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Source code for ribbon.buttonbar

A ribbon button bar is similar to a traditional toolbar.


It contains one or more buttons (button bar buttons, not `wx.Button`), each of which
has a label and an icon. It differs from a L{RibbonToolBar} in several ways:

- Individual buttons can grow and contract.
- Buttons have labels as well as bitmaps.
- Bitmaps are typically larger (at least 32x32 pixels) on a button bar compared to
  a tool bar (which typically has 16x15).
- There is no grouping of buttons on a button bar
- A button bar typically has a border around each individual button, whereas a tool
  bar typically has a border around each group of buttons.

Events Processing

This class processes the following events:

======================================== ========================================
Event Name                               Description
======================================== ========================================
``EVT_RIBBONBUTTONBAR_CLICKED``          Triggered when the normal (non-dropdown) region of a button on the button bar is clicked.
``EVT_RIBBONBUTTONBAR_DROPDOWN_CLICKED`` Triggered when the dropdown region of a button on the button bar is clicked. L{RibbonButtonBarEvent.PopupMenu} should be called by the event handler if it wants to display a popup menu (which is what most dropdown buttons should be doing).
======================================== ========================================


import wx

from control import RibbonControl
from art import *



[docs]class RibbonButtonBarButtonSizeInfo(object):
[docs] def __init__(self): self.is_supported = True self.size = wx.Size() self.normal_region = wx.Rect() self.dropdown_region = wx.Rect()
[docs]class RibbonButtonBarButtonInstance(object):
[docs] def __init__(self): self.position = wx.Point() self.base = None self.size = wx.Size()
[docs]class RibbonButtonBarButtonBase(object):
[docs] def __init__(self): self.label = "" self.help_string = "" self.bitmap_large = wx.NullBitmap self.bitmap_large_disabled = wx.NullBitmap self.bitmap_small = wx.NullBitmap self.bitmap_small_disabled = wx.NullBitmap self.sizes = [RibbonButtonBarButtonSizeInfo() for i in xrange(3)] self.client_data = None = -1 self.kind = None self.state = None
[docs] def NewInstance(self): i = RibbonButtonBarButtonInstance() i.base = self return i
[docs] def GetSmallerSize(self, size, n=1): for i in xrange(n, 0, -1): if size == RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_LARGE: if self.sizes[RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_MEDIUM].is_supported: return True, RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_MEDIUM elif size == RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_MEDIUM: if self.sizes[RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_SMALL].is_supported: return True, RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_SMALL else: return False, None
[docs]class RibbonButtonBarLayout(object):
[docs] def __init__(self): self.overall_size = wx.Size() self.buttons = []
[docs] def CalculateOverallSize(self): self.overall_size = wx.Size(0, 0) for instance in self.buttons: size = instance.base.sizes[instance.size].size right = instance.position.x + size.GetWidth() bottom = instance.position.y + size.GetHeight() if right > self.overall_size.GetWidth(): self.overall_size.SetWidth(right) if bottom > self.overall_size.GetHeight(): self.overall_size.SetHeight(bottom)
[docs] def FindSimilarInstance(self, inst): if inst is None: return None for instance in self.buttons: if instance.base == inst.base: return instance return None
[docs]class RibbonButtonBarEvent(wx.PyCommandEvent): """ Event used to indicate various actions relating to a button on a L{RibbonButtonBar}. See L{RibbonButtonBar} for available event types. """
[docs] def __init__(self, command_type=None, win_id=0, bar=None): wx.PyCommandEvent.__init__(self, command_type, win_id) self._bar = bar
[docs] def GetBar(self): """ Returns the bar which contains the button which the event relates to. """ return self._bar
[docs] def SetBar(self, bar): """ Sets the button bar relating to this event. :param `bar`: MISSING DESCRIPTION. """ self._bar = bar
[docs] def PopupMenu(self, menu): """ Display a popup menu as a result of this (dropdown clicked) event. :param `menu`: MISSING DESCRIPTION. """ pos = wx.Point() if self._bar._active_button: size = self._bar._active_button.base.sizes[self._bar._active_button.size] btn_rect = wx.Rect() btn_rect.SetTopLeft(self._bar._layout_offset + self._bar._active_button.position) btn_rect.SetSize(wx.Size(*size.size)) pos = btn_rect.GetBottomLeft() pos.y += 1 return self._bar.PopupMenu(menu, pos)
