, secondary_is_gray, -2.6, 0.16, 0.05) self._tool_active_background_top_colour = LikeSecondary(secondary_hsl, secondary_is_gray, -9.9, -0.12, -0.09) self._tool_active_background_top_gradient_colour = LikeSecondary(secondary_hsl, secondary_is_gray, -8.5, 0.16, -0.12) self._tool_active_background_colour = LikeSecondary(secondary_hsl, secondary_is_gray, -7.9, 0.16, -0.20) self._tool_active_background_gradient_colour = LikeSecondary(secondary_hsl, secondary_is_gray, -6.6, 0.16, -0.10) # Invalidate cached tab separator self._cached_tab_separator_visibility = -1.0
[docs] def Clone(self): """ Create a new art provider which is a clone of this one. """ copy = RibbonMSWArtProvider() self.CloneTo(copy) return copy
[docs] def CloneTo(self, copy): for i in xrange(4): copy._gallery_up_bitmap[i] = self._gallery_up_bitmap[i] copy._gallery_down_bitmap[i] = self._gallery_down_bitmap[i] copy._gallery_extension_bitmap[i] = self._gallery_extension_bitmap[i] copy._toolbar_drop_bitmap = self._toolbar_drop_bitmap copy._primary_scheme_colour = self._primary_scheme_colour copy._secondary_scheme_colour = self._secondary_scheme_colour copy._tertiary_scheme_colour = self._tertiary_scheme_colour copy._button_bar_label_colour = self._button_bar_label_colour copy._tab_label_colour = self._tab_label_colour copy._tab_separator_colour = self._tab_separator_colour copy._tab_separator_gradient_colour = self._tab_separator_gradient_colour copy._tab_active_background_colour = self._tab_hover_background_colour copy._tab_active_background_gradient_colour = self._tab_hover_background_gradient_colour copy._tab_hover_background_colour = self._tab_hover_background_colour copy._tab_hover_background_gradient_colour = self._tab_hover_background_gradient_colour copy._tab_hover_background_top_colour = self._tab_hover_background_top_colour copy._tab_hover_background_top_gradient_colour = self._tab_hover_background_top_gradient_colour copy._panel_label_colour = self._panel_label_colour copy._panel_hover_label_colour = self._panel_hover_label_colour copy._panel_minimised_label_colour = self._panel_minimised_label_colour copy._panel_active_background_colour = self._panel_active_background_colour copy._panel_active_background_gradient_colour = self._panel_active_background_gradient_colour copy._panel_active_background_top_colour = self._panel_active_background_top_colour copy._panel_active_background_top_gradient_colour = self._panel_active_background_top_gradient_colour copy._page_background_colour = self._page_background_colour copy._page_background_gradient_colour = self._page_background_gradient_colour copy._page_background_top_colour = self._page_background_top_colour copy._page_background_top_gradient_colour = self._page_background_top_gradient_colour copy._page_hover_background_colour = self._page_hover_background_colour copy._page_hover_background_gradient_colour = self._page_hover_background_gradient_colour copy._page_hover_background_top_colour = self._page_hover_background_top_colour copy._page_hover_background_top_gradient_colour = self._page_hover_background_top_gradient_colour copy._button_bar_hover_background_colour = self._button_bar_hover_background_colour copy._button_bar_hover_background_gradient_colour = self._button_bar_hover_background_gradient_colour copy._button_bar_hover_background_top_colour = self._button_bar_hover_background_top_colour copy._button_bar_hover_background_top_gradient_colour = self._button_bar_hover_background_top_gradient_colour copy._button_bar_active_background_colour = self._button_bar_active_background_colour copy._button_bar_active_background_gradient_colour = self._button_bar_active_background_gradient_colour copy._button_bar_active_background_top_colour = self._button_bar_active_background_top_colour copy._button_bar_active_background_top_gradient_colour = self._button_bar_active_background_top_gradient_colour copy._gallery_button_background_colour = self._gallery_button_background_colour copy._gallery_button_background_gradient_colour = self._gallery_button_background_gradient_colour copy._gallery_button_hover_background_colour = self._gallery_button_hover_background_colour copy._gallery_button_hover_background_gradient_colour = self._gallery_button_hover_background_gradient_colour copy._gallery_button_active_background_colour = self._gallery_button_active_background_colour copy._gallery_button_active_background_gradient_colour = self._gallery_button_active_background_gradient_colour copy._gallery_button_disabled_background_colour = self._gallery_button_disabled_background_colour copy._gallery_button_disabled_background_gradient_colour = self._gallery_button_disabled_background_gradient_colour copy._gallery_button_face_colour = self._gallery_button_face_colour copy._gallery_button_hover_face_colour = self._gallery_button_hover_face_colour copy._gallery_button_active_face_colour = self._gallery_button_active_face_colour copy._gallery_button_disabled_face_colour = self._gallery_button_disabled_face_colour copy._tab_ctrl_background_brush = self._tab_ctrl_background_brush copy._panel_label_background_brush = self._panel_label_background_brush copy._panel_hover_label_background_brush = self._panel_hover_label_background_brush copy._gallery_hover_background_brush = self._gallery_hover_background_brush copy._gallery_button_background_top_brush = self._gallery_button_background_top_brush copy._gallery_button_hover_background_top_brush = self._gallery_button_hover_background_top_brush copy._gallery_button_active_background_top_brush = self._gallery_button_active_background_top_brush copy._gallery_button_disabled_background_top_brush = self._gallery_button_disabled_background_top_brush copy._tab_label_font = self._tab_label_font copy._button_bar_label_font = self._button_bar_label_font copy._panel_label_font = self._panel_label_font copy._page_border_pen = self._page_border_pen copy._panel_border_pen = self._panel_border_pen copy._panel_border_gradient_pen = self._panel_border_gradient_pen copy._panel_minimised_border_pen = self._panel_minimised_border_pen copy._panel_minimised_border_gradient_pen = self._panel_minimised_border_gradient_pen copy._tab_border_pen = self._tab_border_pen copy._gallery_border_pen = self._gallery_border_pen copy._button_bar_hover_border_pen = self._button_bar_hover_border_pen copy._button_bar_active_border_pen = self._button_bar_active_border_pen copy._gallery_item_border_pen = self._gallery_item_border_pen copy._toolbar_border_pen = self._toolbar_border_pen copy._flags = self._flags copy._tab_separation_size = self._tab_separation_size copy._page_border_left = self._page_border_left copy._page_border_top = self._page_border_top copy._page_border_right = self._page_border_right copy._page_border_bottom = self._page_border_bottom copy._panel_x_separation_size = self._panel_x_separation_size copy._panel_y_separation_size = self._panel_y_separation_size copy._gallery_bitmap_padding_left_size = self._gallery_bitmap_padding_left_size copy._gallery_bitmap_padding_right_size = self._gallery_bitmap_padding_right_size copy._gallery_bitmap_padding_top_size = self._gallery_bitmap_padding_top_size copy._gallery_bitmap_padding_bottom__size = self._gallery_bitmap_padding_bottom__size
[docs] def GetFlags(self): """ Get the previously set style flags. """ return self._flags
[docs] def SetFlags(self, flags): """ Set the style flags. Normally called automatically by L{RibbonBar.SetArtProvider} with the ribbon bar's style flags, so that the art provider has the same flags as the bar which it is serving. :param `flags`: MISSING DESCRIPTION. """ if (flags ^ self._flags) & RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_VERTICAL: if flags & RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_VERTICAL: self._page_border_left += 1 self._page_border_right += 1 self._page_border_top -= 1 self._page_border_bottom -= 1 else: self._page_border_left -= 1 self._page_border_right -= 1 self._page_border_top += 1 self._page_border_bottom += 1 self._flags = flags # Need to reload some bitmaps when flags change self.Reload(RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_FACE_COLOUR) self.Reload(RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_HOVER_FACE_COLOUR) self.Reload(RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_ACTIVE_FACE_COLOUR) self.Reload(RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_DISABLED_FACE_COLOUR)
[docs] def Reload(self, setting): self.SetColour(setting, self.GetColour(setting))
[docs] def GetMetric(self, id): """ Get the value of a certain integer setting. can be one of the size values of `RibbonArtSetting`. :param `id`: a metric id. """ if id == RIBBON_ART_TAB_SEPARATION_SIZE: return self._tab_separation_size elif id == RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_LEFT_SIZE: return self._page_border_left elif id == RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_TOP_SIZE: return self._page_border_top elif id == RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_RIGHT_SIZE: return self._page_border_right elif id == RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_BOTTOM_SIZE: return self._page_border_bottom elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_X_SEPARATION_SIZE: return self._panel_x_separation_size elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_Y_SEPARATION_SIZE: return self._panel_y_separation_size elif id == RIBBON_ART_TOOL_GROUP_SEPARATION_SIZE: return self._tool_group_separation_size elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BITMAP_PADDING_LEFT_SIZE: return self._gallery_bitmap_padding_left_size elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BITMAP_PADDING_RIGHT_SIZE: return self._gallery_bitmap_padding_right_size elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BITMAP_PADDING_TOP_SIZE: return self._gallery_bitmap_padding_top_size elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BITMAP_PADDING_BOTTOM_SIZE: return self._gallery_bitmap_padding_bottom__size else: raise Exception("Invalid Metric Ordinal")
[docs] def SetMetric(self, id, new_val): """ Set the value of a certain integer setting to the value. can be one of the size values of `RibbonArtSetting`. :param `id`: a metric id; :param `new_val`: the new value of the metric setting. """ if id == RIBBON_ART_TAB_SEPARATION_SIZE: self._tab_separation_size = new_val elif id == RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_LEFT_SIZE: self._page_border_left = new_val elif id == RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_TOP_SIZE: self._page_border_top = new_val elif id == RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_RIGHT_SIZE: self._page_border_right = new_val elif id == RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_BOTTOM_SIZE: self._page_border_bottom = new_val elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_X_SEPARATION_SIZE: self._panel_x_separation_size = new_val elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_Y_SEPARATION_SIZE: self._panel_y_separation_size = new_val elif id == RIBBON_ART_TOOL_GROUP_SEPARATION_SIZE: self._tool_group_separation_size = new_val elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BITMAP_PADDING_LEFT_SIZE: self._gallery_bitmap_padding_left_size = new_val elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BITMAP_PADDING_RIGHT_SIZE: self._gallery_bitmap_padding_right_size = new_val elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BITMAP_PADDING_TOP_SIZE: self._gallery_bitmap_padding_top_size = new_val elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BITMAP_PADDING_BOTTOM_SIZE: self._gallery_bitmap_padding_bottom__size = new_val else: raise Exception("Invalid Metric Ordinal")
[docs] def SetFont(self, id, font): """ Set the value of a certain font setting to the value. can be one of the font values of `RibbonArtSetting`. :param `id`: a font id; :param `font`: the new font. """ if id == RIBBON_ART_TAB_LABEL_FONT: self._tab_label_font = font elif id == RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_LABEL_FONT: self._button_bar_label_font = font elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_LABEL_FONT: self._panel_label_font = font else: raise Exception("Invalid Font Ordinal")