[docs]class RibbonButtonBar(RibbonControl):
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, agwStyle=0): """ Default class constructor. :param `parent`: pointer to a parent window; :param `id`: window identifier. If ``wx.ID_ANY``, will automatically create an identifier; :param `pos`: window position. ``wx.DefaultPosition`` indicates that wxPython should generate a default position for the window; :param `size`: window size. ``wx.DefaultSize`` indicates that wxPython should generate a default size for the window. If no suitable size can be found, the window will be sized to 20x20 pixels so that the window is visible but obviously not correctly sized; :param `agwStyle`: the AGW-specific window style. """ RibbonControl.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style=wx.BORDER_NONE) self._layouts_valid = False self.CommonInit(agwStyle) self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnEraseBackground) self.Bind(wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW, self.OnMouseEnter) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, self.OnMouseLeave) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMouseMove) self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnMouseDown) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnMouseUp)
[docs] def AddSimpleButton(self, button_id, label, bitmap, help_string, kind=RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL): """ Add a button to the button bar (simple version). :param `button_id`: ID of the button; :param `label`: label of the new button; :param `bitmap`: large bitmap of the new button. Must be the same size as all other large bitmaps used on the button bar; :param `help_string`: the UI help string to associate with the new button; :param `kind`: The kind of button to add. """ return self.AddButton(button_id, label, bitmap, wx.NullBitmap, wx.NullBitmap, wx.NullBitmap, kind, help_string)
[docs] def AddDropdownButton(self, button_id, label, bitmap, help_string=""): """ Add a dropdown button to the button bar (simple version). :param `button_id`: ID of the button; :param `label`: label of the new button; :param `bitmap`: large bitmap of the new button. Must be the same size as all other large bitmaps used on the button bar; :param `help_string`: the UI help string to associate with the new button. :see: L{AddButton} """ return self.AddSimpleButton(button_id, label, bitmap, help_string, RIBBON_BUTTON_DROPDOWN)
[docs] def AddHybridButton(self, button_id, label, bitmap, help_string=""): """ Add a hybrid button to the button bar (simple version). :param `button_id`: ID of the button; :param `label`: label of the new button; :param `bitmap`: large bitmap of the new button. Must be the same size as all other large bitmaps used on the button bar; :param `help_string`: the UI help string to associate with the new button. :see: L{AddButton} """ return self.AddSimpleButton(button_id, label, bitmap, help_string, RIBBON_BUTTON_HYBRID)
[docs] def AddButton(self, button_id, label, bitmap, bitmap_small=wx.NullBitmap, bitmap_disabled=wx.NullBitmap, bitmap_small_disabled=wx.NullBitmap, kind=RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL, help_string="", client_data=None): """ Add a button to the button bar. :param `button_id`: ID of the new button (used for event callbacks); :param `label`: label of the new button; :param `bitmap`: large bitmap of the new button. Must be the same size as all other large bitmaps used on the button bar; :param `bitmap_small`: small bitmap of the new button. If left as ``None``, then a small bitmap will be automatically generated. Must be the same size as all other small bitmaps used on the button bar; :param `bitmap_disabled`: large bitmap of the new button when it is disabled. If left as ``None``, then a bitmap will be automatically generated from `bitmap`; :param `bitmap_small_disabled`: small bitmap of the new button when it is disabled. If left as ``None``, then a bitmap will be automatically generated from `bitmap_small`; :param `kind`: the kind of button to add; :param `help_string`: the UI help string to associate with the new button; :param `client_data`: client data to associate with the new button. :returns: An opaque pointer which can be used only with other button bar methods. :see: L{AddDropdownButton}, L{AddHybridButton} """ if not bitmap.IsOk() and not bitmap_small.IsOk(): raise Exception("Invalid main bitmap") if not isinstance(help_string, basestring): raise Exception("Invalid help string parameter") if not self._buttons: if bitmap.IsOk(): self._bitmap_size_large = bitmap.GetSize() if not bitmap_small.IsOk(): w, h = self._bitmap_size_large self._bitmap_size_small = wx.Size(0.5*w, 0.5*h) if bitmap_small.IsOk(): self._bitmap_size_small = bitmap_small.GetSize() if not bitmap.IsOk(): w, h = self._bitmap_size_small self._bitmap_size_large = wx.Size(2*w, 2*h) base = RibbonButtonBarButtonBase() = button_id base.label = label base.bitmap_large = bitmap if not base.bitmap_large.IsOk(): base.bitmap_large = self.MakeResizedBitmap(base.bitmap_small, self._bitmap_size_large) elif base.bitmap_large.GetSize() != self._bitmap_size_large: base.bitmap_large = self.MakeResizedBitmap(base.bitmap_large, self._bitmap_size_large) base.bitmap_small = bitmap_small if not base.bitmap_small.IsOk(): base.bitmap_small = self.MakeResizedBitmap(base.bitmap_large, self._bitmap_size_small) elif base.bitmap_small.GetSize() != self._bitmap_size_small: base.bitmap_small = self.MakeResizedBitmap(base.bitmap_small, self._bitmap_size_small) base.bitmap_large_disabled = bitmap_disabled if not base.bitmap_large_disabled.IsOk(): base.bitmap_large_disabled = self.MakeDisabledBitmap(base.bitmap_large) base.bitmap_small_disabled = bitmap_small_disabled if not base.bitmap_small_disabled.IsOk(): base.bitmap_small_disabled = self.MakeDisabledBitmap(base.bitmap_small) base.kind = kind base.help_string = help_string base.client_data = client_data base.state = 0 temp_dc = wx.ClientDC(self) self.FetchButtonSizeInfo(base, RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_SMALL, temp_dc) self.FetchButtonSizeInfo(base, RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_MEDIUM, temp_dc) self.FetchButtonSizeInfo(base, RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_LARGE, temp_dc) # TODO self._buttons.append(base) self._layouts_valid = False return base
[docs] def AddToggleButton(self, button_id, label, bitmap, help_string=""): """ Add a toggle button to the button bar. :param `button_id`: ID of the button; :param `label`: label of the new button; :param `bitmap`: large bitmap of the new button. Must be the same size as all other large bitmaps used on the button bar; :param `help_string`: the UI help string to associate with the new button. :see: L{AddButton} """ return self.AddButton(button_id, label, bitmap, help_string, RIBBON_BUTTON_TOGGLE)
[docs] def FetchButtonSizeInfo(self, button, size, dc): info = button.sizes[size] if self._art: info.is_supported, info.size, info.normal_region, info.dropdown_region = \ self._art.GetButtonBarButtonSize(dc, self, button.kind, size, button.label, self._bitmap_size_large, self._bitmap_size_small) else: info.is_supported = False
[docs] def MakeResizedBitmap(self, original, size): img = original.ConvertToImage() img.Rescale(size.GetWidth(), size.GetHeight(), wx.IMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH) return wx.BitmapFromImage(img)
[docs] def MakeDisabledBitmap(self, original): img = original.ConvertToImage() return wx.BitmapFromImage(img.ConvertToGreyscale())
[docs] def Realize(self): """ Calculate button layouts and positions. Must be called after buttons are added to the button bar, as otherwise the newly added buttons will not be displayed. In normal situations, it will be called automatically when L{RibbonBar.Realize} is called. :note: Reimplemented from L{RibbonControl}. """ if not self._layouts_valid: self.MakeLayouts() self._layouts_valid = True return True
[docs] def ClearButtons(self): """ Delete all buttons from the button bar. :see: L{DeleteButton} """ self._layouts_valid = False self._buttons = [] self.Realize()
[docs] def DeleteButton(self, button_id): """ Delete a single button from the button bar. :param `button_id`: ID of the button to delete. :see: L{ClearButtons} """ for button in self._buttons: if == button_id: self._layouts_valid = False self._buttons.pop(button) self.Realize() self.Refresh() return True return False
[docs] def EnableButton(self, button_id, enable=True): """ Enable or disable a single button on the bar. :param `button_id`: ID of the button to enable or disable; :param `enable`: ``True`` to enable the button, ``False`` to disable it. """ for button in self._buttons: if == button_id: if enable: if button.state & RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_DISABLED: button.state &= ~RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_DISABLED self.Refresh() else: if button.state & RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_DISABLED == 0: button.state |= RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_DISABLED self.Refresh() return