[docs] def GetFont(self, id): """ Get the value of a certain font setting. can be one of the font values of `RibbonArtSetting`. :param `id`: the font id. """ if id == RIBBON_ART_TAB_LABEL_FONT: return self._tab_label_font elif id == RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_LABEL_FONT: return self._button_bar_label_font elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_LABEL_FONT: return self._panel_label_font else: raise Exception("Invalid Font Ordinal")
[docs] def GetColour(self, id): """ Get the value of a certain colour setting. can be one of the colour values of `RibbonArtSetting`. :param `id`: the colour id. """ if id == RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_LABEL_COLOUR: return self._button_bar_label_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_HOVER_BORDER_COLOUR: return self._button_bar_hover_border_pen.GetColour() elif id == RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_HOVER_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR: return self._button_bar_hover_background_top_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_HOVER_BACKGROUND_TOP_GRADIENT_COLOUR: return self._button_bar_hover_background_top_gradient_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_HOVER_BACKGROUND_COLOUR: return self._button_bar_hover_background_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_HOVER_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR: return self._button_bar_hover_background_gradient_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_ACTIVE_BORDER_COLOUR: return self._button_bar_active_border_pen.GetColour() elif id == RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR: return self._button_bar_active_background_top_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_TOP_GRADIENT_COLOUR: return self._button_bar_active_background_top_gradient_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_COLOUR: return self._button_bar_active_background_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR: return self._button_bar_active_background_gradient_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BORDER_COLOUR: return self._gallery_border_pen.GetColour() elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_HOVER_BACKGROUND_COLOUR: return self._gallery_hover_background_brush.GetColour() elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_BACKGROUND_COLOUR: return self._gallery_button_background_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR: return self._gallery_button_background_gradient_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR: return self._gallery_button_background_top_brush.GetColour() elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_FACE_COLOUR: return self._gallery_button_face_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_HOVER_BACKGROUND_COLOUR: return self._gallery_button_hover_background_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_HOVER_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR: return self._gallery_button_hover_background_gradient_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_HOVER_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR: return self._gallery_button_hover_background_top_brush.GetColour() elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_HOVER_FACE_COLOUR: return self._gallery_button_face_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_COLOUR: return self._gallery_button_active_background_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR: return self._gallery_button_active_background_gradient_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR: return self._gallery_button_background_top_brush.GetColour() elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_ACTIVE_FACE_COLOUR: return self._gallery_button_active_face_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_DISABLED_BACKGROUND_COLOUR: return self._gallery_button_disabled_background_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_DISABLED_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR: return self._gallery_button_disabled_background_gradient_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_DISABLED_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR: return self._gallery_button_disabled_background_top_brush.GetColour() elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_DISABLED_FACE_COLOUR: return self._gallery_button_disabled_face_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_ITEM_BORDER_COLOUR: return self._gallery_item_border_pen.GetColour() elif id in [RIBBON_ART_TAB_CTRL_BACKGROUND_COLOUR, RIBBON_ART_TAB_CTRL_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR]: return self._tab_ctrl_background_brush.GetColour() elif id == RIBBON_ART_TAB_LABEL_COLOUR: return self._tab_label_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_TAB_SEPARATOR_COLOUR: return self._tab_separator_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_TAB_SEPARATOR_GRADIENT_COLOUR: return self._tab_separator_gradient_colour elif id in [RIBBON_ART_TAB_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR, RIBBON_ART_TAB_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_TOP_GRADIENT_COLOUR]: return wx.Colour(0, 0, 0) elif id == RIBBON_ART_TAB_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_COLOUR: return self._tab_active_background_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_TAB_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR: return self._tab_active_background_gradient_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_TAB_HOVER_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR: return self._tab_hover_background_top_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_TAB_HOVER_BACKGROUND_TOP_GRADIENT_COLOUR: return self._tab_hover_background_top_gradient_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_TAB_HOVER_BACKGROUND_COLOUR: return self._tab_hover_background_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_TAB_HOVER_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR: return self._tab_hover_background_gradient_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_TAB_BORDER_COLOUR: return self._tab_border_pen.GetColour() elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_BORDER_COLOUR: return self._panel_border_pen.GetColour() elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_BORDER_GRADIENT_COLOUR: return self._panel_border_gradient_pen.GetColour() elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_MINIMISED_BORDER_COLOUR: return self._panel_minimised_border_pen.GetColour() elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_MINIMISED_BORDER_GRADIENT_COLOUR: return self._panel_minimised_border_gradient_pen.GetColour() elif id in [RIBBON_ART_PANEL_LABEL_BACKGROUND_COLOUR, RIBBON_ART_PANEL_LABEL_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR]: return self._panel_label_background_brush.GetColour() elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_LABEL_COLOUR: return self._panel_label_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_MINIMISED_LABEL_COLOUR: return self._panel_minimised_label_colour elif id in [RIBBON_ART_PANEL_HOVER_LABEL_BACKGROUND_COLOUR, RIBBON_ART_PANEL_HOVER_LABEL_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR]: return self._panel_hover_label_background_brush.GetColour() elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_HOVER_LABEL_COLOUR: return self._panel_hover_label_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR: return self._panel_active_background_top_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_TOP_GRADIENT_COLOUR: return self._panel_active_background_top_gradient_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_COLOUR: return self._panel_active_background_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR: return self._panel_active_background_gradient_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_COLOUR: return self._page_border_pen.GetColour() elif id == RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR: return self._page_background_top_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BACKGROUND_TOP_GRADIENT_COLOUR: return self._page_background_top_gradient_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BACKGROUND_COLOUR: return self._page_background_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR: return self._page_background_gradient_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_PAGE_HOVER_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR: return self._page_hover_background_top_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_PAGE_HOVER_BACKGROUND_TOP_GRADIENT_COLOUR: return self._page_hover_background_top_gradient_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_PAGE_HOVER_BACKGROUND_COLOUR: return self._page_hover_background_colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_PAGE_HOVER_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR: return self._page_hover_background_gradient_colour elif id in [RIBBON_ART_TOOLBAR_BORDER_COLOUR, RIBBON_ART_TOOLBAR_HOVER_BORDER_COLOUR]: return self._toolbar_border_pen.GetColour() elif id == RIBBON_ART_TOOLBAR_FACE_COLOUR: return self._tool_face_colour else: raise Exception("Invalid Colour Ordinal")
[docs] def SetColour(self, id, colour): """ Set the value of a certain colour setting to the value. can be one of the colour values of `RibbonArtSetting`, though not all colour settings will have an affect on every art provider. :param `id`: the colour id; :param `colour`: the colour. :see: L{SetColourScheme} """ if id == RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_LABEL_COLOUR: self._button_bar_label_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_HOVER_BORDER_COLOUR: self._button_bar_hover_border_pen.SetColour(colour) elif id == RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_HOVER_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR: self._button_bar_hover_background_top_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_HOVER_BACKGROUND_TOP_GRADIENT_COLOUR: self._button_bar_hover_background_top_gradient_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_HOVER_BACKGROUND_COLOUR: self._button_bar_hover_background_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_HOVER_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR: self._button_bar_hover_background_gradient_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_ACTIVE_BORDER_COLOUR: self._button_bar_active_border_pen.SetColour(colour) elif id == RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR: self._button_bar_active_background_top_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_TOP_GRADIENT_COLOUR: self._button_bar_active_background_top_gradient_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_COLOUR: self._button_bar_active_background_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR: self._button_bar_active_background_gradient_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BORDER_COLOUR: self._gallery_border_pen.SetColour(colour) elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_HOVER_BACKGROUND_COLOUR: self._gallery_hover_background_brush.SetColour(colour) elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_BACKGROUND_COLOUR: self._gallery_button_background_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR: self._gallery_button_background_gradient_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR: self._gallery_button_background_top_brush.SetColour(colour) elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_FACE_COLOUR: self._gallery_button_face_colour = colour if self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_VERTICAL: self._gallery_up_bitmap[0] = RibbonLoadPixmap(gallery_left_xpm, colour) self._gallery_down_bitmap[0] = RibbonLoadPixmap(gallery_right_xpm, colour) else: self._gallery_up_bitmap[0] = RibbonLoadPixmap(gallery_up_xpm, colour) self._gallery_down_bitmap[0] = RibbonLoadPixmap(gallery_down_xpm, colour) self._gallery_extension_bitmap[0] = RibbonLoadPixmap(gallery_extension_xpm, colour) elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_HOVER_BACKGROUND_COLOUR: self._gallery_button_hover_background_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_HOVER_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR: self._gallery_button_hover_background_gradient_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_HOVER_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR: self._gallery_button_hover_background_top_brush.SetColour(colour) elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_HOVER_FACE_COLOUR: self._gallery_button_hover_face_colour = colour if self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_VERTICAL: self._gallery_up_bitmap[1] = RibbonLoadPixmap(gallery_left_xpm, colour) self._gallery_down_bitmap[1] = RibbonLoadPixmap(gallery_right_xpm, colour) else: self._gallery_up_bitmap[1] = RibbonLoadPixmap(gallery_up_xpm, colour) self._gallery_down_bitmap[1] = RibbonLoadPixmap(gallery_down_xpm, colour) self._gallery_extension_bitmap[1] = RibbonLoadPixmap(gallery_extension_xpm, colour) elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_COLOUR: self._gallery_button_active_background_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR: self._gallery_button_active_background_gradient_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR: self._gallery_button_background_top_brush.SetColour(colour) elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_ACTIVE_FACE_COLOUR: self._gallery_button_active_face_colour = colour if self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_VERTICAL: self._gallery_up_bitmap[2] = RibbonLoadPixmap(gallery_left_xpm, colour) self._gallery_down_bitmap[2] = RibbonLoadPixmap(gallery_right_xpm, colour) else: self._gallery_up_bitmap[2] = RibbonLoadPixmap(gallery_up_xpm, colour) self._gallery_down_bitmap[2] = RibbonLoadPixmap(gallery_down_xpm, colour) self._gallery_extension_bitmap[2] = RibbonLoadPixmap(gallery_extension_xpm, colour) elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_DISABLED_BACKGROUND_COLOUR: self._gallery_button_disabled_background_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_DISABLED_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR: self._gallery_button_disabled_background_gradient_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_DISABLED_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR: self._gallery_button_disabled_background_top_brush.SetColour(colour) elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_DISABLED_FACE_COLOUR: self._gallery_button_disabled_face_colour = colour if self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_VERTICAL: self._gallery_up_bitmap[3] = RibbonLoadPixmap(gallery_left_xpm, colour) self._gallery_down_bitmap[3] = RibbonLoadPixmap(gallery_right_xpm, colour) else: self._gallery_up_bitmap[3] = RibbonLoadPixmap(gallery_up_xpm, colour) self._gallery_down_bitmap[3] = RibbonLoadPixmap(gallery_down_xpm, colour) self._gallery_extension_bitmap[3] = RibbonLoadPixmap(gallery_extension_xpm, colour) elif id == RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_ITEM_BORDER_COLOUR: self._gallery_item_border_pen.SetColour(colour) elif id in [RIBBON_ART_TAB_CTRL_BACKGROUND_COLOUR, RIBBON_ART_TAB_CTRL_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR]: self._tab_ctrl_background_brush.SetColour(colour) self._cached_tab_separator_visibility = -1.0 elif id == RIBBON_ART_TAB_LABEL_COLOUR: self._tab_label_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_TAB_SEPARATOR_COLOUR: self._tab_separator_colour = colour self._cached_tab_separator_visibility = -1.0 elif id == RIBBON_ART_TAB_SEPARATOR_GRADIENT_COLOUR: self._tab_separator_gradient_colour = colour self._cached_tab_separator_visibility = -1.0 elif id in [RIBBON_ART_TAB_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR, RIBBON_ART_TAB_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_TOP_GRADIENT_COLOUR]: pass elif id == RIBBON_ART_TAB_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_COLOUR: self._tab_active_background_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_TAB_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR: self._tab_active_background_gradient_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_TAB_HOVER_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR: self._tab_hover_background_top_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_TAB_HOVER_BACKGROUND_TOP_GRADIENT_COLOUR: self._tab_hover_background_top_gradient_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_TAB_HOVER_BACKGROUND_COLOUR: self._tab_hover_background_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_TAB_HOVER_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR: self._tab_hover_background_gradient_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_TAB_BORDER_COLOUR: self._tab_border_pen.SetColour(colour) elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_BORDER_COLOUR: self._panel_border_pen.SetColour(colour) elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_BORDER_GRADIENT_COLOUR: self._panel_border_gradient_pen.SetColour(colour) elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_MINIMISED_BORDER_COLOUR: self._panel_minimised_border_pen.SetColour(colour) elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_MINIMISED_BORDER_GRADIENT_COLOUR: self._panel_minimised_border_gradient_pen.SetColour(colour) elif id in [RIBBON_ART_PANEL_LABEL_BACKGROUND_COLOUR, RIBBON_ART_PANEL_LABEL_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR]: self._panel_label_background_brush.SetColour(colour) elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_LABEL_COLOUR: self._panel_label_colour = colour elif id in [RIBBON_ART_PANEL_HOVER_LABEL_BACKGROUND_COLOUR, RIBBON_ART_PANEL_HOVER_LABEL_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR]: self._panel_hover_label_background_brush.SetColour(colour) elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_HOVER_LABEL_COLOUR: self._panel_hover_label_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_MINIMISED_LABEL_COLOUR: self._panel_minimised_label_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR: self._panel_active_background_top_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_TOP_GRADIENT_COLOUR: self._panel_active_background_top_gradient_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_COLOUR: self._panel_active_background_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_PANEL_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR: self._panel_active_background_gradient_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_COLOUR: self._page_border_pen.SetColour(colour) elif id == RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR: self._page_background_top_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BACKGROUND_TOP_GRADIENT_COLOUR: self._page_background_top_gradient_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BACKGROUND_COLOUR: self._page_background_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR: self._page_background_gradient_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_PAGE_HOVER_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR: self._page_hover_background_top_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_PAGE_HOVER_BACKGROUND_TOP_GRADIENT_COLOUR: self._page_hover_background_top_gradient_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_PAGE_HOVER_BACKGROUND_COLOUR: self._page_hover_background_colour = colour elif id == RIBBON_ART_PAGE_HOVER_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR: self._page_hover_background_gradient_colour = colour elif id in [RIBBON_ART_TOOLBAR_BORDER_COLOUR, RIBBON_ART_TOOLBAR_HOVER_BORDER_COLOUR]: self._toolbar_border_pen.SetColour(colour) elif id == RIBBON_ART_TOOLBAR_FACE_COLOUR: self._tool_face_colour = colour self._toolbar_drop_bitmap = RibbonLoadPixmap(gallery_down_xpm, colour) else: raise Exception("Invalid Colour Ordinal")
[docs] def DrawTabCtrlBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ Draw the background of the tab region of a ribbon bar. :param `dc`: The device context to draw onto; :param `wnd`: The window which is being drawn onto; :param `rect`: The rectangle within which to draw. """ dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) dc.SetBrush(self._tab_ctrl_background_brush) dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height) dc.SetPen(self._page_border_pen) if rect.width > 6: dc.DrawLine(rect.x + 3, rect.y + rect.height - 1, rect.x + rect.width - 3, rect.y + rect.height - 1) else: dc.DrawLine(rect.x, rect.y + rect.height - 1, rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height - 1)
[docs] def DrawTab(self, dc, wnd, tab): """ Draw a single tab in the tab region of a ribbon bar. :param `dc`: The device context to draw onto; :param `wnd`: The window which is being drawn onto (not the L{RibbonPage} associated with the tab being drawn); :param `tab`: The rectangle within which to draw, and also the tab label, icon, and state (active and/or hovered). The drawing rectangle will be entirely within a rectangle on the same device context previously painted with L{DrawTabCtrlBackground}. The rectangle's width will be at least the minimum value returned by L{GetBarTabWidth}, and height will be the value returned by L{GetTabCtrlHeight}. """ if tab.rect.height <= 2: return if or tab.hovered: if background = wx.Rect(*tab.rect) background.x += 2 background.y += 2 background.width -= 4 background.height -= 2 dc.GradientFillLinear(background, self._tab_active_background_colour, self._tab_active_background_gradient_colour, wx.SOUTH) # TODO: active and hovered elif tab.hovered: background = wx.Rect(*tab.rect) background.x += 2 background.y += 2 background.width -= 4 background.height -= 3 h = background.height background.height /= 2 dc.GradientFillLinear(background, self._tab_hover_background_top_colour, self._tab_hover_background_top_gradient_colour, wx.SOUTH) background.y += background.height background.height = h - background.height dc.GradientFillLinear(background, self._tab_hover_background_colour, self._tab_hover_background_gradient_colour, wx.SOUTH) border_points = [wx.Point() for i in xrange(6)] border_points[0] = wx.Point(1, tab.rect.height - 2) border_points[1] = wx.Point(1, 3) border_points[2] = wx.Point(3, 1) border_points[3] = wx.Point(tab.rect.width - 4, 1) border_points[4] = wx.Point(tab.rect.width - 2, 3) border_points[5] = wx.Point(tab.rect.width - 2, tab.rect.height - 1) dc.SetPen(self._tab_border_pen) dc.DrawLines(border_points, tab.rect.x, tab.rect.y) if # Give the tab a curved outward border at the bottom dc.DrawPoint(tab.rect.x, tab.rect.y + tab.rect.height - 2) dc.DrawPoint(tab.rect.x + tab.rect.width - 1, tab.rect.y + tab.rect.height - 2) p = wx.Pen(self._tab_active_background_gradient_colour) dc.SetPen(p) # Technically the first two points are the wrong colour, but they're near enough dc.DrawPoint(tab.rect.x + 1, tab.rect.y + tab.rect.height - 2) dc.DrawPoint(tab.rect.x + tab.rect.width - 2, tab.rect.y + tab.rect.height - 2) dc.DrawPoint(tab.rect.x + 1, tab.rect.y + tab.rect.height - 1) dc.DrawPoint(tab.rect.x, tab.rect.y + tab.rect.height - 1) dc.DrawPoint(tab.rect.x + tab.rect.width - 2, tab.rect.y + tab.rect.height - 1) dc.DrawPoint(tab.rect.x + tab.rect.width - 1, tab.rect.y + tab.rect.height - 1) if self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_SHOW_PAGE_ICONS: icon = if icon.IsOk(): x = tab.rect.x + 4 if self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_SHOW_PAGE_LABELS == 0: x = tab.rect.x + (tab.rect.width - icon.GetWidth()) / 2 dc.DrawBitmap(icon, x, tab.rect.y + 1 + (tab.rect.height - 1 - icon.GetHeight()) / 2, True) if self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_SHOW_PAGE_LABELS: label = if label.strip(): dc.SetFont(self._tab_label_font) dc.SetTextForeground(self._tab_label_colour) dc.SetBackgroundMode(wx.TRANSPARENT) text_width, text_height = dc.GetTextExtent(label) width = tab.rect.width - 5 x = tab.rect.x + 3 if self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_SHOW_PAGE_ICONS: x += 3 + width -= 3 + y = tab.rect.y + (tab.rect.height - text_height) / 2 if width <= text_width: dc.SetClippingRegion(x, tab.rect.y, width, tab.rect.height) dc.DrawText(label, x, y) else: dc.DrawText(label, x + (width - text_width) / 2 + 1, y)