[docs] def ToggleButton(self, button_id, checked=True): """ Toggles/untoggles a L{RibbonButtonBar} toggle button. :param `button_id`: ID of the button to be toggles/untoggled; :param `checked`: ``True`` to toggle the button, ``False`` to untoggle it. """ for button in self._buttons: if == button_id: if checked: if button.state & RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_TOGGLED == 0: button.state |= RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_TOGGLED self.Refresh() else: if button.state & RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_TOGGLED: button.state &= ~RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_TOGGLED self.Refresh() return
[docs] def IsButtonEnabled(self, button_id): """ Returns whether a button in the bar is enabled or not. :param `button_id`: ID of the button to check. """ for button in self._buttons: if == button_id: if button.state & RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_DISABLED: return False return True
[docs] def SetArtProvider(self, art): if art == self._art: return RibbonControl.SetArtProvider(self, art) temp_dc = wx.ClientDC(self) for base in self._buttons: self.FetchButtonSizeInfo(base, RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_SMALL, temp_dc) self.FetchButtonSizeInfo(base, RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_MEDIUM, temp_dc) self.FetchButtonSizeInfo(base, RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_LARGE, temp_dc) self._layouts_valid = False self.Realize()
[docs] def IsSizingContinuous(self): return False
[docs] def DoGetNextSmallerSize(self, direction, _result): result = wx.Size(*_result) for i, layout in enumerate(self._layouts): size = wx.Size(*layout.overall_size) if direction == wx.HORIZONTAL: if size.x < result.x and size.y <= result.y: result.x = size.x break elif direction == wx.VERTICAL: if size.x <= result.x and size.y < result.y: result.y = size.y break elif direction == wx.BOTH: if size.x < result.x and size.y < result.y: result = size break return result
[docs] def DoGetNextLargerSize(self, direction, _result): nlayouts = i = len(self._layouts) result = wx.Size(*_result) while 1: i -= 1 layout = self._layouts[i] size = wx.Size(*layout.overall_size) if direction == wx.HORIZONTAL: if size.x > result.x and size.y <= result.y: result.x = size.x break elif direction == wx.VERTICAL: if size.x <= result.x and size.y > result.y: result.y = size.y break elif direction == wx.BOTH: if size.x > result.x and size.y > result.y: result = size break if i <= 0: break return result
[docs] def OnEraseBackground(self, event): # All painting done in main paint handler to minimise flicker pass
[docs] def OnPaint(self, event): dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self) self._art.DrawButtonBarBackground(dc, self, wx.Rect(0, 0, *self.GetSize())) layout = self._layouts[self._current_layout] for button in layout.buttons: base = button.base bitmap = base.bitmap_large bitmap_small = base.bitmap_small if base.state & RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_DISABLED: bitmap = base.bitmap_large_disabled bitmap_small = base.bitmap_small_disabled rect = wx.RectPS(button.position + self._layout_offset, base.sizes[button.size].size) self._art.DrawButtonBarButton(dc, self, rect, base.kind, base.state | button.size, base.label, bitmap, bitmap_small)
[docs] def OnSize(self, event): new_size = event.GetSize() layout_count = len(self._layouts) self._current_layout = layout_count - 1 for layout_i in xrange(layout_count): layout_size = self._layouts[layout_i].overall_size if layout_size.x <= new_size.x and layout_size.y <= new_size.y: self._layout_offset.x = (new_size.x - layout_size.x)/2 self._layout_offset.y = (new_size.y - layout_size.y)/2 self._current_layout = layout_i break self._hovered_button = self._layouts[self._current_layout].FindSimilarInstance(self._hovered_button) self.Refresh()
[docs] def CommonInit(self, agwStyle): self._bitmap_size_large = wx.Size(32, 32) self._bitmap_size_small = wx.Size(16, 16) self._layouts = [] self._buttons = [] placeholder_layout = RibbonButtonBarLayout() placeholder_layout.overall_size = wx.Size(20, 20) self._layouts.append(placeholder_layout) self._current_layout = 0 self._layout_offset = wx.Point(0, 0) self._hovered_button = None self._active_button = None self._lock_active_state = False self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM)