[docs] def DrawTabSeparator(self, dc, wnd, rect, visibility): """ Draw a separator between two tabs in a ribbon bar. :param `dc`: The device context to draw onto; :param `wnd`: The window which is being drawn onto; :param `rect`: The rectangle within which to draw, which will be entirely within a rectangle on the same device context previously painted with L{DrawTabCtrlBackground}; :param `visibility`: The opacity with which to draw the separator. Values are in the range [0, 1], with 0 being totally transparent, and 1 being totally opaque. """ if visibility <= 0.0: return if visibility > 1.0: visibility = 1.0 # The tab separator is relatively expensive to draw (for its size), and is # usually drawn multiple times sequentially (in different positions), so it # makes sense to draw it once and cache it. if not self._cached_tab_separator.IsOk() or self._cached_tab_separator.GetSize() != rect.GetSize() or \ visibility != self._cached_tab_separator_visibility: size = wx.Rect(0, 0, *rect.GetSize()) self.ReallyDrawTabSeparator(wnd, size, visibility) dc.DrawBitmap(self._cached_tab_separator, rect.x, rect.y, False)
[docs] def ReallyDrawTabSeparator(self, wnd, rect, visibility): if not self._cached_tab_separator.IsOk() or self._cached_tab_separator.GetSize() != rect.GetSize(): self._cached_tab_separator = wx.EmptyBitmap(*rect.GetSize()) dc = wx.MemoryDC(self._cached_tab_separator) self.DrawTabCtrlBackground(dc, wnd, rect) x = rect.x + rect.width / 2 h = float(rect.height - 1) r1 = self._tab_ctrl_background_brush.GetColour().Red() * (1.0 - visibility) + 0.5 g1 = self._tab_ctrl_background_brush.GetColour().Green() * (1.0 - visibility) + 0.5 b1 = self._tab_ctrl_background_brush.GetColour().Blue() * (1.0 - visibility) + 0.5 r2 = self._tab_separator_colour.Red() g2 = self._tab_separator_colour.Green() b2 = self._tab_separator_colour.Blue() r3 = self._tab_separator_gradient_colour.Red() g3 = self._tab_separator_gradient_colour.Green() b3 = self._tab_separator_gradient_colour.Blue() for i in xrange(rect.height-1): p = float(i)/h r = (p * r3 + (1.0 - p) * r2) * visibility + r1 g = (p * g3 + (1.0 - p) * g2) * visibility + g1 b = (p * b3 + (1.0 - p) * b2) * visibility + b1 P = wx.Pen(wx.Colour(r, g, b)) dc.SetPen(P) dc.DrawPoint(x, rect.y + i) self._cached_tab_separator_visibility = visibility
[docs] def DrawPartialPageBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect, allow_hovered_or_page=True, offset=None, hovered=False): if isinstance(allow_hovered_or_page, types.BooleanType): self.DrawPartialPageBackground2(dc, wnd, rect, allow_hovered_or_page) else: self.DrawPartialPageBackground1(dc, wnd, rect, allow_hovered_or_page, offset, hovered)
[docs] def DrawPartialPageBackground1(self, dc, wnd, rect, page, offset, hovered=False): background = wx.Rect(0, 0, *page.GetSize()) background = page.AdjustRectToIncludeScrollButtons(background) background.height -= 2 # Page background isn't dependant upon the width of the page # (at least not the part of it intended to be painted by this # function). Set to wider than the page itself for when externally # expanded panels need a background - the expanded panel can be wider # than the bar. background.x = 0 background.width = 10000 # upper_rect, lower_rect, paint_rect are all in page co-ordinates upper_rect = wx.Rect(*background) upper_rect.height /= 5 lower_rect = wx.Rect(*background) lower_rect.y += upper_rect.height lower_rect.height -= upper_rect.height paint_rect = wx.Rect(*rect) paint_rect.x += offset.x paint_rect.y += offset.y if hovered: bg_top = self._page_hover_background_top_colour bg_top_grad = self._page_hover_background_top_gradient_colour bg_btm = self._page_hover_background_colour bg_btm_grad = self._page_hover_background_gradient_colour else: bg_top = self._page_background_top_colour bg_top_grad = self._page_background_top_gradient_colour bg_btm = self._page_background_colour bg_btm_grad = self._page_background_gradient_colour if paint_rect.Intersects(upper_rect): rect = wx.Rect(*upper_rect) rect.Intersect(paint_rect) rect.x -= offset.x rect.y -= offset.y starting_colour = RibbonInterpolateColour(bg_top, bg_top_grad, paint_rect.y, upper_rect.y, upper_rect.y + upper_rect.height) ending_colour = RibbonInterpolateColour(bg_top, bg_top_grad, paint_rect.y + paint_rect.height, upper_rect.y, upper_rect.y + upper_rect.height) dc.GradientFillLinear(rect, starting_colour, ending_colour, wx.SOUTH) if paint_rect.Intersects(lower_rect): rect = wx.Rect(*lower_rect) rect.Intersect(paint_rect) rect.x -= offset.x rect.y -= offset.y starting_colour = RibbonInterpolateColour(bg_btm, bg_btm_grad, paint_rect.y, lower_rect.y, lower_rect.y + lower_rect.height) ending_colour = RibbonInterpolateColour(bg_btm, bg_btm_grad, paint_rect.y + paint_rect.height, lower_rect.y, lower_rect.y + lower_rect.height) dc.GradientFillLinear(rect, starting_colour, ending_colour, wx.SOUTH)
[docs] def DrawPageBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ Draw the background of a ribbon page. :param `dc`: The device context to draw onto; :param `wnd`: The window which is being drawn onto (which is commonly the L{RibbonPage} whose background is being drawn, but doesn't have to be); :param `rect`: The rectangle within which to draw. :see: L{GetPageBackgroundRedrawArea} """ dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) dc.SetBrush(self._tab_ctrl_background_brush) edge = wx.Rect(*rect) edge.width = 2 dc.DrawRectangle(edge.x, edge.y, edge.width, edge.height) edge.x += rect.width - 2 dc.DrawRectangle(edge.x, edge.y, edge.width, edge.height) edge = wx.Rect(*rect) edge.height = 2 edge.y += (rect.height - edge.height) dc.DrawRectangle(edge.x, edge.y, edge.width, edge.height) background = wx.Rect(*rect) background.x += 2 background.width -= 4 background.height -= 2 background.height /= 5 dc.GradientFillLinear(background, self._page_background_top_colour, self._page_background_top_gradient_colour, wx.SOUTH) background.y += background.height background.height = rect.height - 2 - background.height dc.GradientFillLinear(background, self._page_background_colour, self._page_background_gradient_colour, wx.SOUTH) border_points = [wx.Point() for i in xrange(8)] border_points[0] = wx.Point(2, 0) border_points[1] = wx.Point(1, 1) border_points[2] = wx.Point(1, rect.height - 4) border_points[3] = wx.Point(3, rect.height - 2) border_points[4] = wx.Point(rect.width - 4, rect.height - 2) border_points[5] = wx.Point(rect.width - 2, rect.height - 4) border_points[6] = wx.Point(rect.width - 2, 1) border_points[7] = wx.Point(rect.width - 4, -1) dc.SetPen(self._page_border_pen) dc.DrawLines(border_points, rect.x, rect.y)
[docs] def DrawScrollButton(self, dc, wnd, rect_, style): """ Draw a ribbon-style scroll button. :param `dc`: The device context to draw onto; :param `wnd`: The window which is being drawn onto; :param `rect`: The rectangle within which to draw. The size of this rectangle will be at least the size returned by L{GetScrollButtonMinimumSize} for a scroll button with the same style. For tab scroll buttons, this rectangle will be entirely within a rectangle on the same device context previously painted with L{DrawTabCtrlBackground}, but this is not guaranteed for other types of button (for example, page scroll buttons will not be painted on an area previously painted with L{DrawPageBackground} ); :param `style`: A combination of flags from `RibbonScrollButtonStyle`, including a direction, a for flag, and one or more states. """ rect = wx.Rect(*rect_) if (style & RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_FOR_MASK) == RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_FOR_PAGE: # Page scroll buttons do not have the luxury of rendering on top of anything # else, and their size includes some padding, hence the background painting # and size adjustment. dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) dc.SetBrush(self._tab_ctrl_background_brush) dc.DrawRectangleRect(rect) dc.SetClippingRect(rect) result = style & RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_DIRECTION_MASK if result == RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_LEFT: rect.x += 1 elif result == RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_RIGHT: rect.y -= 1 rect.width -= 1 elif result == RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_UP: rect.x += 1 rect.y -= 1 rect.width -= 2 rect.height += 1 elif result == RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_DOWN: rect.x += 1 rect.width -= 2 rect.height -= 1 background = wx.Rect(*rect) background.x += 1 background.y += 1 background.width -= 2 background.height -= 2 if style & RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_UP: background.height /= 2 else: background.height /= 5 dc.GradientFillLinear(background, self._page_background_top_colour, self._page_background_top_gradient_colour, wx.SOUTH) background.y += background.height background.height = rect.height - 2 - background.height dc.GradientFillLinear(background, self._page_background_colour, self._page_background_gradient_colour, wx.SOUTH) border_points = [wx.Point() for i in xrange(7)] result = style & RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_DIRECTION_MASK if result == RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_LEFT: border_points[0] = wx.Point(2, 0) border_points[1] = wx.Point(rect.width - 1, 0) border_points[2] = wx.Point(rect.width - 1, rect.height - 1) border_points[3] = wx.Point(2, rect.height - 1) border_points[4] = wx.Point(0, rect.height - 3) border_points[5] = wx.Point(0, 2) elif result == RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_RIGHT: border_points[0] = wx.Point(0, 0) border_points[1] = wx.Point(rect.width - 3, 0) border_points[2] = wx.Point(rect.width - 1, 2) border_points[3] = wx.Point(rect.width - 1, rect.height - 3) border_points[4] = wx.Point(rect.width - 3, rect.height - 1) border_points[5] = wx.Point(0, rect.height - 1) elif result == RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_UP: border_points[0] = wx.Point(2, 0) border_points[1] = wx.Point(rect.width - 3, 0) border_points[2] = wx.Point(rect.width - 1, 2) border_points[3] = wx.Point(rect.width - 1, rect.height - 1) border_points[4] = wx.Point(0, rect.height - 1) border_points[5] = wx.Point(0, 2) elif result == RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_DOWN: border_points[0] = wx.Point(0, 0) border_points[1] = wx.Point(rect.width - 1, 0) border_points[2] = wx.Point(rect.width - 1, rect.height - 3) border_points[3] = wx.Point(rect.width - 3, rect.height - 1) border_points[4] = wx.Point(2, rect.height - 1) border_points[5] = wx.Point(0, rect.height - 3) border_points[6] = border_points[0] dc.SetPen(self._page_border_pen) dc.DrawLines(border_points, rect.x, rect.y) # NB: Code for handling hovered/active state is temporary arrow_points = [wx.Point() for i in xrange(3)] result = style & RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_DIRECTION_MASK if result == RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_LEFT: arrow_points[0] = wx.Point(rect.width / 2 - 2, rect.height / 2) if style & RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_ACTIVE: arrow_points[0].y += 1 arrow_points[1] = arrow_points[0] + wx.Point(3, -3) arrow_points[2] = arrow_points[0] + wx.Point(3, 3) elif result == RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_RIGHT: arrow_points[0] = wx.Point(rect.width / 2 + 2, rect.height / 2) if style & RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_ACTIVE: arrow_points[0].y += 1 arrow_points[1] = arrow_points[0] - wx.Point(3, 3) arrow_points[2] = arrow_points[0] - wx.Point(3, -3) elif result == RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_UP: arrow_points[0] = wx.Point(rect.width / 2, rect.height / 2 - 2) if style & RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_ACTIVE: arrow_points[0].y += 1 arrow_points[1] = arrow_points[0] + wx.Point( 3, 3) arrow_points[2] = arrow_points[0] + wx.Point(-3, 3) elif result == RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_DOWN: arrow_points[0] = wx.Point(rect.width / 2, rect.height / 2 + 2) if style & RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_ACTIVE: arrow_points[0].y += 1 arrow_points[1] = arrow_points[0] - wx.Point( 3, 3) arrow_points[2] = arrow_points[0] - wx.Point(-3, 3) dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) B = wx.Brush((style & RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_HOVERED and [self._tab_active_background_colour] or [self._tab_label_colour])[0]) dc.SetBrush(B) dc.DrawPolygon(arrow_points, rect.x, rect.y)
[docs] def DrawDropdownArrow(self, dc, x, y, colour): arrow_points = [wx.Point() for i in xrange(3)] brush = wx.Brush(colour) arrow_points[0] = wx.Point(1, 2) arrow_points[1] = arrow_points[0] + wx.Point(-3, -3) arrow_points[2] = arrow_points[0] + wx.Point( 3, -3) dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) dc.SetBrush(brush) dc.DrawPolygon(arrow_points, x, y)
[docs] def RemovePanelPadding(self, rect): if self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_VERTICAL: rect.y += 1 rect.height -= 2 else: rect.x += 1 rect.width -= 2 return rect
[docs] def DrawPanelBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ Draw the background and chrome for a ribbon panel. This should draw the border, background, label, and any other items of a panel which are outside the client area of a panel. Note that when a panel is minimised, this function is not called - only L{DrawMinimisedPanel} is called, so a background should be explicitly painted by that if required. :param `dc`: The device context to draw onto; :param `wnd`: The window which is being drawn onto, which is always the panel whose background and chrome is being drawn. The panel label and other panel attributes can be obtained by querying this; :param `rect`: The rectangle within which to draw. """ self.DrawPartialPageBackground(dc, wnd, rect, False) true_rect = wx.Rect(*rect) true_rect = self.RemovePanelPadding(true_rect) dc.SetFont(self._panel_label_font) dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) if wnd.IsHovered(): dc.SetBrush(self._panel_hover_label_background_brush) dc.SetTextForeground(self._panel_hover_label_colour) else: dc.SetBrush(self._panel_label_background_brush) dc.SetTextForeground(self._panel_label_colour) label_rect = wx.Rect(*true_rect) label = wnd.GetLabel().strip() clip_label = False label_size = wx.Size(*dc.GetTextExtent(label)) label_rect.SetX(label_rect.GetX() + 1) label_rect.SetWidth(label_rect.GetWidth() - 2) label_rect.SetHeight(label_size.GetHeight() + 2) label_rect.SetY(true_rect.GetBottom() - label_rect.GetHeight()) label_height = label_rect.GetHeight() if label_size.GetWidth() > label_rect.GetWidth(): # Test if there is enough length for 3 letters and ... new_label = label[0:3] + "..." label_size = wx.Size(*dc.GetTextExtent(new_label)) if label_size.GetWidth() > label_rect.GetWidth(): # Not enough room for three characters and ... # Display the entire label and just crop it clip_label = True else: # Room for some characters and ... # Display as many characters as possible and append ... for l in xrange(len(label)-1, 3, -1): new_label = label[0:l] + "..." label_size = wx.Size(*dc.GetTextExtent(new_label)) if label_size.GetWidth() <= label_rect.GetWidth(): label = new_label break dc.DrawRectangleRect(label_rect) if clip_label: clip = wx.DCClipper(dc, label_rect) dc.DrawText(label, label_rect.x, label_rect.y + (label_rect.GetHeight() - label_size.GetHeight()) / 2) else: dc.DrawText(label, label_rect.x + (label_rect.GetWidth() - label_size.GetWidth()) / 2, label_rect.y + (label_rect.GetHeight() - label_size.GetHeight()) / 2) if wnd.IsHovered(): client_rect = wx.Rect(*true_rect) client_rect.x += 1 client_rect.width -= 2 client_rect.y += 1 client_rect.height -= 2 + label_height self.DrawPartialPageBackground(dc, wnd, client_rect, True) self.DrawPanelBorder(dc, true_rect, self._panel_border_pen, self._panel_border_gradient_pen)
[docs] def DrawGalleryBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ Draw the background and chrome for a L{RibbonGallery} control. This should draw the border, brackground, scroll buttons, extension button, and any other UI elements which are not attached to a specific gallery item. :param `dc`: The device context to draw onto; :param `wnd`: The window which is being drawn onto, which is always the gallery whose background and chrome is being drawn. Attributes used during drawing like the gallery hover state and individual button states can be queried from this parameter by L{RibbonGallery.IsHovered}, L{RibbonGallery.GetExtensionButtonState}, L{RibbonGallery.GetUpButtonState}, and L{RibbonGallery.GetDownButtonState}; :param `rect`: The rectangle within which to draw. This rectangle is the entire area of the gallery control, not just the client rectangle. """ self.DrawPartialPageBackground(dc, wnd, rect) if wnd.IsHovered(): dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) dc.SetBrush(self._gallery_hover_background_brush) if self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_VERTICAL: dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x + 1, rect.y + 1, rect.width - 2, rect.height - 16) else: dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x + 1, rect.y + 1, rect.width - 16, rect.height - 2) dc.SetPen(self._gallery_border_pen) # Outline dc.DrawLine(rect.x + 1, rect.y, rect.x + rect.width - 1, rect.y) dc.DrawLine(rect.x, rect.y + 1, rect.x, rect.y + rect.height - 1) dc.DrawLine(rect.x + 1, rect.y + rect.height - 1, rect.x + rect.width - 1, rect.y + rect.height - 1) dc.DrawLine(rect.x + rect.width - 1, rect.y + 1, rect.x + rect.width - 1, rect.y + rect.height - 1) self.DrawGalleryBackgroundCommon(dc, wnd, rect)
[docs] def DrawGalleryBackgroundCommon(self, dc, wnd, rect): if self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_VERTICAL: # Divider between items and buttons dc.DrawLine(rect.x, rect.y + rect.height - 15, rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height - 15) up_btn = wx.Rect(rect.x, rect.y + rect.height - 15, rect.width / 3, 15) down_btn = wx.Rect(up_btn.GetRight() + 1, up_btn.GetTop(), up_btn.GetWidth(), up_btn.GetHeight()) dc.DrawLine(down_btn.GetLeft(), down_btn.GetTop(), down_btn.GetLeft(), down_btn.GetBottom()) ext_btn = wx.Rect(down_btn.GetRight() + 1, up_btn.GetTop(), rect.width - up_btn.GetWidth() - down_btn.GetWidth() - 1, up_btn.GetHeight()) dc.DrawLine(ext_btn.GetLeft(), ext_btn.GetTop(), ext_btn.GetLeft(), ext_btn.GetBottom()) else: # Divider between items and buttons dc.DrawLine(rect.x + rect.width - 15, rect.y, rect.x + rect.width - 15, rect.y + rect.height) up_btn = wx.Rect(rect.x + rect.width - 15, rect.y, 15, rect.height / 3) down_btn = wx.Rect(up_btn.GetLeft(), up_btn.GetBottom() + 1, up_btn.GetWidth(), up_btn.GetHeight()) dc.DrawLine(down_btn.GetLeft(), down_btn.GetTop(), down_btn.GetRight(), down_btn.GetTop()) ext_btn = wx.Rect(up_btn.GetLeft(), down_btn.GetBottom() + 1, up_btn.GetWidth(), rect.height - up_btn.GetHeight() - down_btn.GetHeight() - 1) dc.DrawLine(ext_btn.GetLeft(), ext_btn.GetTop(), ext_btn.GetRight(), ext_btn.GetTop()) self.DrawGalleryButton(dc, up_btn, wnd.GetUpButtonState(), self._gallery_up_bitmap) self.DrawGalleryButton(dc, down_btn, wnd.GetDownButtonState(), self._gallery_down_bitmap) self.DrawGalleryButton(dc, ext_btn, wnd.GetExtensionButtonState(), self._gallery_extension_bitmap)
[docs] def DrawGalleryButton(self, dc, rect, state, bitmaps): if state == RIBBON_GALLERY_BUTTON_NORMAL: btn_top_brush = self._gallery_button_background_top_brush btn_colour = self._gallery_button_background_colour btn_grad_colour = self._gallery_button_background_gradient_colour btn_bitmap = bitmaps[0] elif state == RIBBON_GALLERY_BUTTON_HOVERED: btn_top_brush = self._gallery_button_hover_background_top_brush btn_colour = self._gallery_button_hover_background_colour btn_grad_colour = self._gallery_button_hover_background_gradient_colour btn_bitmap = bitmaps[1] elif state == RIBBON_GALLERY_BUTTON_ACTIVE: btn_top_brush = self._gallery_button_active_background_top_brush btn_colour = self._gallery_button_active_background_colour btn_grad_colour = self._gallery_button_active_background_gradient_colour btn_bitmap = bitmaps[2] elif state == RIBBON_GALLERY_BUTTON_DISABLED: btn_top_brush = self._gallery_button_disabled_background_top_brush btn_colour = self._gallery_button_disabled_background_colour btn_grad_colour = self._gallery_button_disabled_background_gradient_colour btn_bitmap = bitmaps[3] rect.x += 1 rect.y += 1 if self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_VERTICAL: rect.width -= 1 rect.height -= 2 else: rect.width -= 2 rect.height -= 1 dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) dc.SetBrush(btn_top_brush) dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height / 2) lower = wx.Rect(*rect) lower.height = (lower.height + 1) / 2 lower.y += rect.height - lower.height dc.GradientFillLinear(lower, btn_colour, btn_grad_colour, wx.SOUTH) dc.DrawBitmap(btn_bitmap, rect.x + rect.width / 2 - 2, lower.y - 2, True)
[docs] def DrawGalleryItemBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect, item): """ Draw the background of a single item in a L{RibbonGallery} control. This is painted on top of a gallery background, and behind the items bitmap. Unlike L{DrawButtonBarButton} and L{DrawTool}, it is not expected to draw the item bitmap - that is done by the gallery control itself. :param `dc`: The device context to draw onto; :param `wnd`: The window which is being drawn onto, which is always the gallery which contains the item being drawn; :param `rect`: The rectangle within which to draw. The size of this rectangle will be the size of the item's bitmap, expanded by gallery item padding values (``RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BITMAP_PADDING_LEFT_SIZE``, ``RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BITMAP_PADDING_RIGHT_SIZE``, ``RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BITMAP_PADDING_TOP_SIZE``, and ``RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BITMAP_PADDING_BOTTOM_SIZE``). The drawing rectangle will be entirely within a rectangle on the same device context previously painted with L{DrawGalleryBackground}; :param `item`: The item whose background is being painted. Typically the background will vary if the item is hovered, active, or selected; L{RibbonGallery.GetSelection}, L{RibbonGallery.GetActiveItem}, and L{RibbonGallery.GetHoveredItem} can be called to test if the given item is in one of these states. """ if wnd.GetHoveredItem() != item and wnd.GetActiveItem() != item and \ wnd.GetSelection() != item: return dc.SetPen(self._gallery_item_border_pen) dc.DrawLine(rect.x + 1, rect.y, rect.x + rect.width - 1, rect.y) dc.DrawLine(rect.x, rect.y + 1, rect.x, rect.y + rect.height - 1) dc.DrawLine(rect.x + 1, rect.y + rect.height - 1, rect.x + rect.width - 1, rect.y + rect.height - 1) dc.DrawLine(rect.x + rect.width - 1, rect.y + 1, rect.x + rect.width - 1, rect.y + rect.height - 1) if wnd.GetActiveItem() == item or wnd.GetSelection() == item: top_brush = self._gallery_button_active_background_top_brush bg_colour = self._gallery_button_active_background_colour bg_gradient_colour = self._gallery_button_active_background_gradient_colour else: top_brush = self._gallery_button_hover_background_top_brush bg_colour = self._gallery_button_hover_background_colour bg_gradient_colour = self._gallery_button_hover_background_gradient_colour upper = wx.Rect(*rect) upper.x += 1 upper.width -= 2 upper.y += 1 upper.height /= 3 dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) dc.SetBrush(top_brush) dc.DrawRectangle(upper.x, upper.y, upper.width, upper.height) lower = wx.Rect(*upper) lower.y += lower.height lower.height = rect.height - 2 - lower.height dc.GradientFillLinear(lower, bg_colour, bg_gradient_colour, wx.SOUTH)