[docs] def GetMinSize(self): return wx.Size(*self._layouts[-1].overall_size)
[docs] def DoGetBestSize(self): return wx.Size(*self._layouts[0].overall_size)
[docs] def MakeLayouts(self): if self._layouts_valid or self._art == None: return # Clear existing layouts if self._hovered_button: self._hovered_button.base.state &= ~RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_HOVER_MASK self._hovered_button = None if self._active_button: self._active_button.base.state &= ~RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_ACTIVE_MASK self._active_button = None self._layouts = [] # Best layout : all buttons large, stacking horizontally layout = RibbonButtonBarLayout() cursor = wx.Point(0, 0) layout.overall_size.SetHeight(0) for button in self._buttons: instance = button.NewInstance() instance.position = wx.Point(*cursor) instance.size = button.GetLargestSize() size = wx.Size(*button.sizes[instance.size].size) cursor.x += size.GetWidth() layout.overall_size.SetHeight(max(layout.overall_size.GetHeight(), size.GetHeight())) layout.buttons.append(instance) layout.overall_size.SetWidth(cursor.x) self._layouts.append(layout) if len(self._buttons) >= 2: # Collapse the rightmost buttons and stack them vertically iLast = len(self._buttons) - 1 result = True while result and iLast > 0: result, iLast = self.TryCollapseLayout(self._layouts[-1], iLast) iLast -= 1
[docs] def TryCollapseLayout(self, original, first_btn, last_button=None): btn_count = len(self._buttons) used_height = 0 used_width = 0 available_width = 0 available_height = 0 count = first_btn + 1 while 1: count -= 1 button = self._buttons[count] large_size_class = button.GetLargestSize() large_size = button.sizes[large_size_class].size t_available_height = max(available_height, large_size.GetHeight()) t_available_width = available_width + large_size.GetWidth() small_size_class = large_size_class result, small_size_class = button.GetSmallerSize(small_size_class) if not result: return False, count small_size = button.sizes[small_size_class].size t_used_height = used_height + small_size.GetHeight() t_used_width = max(used_width, small_size.GetWidth()) if t_used_height > t_available_height: count += 1 break else: used_height = t_used_height used_width = t_used_width available_width = t_available_width available_height = t_available_height if count <= 0: break if count >= first_btn or used_width >= available_width: return False, count if last_button != None: last_button = count layout = RibbonButtonBarLayout() for indx, button in enumerate(original.buttons): instance = RibbonButtonBarButtonInstance() instance.position = wx.Point(*button.position) instance.size = button.size instance.base = self._buttons[indx] layout.buttons.append(instance) cursor = wx.Point(*layout.buttons[count].position) preserve_height = False if count == 0: # If height isn't preserved (i.e. it is reduced), then the minimum # size for the button bar will decrease, preventing the original # layout from being used (in some cases). # It may be a good idea to always preverse the height, but for now # it is only done when the first button is involved in a collapse. preserve_height = True for btn_i in xrange(count, first_btn+1): instance = layout.buttons[btn_i] result, instance.size = instance.base.GetSmallerSize(instance.size) instance.position = wx.Point(*cursor) cursor.y += instance.base.sizes[instance.size].size.GetHeight() x_adjust = available_width - used_width for btn_i in xrange(first_btn+1, btn_count): instance = layout.buttons[btn_i] instance.position.x -= x_adjust layout.CalculateOverallSize() ## # Sanity check ## if layout.overall_size.GetWidth() >= original.overall_size.GetWidth() or \ ## layout.overall_size.GetHeight() > original.overall_size.GetHeight(): ## ## del layout ## return False, count if preserve_height: layout.overall_size.SetHeight(original.overall_size.GetHeight()) self._layouts.append(layout) return True, count