[docs] def DrawPanelBorder(self, dc, rect, primary_colour, secondary_colour): border_points = [wx.Point() for i in xrange(9)] border_points[0] = wx.Point(2, 0) border_points[1] = wx.Point(rect.width - 3, 0) border_points[2] = wx.Point(rect.width - 1, 2) border_points[3] = wx.Point(rect.width - 1, rect.height - 3) border_points[4] = wx.Point(rect.width - 3, rect.height - 1) border_points[5] = wx.Point(2, rect.height - 1) border_points[6] = wx.Point(0, rect.height - 3) border_points[7] = wx.Point(0, 2) if primary_colour.GetColour() == secondary_colour.GetColour(): border_points[8] = border_points[0] dc.SetPen(primary_colour) dc.DrawLines(border_points, rect.x, rect.y) else: dc.SetPen(primary_colour) dc.DrawLines(border_points[0:3], rect.x, rect.y) SingleLine(dc, rect, border_points[0], border_points[7]) dc.SetPen(secondary_colour) dc.DrawLines(border_points[4:7], rect.x, rect.y) SingleLine(dc, rect, border_points[4], border_points[3]) border_points[6] = border_points[2] RibbonDrawParallelGradientLines(dc, 2, border_points[6:8], 0, 1, border_points[3].y - border_points[2].y + 1, rect.x, rect.y, primary_colour.GetColour(), secondary_colour.GetColour())
[docs] def DrawMinimisedPanel(self, dc, wnd, rect, bitmap): """ Draw a minimised ribbon panel. :param `dc`: The device context to draw onto; :param `wnd`: The window which is being drawn onto, which is always the panel which is minimised. The panel label can be obtained from this window. The minimised icon obtained from querying the window may not be the size requested by L{GetMinimisedPanelMinimumSize} - the argument contains the icon in the requested size; :param `rect`: The rectangle within which to draw. The size of the rectangle will be at least the size returned by L{GetMinimisedPanelMinimumSize}; :param `bitmap`: A copy of the panel's minimised bitmap rescaled to the size returned by L{GetMinimisedPanelMinimumSize}. """ self.DrawPartialPageBackground(dc, wnd, rect, False) true_rect = wx.Rect(*rect) true_rect = self.RemovePanelPadding(true_rect) if wnd.GetExpandedPanel() != None: client_rect = wx.Rect(*true_rect) client_rect.x += 1 client_rect.width -= 2 client_rect.y += 1 client_rect.height = (rect.y + rect.height / 5) - client_rect.x dc.GradientFillLinear(client_rect, self._panel_active_background_top_colour, self._panel_active_background_top_gradient_colour, wx.SOUTH) client_rect.y += client_rect.height client_rect.height = (true_rect.y + true_rect.height) - client_rect.y dc.GradientFillLinear(client_rect, self._panel_active_background_colour, self._panel_active_background_gradient_colour, wx.SOUTH) elif wnd.IsHovered(): client_rect = wx.Rect(*true_rect) client_rect.x += 1 client_rect.width -= 2 client_rect.y += 1 client_rect.height -= 2 self.DrawPartialPageBackground(dc, wnd, client_rect, True) preview = self.DrawMinimisedPanelCommon(dc, wnd, true_rect) dc.SetBrush(self._panel_hover_label_background_brush) dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) dc.DrawRectangle(preview.x + 1, preview.y + preview.height - 8, preview.width - 2, 7) mid_pos = rect.y + rect.height / 5 - preview.y if mid_pos < 0 or mid_pos >= preview.height: full_rect = wx.Rect(*preview) full_rect.x += 1 full_rect.y += 1 full_rect.width -= 2 full_rect.height -= 9 if mid_pos < 0: dc.GradientFillLinear(full_rect, self._page_hover_background_colour, self._page_hover_background_gradient_colour, wx.SOUTH) else: dc.GradientFillLinear(full_rect, self._page_hover_background_top_colour, self._page_hover_background_top_gradient_colour, wx.SOUTH) else: top_rect = wx.Rect(*preview) top_rect.x += 1 top_rect.y += 1 top_rect.width -= 2 top_rect.height = mid_pos dc.GradientFillLinear(top_rect, self._page_hover_background_top_colour, self._page_hover_background_top_gradient_colour, wx.SOUTH) btm_rect = wx.Rect(*top_rect) btm_rect.y = preview.y + mid_pos btm_rect.height = preview.y + preview.height - 7 - btm_rect.y dc.GradientFillLinear(btm_rect, self._page_hover_background_colour, self._page_hover_background_gradient_colour, wx.SOUTH) if bitmap.IsOk(): dc.DrawBitmap(bitmap, preview.x + (preview.width - bitmap.GetWidth()) / 2, preview.y + (preview.height - 7 - bitmap.GetHeight()) / 2, True) self.DrawPanelBorder(dc, preview, self._panel_border_pen, self._panel_border_gradient_pen) self.DrawPanelBorder(dc, true_rect, self._panel_minimised_border_pen, self._panel_minimised_border_gradient_pen)
[docs] def DrawMinimisedPanelCommon(self, dc, wnd, true_rect): preview = wx.Rect(0, 0, 32, 32) if self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_VERTICAL: preview.x = true_rect.x + 4 preview.y = true_rect.y + (true_rect.height - preview.height) / 2 else: preview.x = true_rect.x + (true_rect.width - preview.width) / 2 preview.y = true_rect.y + 4 dc.SetFont(self._panel_label_font) label_width, label_height = dc.GetTextExtent(wnd.GetLabel()) xpos = true_rect.x + (true_rect.width - label_width + 1) / 2 ypos = preview.y + preview.height + 5 if self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_VERTICAL: xpos = preview.x + preview.width + 5 ypos = true_rect.y + (true_rect.height - label_height) / 2 dc.SetTextForeground(self._panel_minimised_label_colour) dc.DrawText(wnd.GetLabel(), xpos, ypos) arrow_points = [wx.Point() for i in xrange(3)] if self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_VERTICAL: xpos += label_width arrow_points[0] = wx.Point(xpos + 5, ypos + label_height / 2) arrow_points[1] = arrow_points[0] + wx.Point(-3, 3) arrow_points[2] = arrow_points[0] + wx.Point(-3, -3) else: ypos += label_height arrow_points[0] = wx.Point(true_rect.width / 2, ypos + 5) arrow_points[1] = arrow_points[0] + wx.Point(-3, -3) arrow_points[2] = arrow_points[0] + wx.Point( 3, -3) dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) B = wx.Brush(self._panel_minimised_label_colour) dc.SetBrush(B) dc.DrawPolygon(arrow_points, true_rect.x, true_rect.y) return preview
[docs] def DrawButtonBarBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ Draw the background for a L{RibbonButtonBar} control. :param `dc`: The device context to draw onto; :param `wnd`: The window which is being drawn onto (which will typically be the button bar itself, though this is not guaranteed); :param `rect`: The rectangle within which to draw. """ self.DrawPartialPageBackground(dc, wnd, rect, True)
[docs] def DrawPartialPageBackground2(self, dc, wnd, rect, allow_hovered=True): # Assume the window is a child of a ribbon page, and also check for a # hovered panel somewhere between the window and the page, as it causes # the background to change. offset = wx.Point(*wnd.GetPosition()) page = None parent = wnd.GetParent() hovered = False panel = None if isinstance(wnd, PANEL.RibbonPanel): panel = wnd hovered = allow_hovered and panel.IsHovered() if panel.GetExpandedDummy() != None: offset = panel.GetExpandedDummy().GetPosition() parent = panel.GetExpandedDummy().GetParent() while 1: if panel is None: panel = parent if isinstance(panel, PANEL.RibbonPanel): hovered = allow_hovered and panel.IsHovered() if panel.GetExpandedDummy() != None: parent = panel.GetExpandedDummy() page = parent if isinstance(page, PAGE.RibbonPage): break offset += parent.GetPosition() parent = parent.GetParent() if parent is None: break if page != None: self.DrawPartialPageBackground(dc, wnd, rect, page, offset, hovered) return # No page found - fallback to painting with a stock brush dc.SetBrush(wx.WHITE_BRUSH) dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height)
[docs] def DrawButtonBarButton(self, dc, wnd, rect, kind, state, label, bitmap_large, bitmap_small): """ Draw a single button for a L{RibbonButtonBar} control. :param `dc`: The device context to draw onto; :param `wnd`: The window which is being drawn onto; :param `rect`: The rectangle within which to draw. The size of this rectangle will be a size previously returned by L{GetButtonBarButtonSize}, and the rectangle will be entirely within a rectangle on the same device context previously painted with L{DrawButtonBarBackground}; :param `kind`: The kind of button to draw (normal, dropdown or hybrid); :param `state`: Combination of a size flag and state flags from the `RibbonButtonBarButtonState` enumeration; :param `label`: The label of the button; :param `bitmap_large`: The large bitmap of the button (or the large disabled bitmap when ``RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_DISABLED`` is set in ); :param `bitmap_small`: The small bitmap of the button (or the small disabled bitmap when ``RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_DISABLED`` is set in ). """ if kind == RIBBON_BUTTON_TOGGLE: kind = RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL if state & RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_TOGGLED: state ^= RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_ACTIVE_MASK if state & (RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_HOVER_MASK | RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_ACTIVE_MASK): if state & RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_ACTIVE_MASK: dc.SetPen(self._button_bar_active_border_pen) else: dc.SetPen(self._button_bar_hover_border_pen) bg_rect = wx.Rect(*rect) bg_rect.x += 1 bg_rect.y += 1 bg_rect.width -= 2 bg_rect.height -= 2 bg_rect_top = wx.Rect(*bg_rect) bg_rect_top.height /= 3 bg_rect.y += bg_rect_top.height bg_rect.height -= bg_rect_top.height if kind == RIBBON_BUTTON_HYBRID: result = state & RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_SIZE_MASK if result == RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_LARGE: iYBorder = rect.y + bitmap_large.GetHeight() + 4 partial_bg = wx.Rect(*rect) if state & RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_NORMAL_HOVERED: partial_bg.SetBottom(iYBorder - 1) else: partial_bg.height -= (iYBorder - partial_bg.y + 1) partial_bg.y = iYBorder + 1 dc.DrawLine(rect.x, iYBorder, rect.x + rect.width, iYBorder) bg_rect.Intersect(partial_bg) bg_rect_top.Intersect(partial_bg) elif result == RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_MEDIUM: iArrowWidth = 9 if state & RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_NORMAL_HOVERED: bg_rect.width -= iArrowWidth bg_rect_top.width -= iArrowWidth dc.DrawLine(bg_rect_top.x + bg_rect_top.width, rect.y, bg_rect_top.x + bg_rect_top.width, rect.y + rect.height) else: iArrowWidth -= 1 bg_rect.x += bg_rect.width - iArrowWidth bg_rect_top.x += bg_rect_top.width - iArrowWidth bg_rect.width = iArrowWidth bg_rect_top.width = iArrowWidth dc.DrawLine(bg_rect_top.x - 1, rect.y, bg_rect_top.x - 1, rect.y + rect.height) if state & RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_ACTIVE_MASK: dc.GradientFillLinear(bg_rect_top, self._button_bar_active_background_top_colour, self._button_bar_active_background_top_gradient_colour, wx.SOUTH) dc.GradientFillLinear(bg_rect, self._button_bar_active_background_colour, self._button_bar_active_background_gradient_colour, wx.SOUTH) else: dc.GradientFillLinear(bg_rect_top, self._button_bar_hover_background_top_colour, self._button_bar_hover_background_top_gradient_colour, wx.SOUTH) dc.GradientFillLinear(bg_rect, self._button_bar_hover_background_colour, self._button_bar_hover_background_gradient_colour, wx.SOUTH) border_points = [wx.Point() for i in xrange(9)] border_points[0] = wx.Point(2, 0) border_points[1] = wx.Point(rect.width - 3, 0) border_points[2] = wx.Point(rect.width - 1, 2) border_points[3] = wx.Point(rect.width - 1, rect.height - 3) border_points[4] = wx.Point(rect.width - 3, rect.height - 1) border_points[5] = wx.Point(2, rect.height - 1) border_points[6] = wx.Point(0, rect.height - 3) border_points[7] = wx.Point(0, 2) border_points[8] = border_points[0] dc.DrawLines(border_points, rect.x, rect.y) dc.SetFont(self._button_bar_label_font) dc.SetTextForeground(self._button_bar_label_colour) self.DrawButtonBarButtonForeground(dc, rect, kind, state, label, bitmap_large, bitmap_small)
[docs] def DrawButtonBarButtonForeground(self, dc, rect, kind, state, label, bitmap_large, bitmap_small): result = state & RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_SIZE_MASK if result == RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_LARGE: padding = 2 dc.DrawBitmap(bitmap_large, rect.x + (rect.width - bitmap_large.GetWidth()) / 2, rect.y + padding, True) ypos = rect.y + padding + bitmap_large.GetHeight() + padding arrow_width = (kind == RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL and [0] or [8])[0] label_w, label_h = dc.GetTextExtent(label) if label_w + 2 * padding <= rect.width: dc.DrawText(label, rect.x + (rect.width - label_w) / 2, ypos) if arrow_width != 0: self.DrawDropdownArrow(dc, rect.x + rect.width / 2, ypos + (label_h * 3) / 2, self._button_bar_label_colour) else: breaki = len(label) while breaki > 0: breaki -= 1 if RibbonCanLabelBreakAtPosition(label, breaki): label_top = label[0:breaki] label_w, label_h = dc.GetTextExtent(label_top) if label_w + 2 * padding <= rect.width: dc.DrawText(label_top, rect.x + (rect.width - label_w) / 2, ypos) ypos += label_h label_bottom = label[breaki:] label_w, label_h = dc.GetTextExtent(label_bottom) label_w += arrow_width iX = rect.x + (rect.width - label_w) / 2 dc.DrawText(label_bottom, iX, ypos) if arrow_width != 0: self.DrawDropdownArrow(dc, iX + 2 +label_w - arrow_width, ypos + label_h / 2 + 1, self._button_bar_label_colour) break elif result == RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_MEDIUM: x_cursor = rect.x + 2 dc.DrawBitmap(bitmap_small, x_cursor, rect.y + (rect.height - bitmap_small.GetHeight())/2, True) x_cursor += bitmap_small.GetWidth() + 2 label_w, label_h = dc.GetTextExtent(label) dc.DrawText(label, x_cursor, rect.y + (rect.height - label_h) / 2) x_cursor += label_w + 3 if kind != RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL: self.DrawDropdownArrow(dc, x_cursor, rect.y + rect.height / 2, self._button_bar_label_colour) else: # TODO pass
[docs] def DrawToolBarBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ Draw the background for a L{RibbonToolBar} control. :param `dc`: The device context to draw onto; :param `wnd`: The which is being drawn onto. In most cases this will be a L{RibbonToolBar}, but it doesn't have to be; :param `rect`: The rectangle within which to draw. Some of this rectangle will later be drawn over using L{DrawToolGroupBackground} and L{DrawTool}, but not all of it will (unless there is only a single group of tools). """ self.DrawPartialPageBackground(dc, wnd, rect)
[docs] def DrawToolGroupBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ Draw the background for a group of tools on a L{RibbonToolBar} control. :param `dc`: The device context to draw onto; :param `wnd`: The window which is being drawn onto. In most cases this will be a L{RibbonToolBar}, but it doesn't have to be; :param `rect`: The rectangle within which to draw. This rectangle is a union of the individual tools' rectangles. As there are no gaps between tools, this rectangle will be painted over exactly once by calls to L{DrawTool}. The group background could therefore be painted by L{DrawTool}, though it can be conceptually easier and more efficient to draw it all at once here. The rectangle will be entirely within a rectangle on the same device context previously painted with L{DrawToolBarBackground}. """ dc.SetPen(self._toolbar_border_pen) outline = [wx.Point() for i in xrange(9)] outline[0] = wx.Point(2, 0) outline[1] = wx.Point(rect.width - 3, 0) outline[2] = wx.Point(rect.width - 1, 2) outline[3] = wx.Point(rect.width - 1, rect.height - 3) outline[4] = wx.Point(rect.width - 3, rect.height - 1) outline[5] = wx.Point(2, rect.height - 1) outline[6] = wx.Point(0, rect.height - 3) outline[7] = wx.Point(0, 2) outline[8] = outline[0] dc.DrawLines(outline, rect.x, rect.y)
[docs] def DrawTool(self, dc, wnd, rect, bitmap, kind, state): """ Draw a single tool (for a L{RibbonToolBar} control). :param `dc`: The device context to draw onto; :param `wnd`: The window which is being drawn onto. In most cases this will be a L{RibbonToolBar}, but it doesn't have to be; :param `rect`: The rectangle within which to draw. The size of this rectangle will at least the size returned by L{GetToolSize}, and the height of it will be equal for all tools within the same group. The rectangle will be entirely within a rectangle on the same device context previously painted with L{DrawToolGroupBackground}; :param `bitmap`: The bitmap to use as the tool's foreground. If the tool is a hybrid or dropdown tool, then the foreground should also contain a standard dropdown button; :param `kind`: The kind of tool to draw (normal, dropdown, or hybrid); :param `state`: A combination of `RibbonToolBarToolState` flags giving the state of the tool and it's relative position within a tool group. """ bg_rect = wx.Rect(*rect) bg_rect.Deflate(1, 1) if state & RIBBON_TOOLBAR_TOOL_LAST == 0: bg_rect.width += 1 is_split_hybrid = (kind == RIBBON_BUTTON_HYBRID and (state & (RIBBON_TOOLBAR_TOOL_HOVER_MASK | RIBBON_TOOLBAR_TOOL_ACTIVE_MASK))) # Background bg_rect_top = wx.Rect(*bg_rect) bg_rect_top.height = (bg_rect_top.height * 2) / 5 bg_rect_btm = wx.Rect(*bg_rect) bg_rect_btm.y += bg_rect_top.height bg_rect_btm.height -= bg_rect_top.height bg_top_colour = self._tool_background_top_colour bg_top_grad_colour = self._tool_background_top_gradient_colour bg_colour = self._tool_background_colour bg_grad_colour = self._tool_background_gradient_colour if state & RIBBON_TOOLBAR_TOOL_ACTIVE_MASK: bg_top_colour = self._tool_active_background_top_colour bg_top_grad_colour = self._tool_active_background_top_gradient_colour bg_colour = self._tool_active_background_colour bg_grad_colour = self._tool_active_background_gradient_colour elif state & RIBBON_TOOLBAR_TOOL_HOVER_MASK: bg_top_colour = self._tool_hover_background_top_colour bg_top_grad_colour = self._tool_hover_background_top_gradient_colour bg_colour = self._tool_hover_background_colour bg_grad_colour = self._tool_hover_background_gradient_colour dc.GradientFillLinear(bg_rect_top, bg_top_colour, bg_top_grad_colour, wx.SOUTH) dc.GradientFillLinear(bg_rect_btm, bg_colour, bg_grad_colour, wx.SOUTH) if is_split_hybrid: nonrect = wx.Rect(*bg_rect) if state & (RIBBON_TOOLBAR_TOOL_DROPDOWN_HOVERED | RIBBON_TOOLBAR_TOOL_DROPDOWN_ACTIVE): nonrect.width -= 8 else: nonrect.x += nonrect.width - 8 nonrect.width = 8 B = wx.Brush(self._tool_hover_background_top_colour) dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) dc.SetBrush(B) dc.DrawRectangle(nonrect.x, nonrect.y, nonrect.width, nonrect.height) # Border dc.SetPen(self._toolbar_border_pen) if state & RIBBON_TOOLBAR_TOOL_FIRST: dc.DrawPoint(rect.x + 1, rect.y + 1) dc.DrawPoint(rect.x + 1, rect.y + rect.height - 2) else: dc.DrawLine(rect.x, rect.y + 1, rect.x, rect.y + rect.height - 1) if state & RIBBON_TOOLBAR_TOOL_LAST: dc.DrawPoint(rect.x + rect.width - 2, rect.y + 1) dc.DrawPoint(rect.x + rect.width - 2, rect.y + rect.height - 2) # Foreground avail_width = bg_rect.GetWidth() if kind != RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL: avail_width -= 8 if is_split_hybrid: dc.DrawLine(rect.x + avail_width + 1, rect.y, rect.x + avail_width + 1, rect.y + rect.height) dc.DrawBitmap(self._toolbar_drop_bitmap, bg_rect.x + avail_width + 2, bg_rect.y + (bg_rect.height / 2) - 2, True) dc.DrawBitmap(bitmap, bg_rect.x + (avail_width - bitmap.GetWidth()) / 2, bg_rect.y + (bg_rect.height - bitmap.GetHeight()) / 2, True)
[docs] def GetBarTabWidth(self, dc, wnd, label, bitmap, ideal=None, small_begin_need_separator=None, small_must_have_separator=None, minimum=None): """ Calculate the ideal and minimum width (in pixels) of a tab in a ribbon bar. :param `dc`: A device context to use when one is required for size calculations; :param `wnd`: The window onto which the tab will eventually be drawn; :param `label`: The tab's label (or "" if it has none); :param `bitmap`: The tab's icon (or `wx.NullBitmap` if it has none); :param `ideal`: The ideal width (in pixels) of the tab; :param `small_begin_need_separator`: A size less than the size, at which a tab separator should begin to be drawn (i.e. drawn, but still fairly transparent); :param `small_must_have_separator`: A size less than the size, at which a tab separator must be drawn (i.e. drawn at full opacity); :param `minimum`: A size less than the size, and greater than or equal to zero, which is the minimum pixel width for the tab. """ width = 0 mini = 0 if (self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_SHOW_PAGE_LABELS) and label.strip(): dc.SetFont(self._tab_label_font) width += dc.GetTextExtent(label)[0] mini += min(25, width) # enough for a few chars if bitmap.IsOk(): # gap between label and bitmap width += 4 mini += 2 if (self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_SHOW_PAGE_ICONS) and bitmap.IsOk(): width += bitmap.GetWidth() mini += bitmap.GetWidth() ideal = width + 30 small_begin_need_separator = width + 20 small_must_have_separator = width + 10 minimum = mini return ideal, small_begin_need_separator, small_must_have_separator, minimum
[docs] def GetTabCtrlHeight(self, dc, wnd, pages): """ Calculate the height (in pixels) of the tab region of a ribbon bar. Note that as the tab region can contain scroll buttons, the height should be greater than or equal to the minimum height for a tab scroll button. :param `dc`: A device context to use when one is required for size calculations; :param `wnd`: The window onto which the tabs will eventually be drawn; :param `pages`: The tabs which will acquire the returned height. """ text_height = 0 icon_height = 0 if len(pages) <= 1 and (self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_ALWAYS_SHOW_TABS) == 0: # To preserve space, a single tab need not be displayed. We still need # two pixels of border / padding though. return 2 if self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_SHOW_PAGE_LABELS: dc.SetFont(self._tab_label_font) text_height = dc.GetTextExtent("ABCDEFXj")[1] + 10 if self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_SHOW_PAGE_ICONS: for info in pages: if icon_height = max(icon_height, + 4) return max(text_height, icon_height)
[docs] def GetScrollButtonMinimumSize(self, dc, wnd, style): """ Calculate the minimum size (in pixels) of a scroll button. :param `dc`: A device context to use when one is required for size calculations; :param `wnd`: The window onto which the scroll button will eventually be drawn; :param `style`: A combination of flags from `RibbonScrollButtonStyle`, including a direction, and a for flag (state flags may be given too, but should be ignored, as a button should retain a constant size, regardless of its state). """ return wx.Size(12, 12)
[docs] def GetPanelSize(self, dc, wnd, client_size, client_offset=None): """ Calculate the size of a panel for a given client size. This should increment the given size by enough to fit the panel label and other chrome. :param `dc`: A device context to use if one is required for size calculations; :param `wnd`: The ribbon panel in question; :param `client_size`: The client size; :param `client_offset`: The offset where the client rectangle begins within the panel (may be ``None``). :see: L{GetPanelClientSize} """ dc.SetFont(self._panel_label_font) label_size = wx.Size(*dc.GetTextExtent(wnd.GetLabel())) client_size.IncBy(0, label_size.GetHeight()) if self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_VERTICAL: client_size.IncBy(4, 8) else: client_size.IncBy(6, 6) if client_offset != None: if self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_VERTICAL: client_offset = wx.Point(2, 3) else: client_offset = wx.Point(3, 2) return client_size
[docs] def GetPanelClientSize(self, dc, wnd, size, client_offset=None): """ Calculate the client size of a panel for a given overall size. This should act as the inverse to L{GetPanelSize}, and decrement the given size by enough to fit the panel label and other chrome. :param `dc`: A device context to use if one is required for size calculations; :param `wnd`: The ribbon panel in question; :param `size`: The overall size to calculate client size for; :param `client_offset`: The offset where the returned client size begins within the given (may be ``None``). :see: L{GetPanelSize} """ dc.SetFont(self._panel_label_font) label_size = wx.Size(*dc.GetTextExtent(wnd.GetLabel())) size.DecBy(0, label_size.GetHeight()) if self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_VERTICAL: size.DecBy(4, 8) else: size.DecBy(6, 6) if client_offset != None: if self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_VERTICAL: client_offset = wx.Point(2, 3) else: client_offset = wx.Point(3, 2) if size.x < 0: size.x = 0 if size.y < 0: size.y = 0 return size, client_offset