[docs] def OnMouseMove(self, event): cursor = event.GetPosition() new_hovered = None new_hovered_state = 0 layout = self._layouts[self._current_layout] for instance in layout.buttons: size = instance.base.sizes[instance.size] btn_rect = wx.Rect() btn_rect.SetTopLeft(self._layout_offset + instance.position) btn_rect.SetSize(size.size) if btn_rect.Contains(cursor) and self.IsButtonEnabled( new_hovered = instance new_hovered_state = instance.base.state new_hovered_state &= ~RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_HOVER_MASK offset = wx.Point(*cursor) offset -= btn_rect.GetTopLeft() if size.normal_region.Contains(offset): new_hovered_state |= RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_NORMAL_HOVERED if size.dropdown_region.Contains(offset): new_hovered_state |= RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_DROPDOWN_HOVERED break if new_hovered == None and self.GetToolTip(): self.SetToolTipString("") if new_hovered != self._hovered_button or (self._hovered_button != None and \ new_hovered_state != self._hovered_button.base.state): if self._hovered_button != None: self._hovered_button.base.state &= ~RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_HOVER_MASK self._hovered_button = new_hovered if self._hovered_button != None: self._hovered_button.base.state = new_hovered_state self.SetToolTipString(self._hovered_button.base.help_string) self.Refresh(False) if self._active_button and not self._lock_active_state: new_active_state = self._active_button.base.state new_active_state &= ~RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_ACTIVE_MASK size = self._active_button.base.sizes[self._active_button.size] btn_rect = wx.Rect() btn_rect.SetTopLeft(self._layout_offset + self._active_button.position) btn_rect.SetSize(size.size) if btn_rect.Contains(cursor): offset = wx.Point(*cursor) offset -= btn_rect.GetTopLeft() if size.normal_region.Contains(offset): new_active_state |= RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_NORMAL_ACTIVE if size.dropdown_region.Contains(offset): new_active_state |= RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_DROPDOWN_ACTIVE if new_active_state != self._active_button.base.state: self._active_button.base.state = new_active_state self.Refresh(False)
[docs] def OnMouseDown(self, event): cursor = event.GetPosition() self._active_button = None layout = self._layouts[self._current_layout] for instance in layout.buttons: size = instance.base.sizes[instance.size] btn_rect = wx.Rect() btn_rect.SetTopLeft(self._layout_offset + instance.position) btn_rect.SetSize(size.size) if btn_rect.Contains(cursor) and self.IsButtonEnabled( self._active_button = instance cursor -= btn_rect.GetTopLeft() state = 0 if size.normal_region.Contains(cursor): state = RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_NORMAL_ACTIVE elif size.dropdown_region.Contains(cursor): state = RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_DROPDOWN_ACTIVE instance.base.state |= state self.Refresh(False) break
[docs] def OnMouseUp(self, event): cursor = event.GetPosition() if self._active_button: size = self._active_button.base.sizes[self._active_button.size] btn_rect = wx.Rect() btn_rect.SetTopLeft(self._layout_offset + self._active_button.position) btn_rect.SetSize(size.size) if btn_rect.Contains(cursor): id = cursor -= btn_rect.GetTopLeft() while 1: if size.normal_region.Contains(cursor): event_type = wxEVT_COMMAND_RIBBONBUTTON_CLICKED elif size.dropdown_region.Contains(cursor): event_type = wxEVT_COMMAND_RIBBONBUTTON_DROPDOWN_CLICKED else: break notification = RibbonButtonBarEvent(event_type, id) if self._active_button.base.kind == RIBBON_BUTTON_TOGGLE: self._active_button.base.state ^= RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_TOGGLED notification.SetInt(self._active_button.base.state & RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_TOGGLED) notification.SetEventObject(self) notification.SetBar(self) self._lock_active_state = True self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(notification) self._lock_active_state = False break if self._active_button: # may have been Noneed by event handler self._active_button.base.state &= ~RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_ACTIVE_MASK self._active_button = None self.Refresh()
[docs] def OnMouseEnter(self, event): if self._active_button and not event.LeftIsDown(): self._active_button = None
[docs] def OnMouseLeave(self, event): repaint = False if self._hovered_button != None: self._hovered_button.base.state &= ~RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_HOVER_MASK self._hovered_button = None repaint = True if self._active_button != None and not self._lock_active_state: self._active_button.base.state &= ~RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_ACTIVE_MASK repaint = True if repaint: self.Refresh(False)
[docs] def GetDefaultBorder(self): return wx.BORDER_NONE