[docs] def GetGallerySize(self, dc, wnd, client_size): """ Calculate the size of a L{RibbonGallery} control for a given client size. This should increment the given size by enough to fit the gallery border, buttons, and any other chrome. :param `dc`: A device context to use if one is required for size calculations; :param `wnd`: The gallery in question; :param `client_size`: The client size. :see: L{GetGalleryClientSize} """ client_size.IncBy(2, 1) # Left / top padding if self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_VERTICAL: client_size.IncBy(1, 16) # Right / bottom padding else: client_size.IncBy(16, 1) # Right / bottom padding return client_size
[docs] def GetGalleryClientSize(self, dc, wnd, size, client_offset=None, scroll_up_button=None, scroll_down_button=None, extension_button=None): """ Calculate the client size of a L{RibbonGallery} control for a given size. This should act as the inverse to L{GetGallerySize}, and decrement the given size by enough to fir the gallery border, buttons, and other chrome. :param `dc`: A device context to use if one is required for size calculations; :param `wnd`: The gallery in question; :param `size`: The overall size to calculate the client size for; :param `client_offset`: The position within the given size at which the returned client size begins; :param `scroll_up_button`: The rectangle within the given size which the scroll up button occupies; :param `scroll_down_button`: The rectangle within the given size which the scroll down button occupies; :param `extension_button`: The rectangle within the given size which the extension button occupies. """ scroll_up = wx.Rect() scroll_down = wx.Rect() extension = wx.Rect() if self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_VERTICAL: # Flow is vertical - put buttons on bottom scroll_up.y = size.GetHeight() - 15 scroll_up.height = 15 scroll_up.x = 0 scroll_up.width = (size.GetWidth() + 2) / 3 scroll_down.y = scroll_up.y scroll_down.height = scroll_up.height scroll_down.x = scroll_up.x + scroll_up.width scroll_down.width = scroll_up.width extension.y = scroll_down.y extension.height = scroll_down.height extension.x = scroll_down.x + scroll_down.width extension.width = size.GetWidth() - scroll_up.width - scroll_down.width size.DecBy(1, 16) size.DecBy(2, 1) else: # Flow is horizontal - put buttons on right scroll_up.x = size.GetWidth() - 15 scroll_up.width = 15 scroll_up.y = 0 scroll_up.height = (size.GetHeight() + 2) / 3 scroll_down.x = scroll_up.x scroll_down.width = scroll_up.width scroll_down.y = scroll_up.y + scroll_up.height scroll_down.height = scroll_up.height extension.x = scroll_down.x extension.width = scroll_down.width extension.y = scroll_down.y + scroll_down.height extension.height = size.GetHeight() - scroll_up.height - scroll_down.height size.DecBy(16, 1) size.DecBy( 2, 1) client_offset = wx.Point(2, 1) scroll_up_button = scroll_up scroll_down_button = scroll_down extension_button = extension return size, client_offset, scroll_up_button, scroll_down_button, extension_button
[docs] def GetPageBackgroundRedrawArea(self, dc, wnd, page_old_size, page_new_size): """ Calculate the portion of a page background which needs to be redrawn when a page is resized. To optimise the drawing of page backgrounds, as small an area as possible should be returned. Of couse, if the way in which a background is drawn means that the entire background needs to be repainted on resize, then the entire new size should be returned. :param `dc`: A device context to use when one is required for size calculations; :param `wnd`: The page which is being resized; :param `page_old_size`: The size of the page prior to the resize (which has already been painted); :param `page_new_size`: The size of the page after the resize. """ if page_new_size.GetWidth() != page_old_size.GetWidth(): if page_new_size.GetHeight() != page_old_size.GetHeight(): # Width and height both changed - redraw everything return wx.Rect(0, 0, *page_new_size) else: # Only width changed - redraw right hand side right_edge_width = 4 new_rect = wx.Rect(page_new_size.GetWidth() - right_edge_width, 0, right_edge_width, page_new_size.GetHeight()) old_rect = wx.Rect(page_old_size.GetWidth() - right_edge_width, 0, right_edge_width, page_old_size.GetHeight()) else: if page_new_size.GetHeight() == page_old_size.GetHeight(): # Nothing changed (should never happen) - redraw nothing return wx.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0) else: # Height changed - need to redraw everything (as the background # gradient is done vertically). return wx.Rect(0, 0, *page_new_size) new_rect.Union(old_rect) new_rect.Intersect(wx.Rect(0, 0, *page_new_size)) return new_rect
[docs] def GetButtonBarButtonSize(self, dc, wnd, kind, size, label, bitmap_size_large, bitmap_size_small, button_size=None, normal_region=None, dropdown_region=None): """ Calculate the size of a button within a L{RibbonButtonBar}. :param `dc`: A device context to use when one is required for size calculations; :param `wnd`: The window onto which the button will eventually be drawn (which is normally a L{RibbonButtonBar}, though this is not guaranteed); :param `kind`: The kind of button; :param `size`: The size-class to calculate the size for. Buttons on a button bar can have three distinct sizes: ``RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_SMALL``, ``RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_MEDIUM``, and ``RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_LARGE``. If the requested size-class is not applicable, then ``False`` should be returned; :param `label`: The label of the button; :param `bitmap_size_large`: The size of all "large" bitmaps on the button bar; :param `bitmap_size_small`: The size of all "small" bitmaps on the button bar; :param `button_size`: The size, in pixels, of the button; :param `normal_region`: The region of the button which constitutes the normal button; :param `dropdown_region`: The region of the button which constitutes the dropdown button. :returns: ``True`` if a size exists for the button, ``False`` otherwise. """ drop_button_width = 8 normal_region = wx.Rect() dropdown_region = wx.Rect() dc.SetFont(self._button_bar_label_font) result = size & RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_SIZE_MASK if result == RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_SMALL: # Small bitmap, no label button_size = bitmap_size_small + wx.Size(6, 4) if kind in [RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL, RIBBON_BUTTON_TOGGLE]: normal_region = wx.Rect(0, 0, *button_size) dropdown_region = wx.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0) elif kind == RIBBON_BUTTON_DROPDOWN: button_size += wx.Size(drop_button_width, 0) dropdown_region = wx.Rect(0, 0, *button_size) normal_region = wx.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0) elif kind == RIBBON_BUTTON_HYBRID: normal_region = wx.Rect(0, 0, *button_size) dropdown_region = wx.Rect(button_size.GetWidth(), 0, drop_button_width, button_size.GetHeight()) button_size += wx.Size(drop_button_width, 0) elif result == RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_MEDIUM: # Small bitmap, with label to the right is_supported, button_size, normal_region, dropdown_region = self.GetButtonBarButtonSize(dc, wnd, kind, RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_SMALL, label, bitmap_size_large, bitmap_size_small) text_size = dc.GetTextExtent(label)[0] button_size.SetWidth(button_size.GetWidth() + text_size) if kind == RIBBON_BUTTON_DROPDOWN: dropdown_region.SetWidth(dropdown_region.GetWidth() + text_size) elif kind == RIBBON_BUTTON_HYBRID: dropdown_region.SetX(dropdown_region.GetX() + text_size) normal_region.SetWidth(normal_region.GetWidth() + text_size) # no break elif kind in [RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL, RIBBON_BUTTON_TOGGLE]: normal_region.SetWidth(normal_region.GetWidth() + text_size) elif result == RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_LARGE: # Large bitmap, with label below (possibly split over 2 lines) icon_size = wx.Size(*bitmap_size_large) icon_size += wx.Size(4, 4) best_width, label_height = dc.GetTextExtent(label) last_line_extra_width = 0 if kind not in [RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL, RIBBON_BUTTON_TOGGLE]: last_line_extra_width += 8 for i in xrange(0, len(label)): if RibbonCanLabelBreakAtPosition(label, i): width = max(dc.GetTextExtent(label[0:i])[0], dc.GetTextExtent(label[i+1:])[0] + last_line_extra_width) if width < best_width: best_width = width label_height *= 2 # Assume two lines even when only one is used # (to give all buttons a consistent height) icon_size.SetWidth(max(icon_size.GetWidth(), best_width) + 6) icon_size.SetHeight(icon_size.GetHeight() + label_height) button_size = wx.Size(*icon_size) if kind == RIBBON_BUTTON_DROPDOWN: dropdown_region = wx.Rect(0, 0, *icon_size) elif kind == RIBBON_BUTTON_HYBRID: normal_region = wx.Rect(0, 0, *icon_size) normal_region.height -= 2 + label_height dropdown_region.x = 0 dropdown_region.y = normal_region.height dropdown_region.width = icon_size.GetWidth() dropdown_region.height = icon_size.GetHeight() - normal_region.height elif kind in [RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL, RIBBON_BUTTON_TOGGLE]: normal_region = wx.Rect(0, 0, *icon_size) return True, button_size, normal_region, dropdown_region
[docs] def GetMinimisedPanelMinimumSize(self, dc, wnd, desired_bitmap_size=None, expanded_panel_direction=None): """ Calculate the size of a minimised ribbon panel. :param `dc`: A device context to use when one is required for size calculations; :param `wnd`: The ribbon panel in question. Attributes like the panel label can be queried from this; :param `desired_bitmap_size`: MISSING DESCRIPTION; :param `expanded_panel_direction`: MISSING DESCRIPTION. """ if desired_bitmap_size != None: desired_bitmap_size = wx.Size(16, 16) if expanded_panel_direction != None: if self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_VERTICAL: expanded_panel_direction = wx.EAST else: expanded_panel_direction = wx.SOUTH base_size = wx.Size(42, 42) dc.SetFont(self._panel_label_font) label_size = wx.Size(*dc.GetTextExtent(wnd.GetLabel())) label_size.IncBy(2, 2) # Allow for differences between this DC and a paint DC label_size.IncBy(6, 0) # Padding label_size.y *= 2 # Second line for dropdown button if self._flags & RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_VERTICAL: # Label alongside icon return wx.Size(base_size.x + label_size.x, max(base_size.y, label_size.y)), \ desired_bitmap_size, expanded_panel_direction else: # Label beneath icon return wx.Size(max(base_size.x, label_size.x), base_size.y + label_size.y), \ desired_bitmap_size, expanded_panel_direction
[docs] def GetToolSize(self, dc, wnd, bitmap_size, kind, is_first, is_last, dropdown_region=None): """ Calculate the size of a tool within a L{RibbonToolBar}. :param `dc`: A device context to use when one is required for size calculations; :param `wnd`: The window onto which the tool will eventually be drawn; :param `bitmap_size`: The size of the tool's foreground bitmap; :param `kind`: The kind of tool (normal, dropdown, or hybrid); :param `is_first`: ``True`` if the tool is the first within its group. ``False`` otherwise; :param `is_last`: ``True`` if the tool is the last within its group. ``False`` otherwise; :param `dropdown_region`: For dropdown and hybrid tools, the region within the returned size which counts as the dropdown part. """ size = wx.Size(*bitmap_size) size.IncBy(7, 6) if is_last: size.IncBy(1, 0) if kind != RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL: size.IncBy(8, 0) if kind == RIBBON_BUTTON_DROPDOWN: dropdown_region = wx.Rect(0, 0, *size) else: dropdown_region = wx.Rect(size.GetWidth() - 8, 0, 8, size.GetHeight()) else: dropdown_region = wx.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0) return size, dropdown_region