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Source code for ribbon.toolbar

A ribbon tool bar is similar to a traditional toolbar which has no labels.


It contains one or more tool groups, each of which contains one or more tools.
Each tool is represented by a (generally small, i.e. 16x15) bitmap.

Events Processing

This class processes the following events:

====================================== ======================================
Event Name                             Description
====================================== ======================================
``EVT_RIBBONTOOLBAR_CLICKED``          Triggered when the normal (non-dropdown) region of a tool on the tool bar is clicked.
``EVT_RIBBONTOOLBAR_DROPDOWN_CLICKED`` Triggered when the dropdown region of a tool on the tool bar is clicked. L{RibbonToolBarEvent.PopupMenu} should be called by the event handler if it wants to display a popup menu (which is what most dropdown tools should be doing).
====================================== ======================================


import wx

from control import RibbonControl
from art import *



[docs]def GetSizeInOrientation(size, orientation): if orientation == wx.HORIZONTAL: return size.GetWidth() if orientation == wx.VERTICAL: return size.GetHeight() if orientation == wx.BOTH: return size.GetWidth() * size.GetHeight() return 0
[docs]class RibbonToolBarEvent(wx.PyCommandEvent):
[docs] def __init__(self, command_type=None, win_id=0, bar=None): wx.PyCommandEvent.__init__(self, command_type, win_id) self._bar = bar
[docs] def GetBar(self): return self._bar
[docs] def SetBar(self, bar): self._bar = bar
[docs] def PopupMenu(self, menu): pos = wx.Point() if self._bar._active_tool: # Find the group which contains the tool group_count = len(self._bar._groups) tobreak = False for g in xrange(group_count): group = self._bar._groups[g] tool_count = len( for t in xrange(tool_count): tool =[t] if tool == self._bar._active_tool: pos = wx.Point(*group.position) pos += tool.position pos.y += tool.size.GetHeight() g = group_count tobreak = True break if tobreak: break return self._bar.PopupMenu(menu, pos)
[docs]class RibbonToolBarToolBase(object):
[docs] def __init__(self): self.help_string = "" self.bitmap = wx.NullBitmap self.bitmap_disabled = wx.NullBitmap self.dropdown = wx.Rect() self.position = wx.Point() self.size = wx.Size() self.client_data = None = -1 self.kind = RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL self.state = None
[docs]class RibbonToolBarToolGroup(object):
[docs] def __init__(self): # To identify the group as a wxRibbonToolBarToolBase* self.dummy_tool = None = [] self.position = wx.Point() self.size = wx.Size()
[docs]class RibbonToolBar(RibbonControl):
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0, name="RibbonToolbar"): """ Default class constructor. :param `parent`: Pointer to a parent window; :param `id`: Window identifier. If ``wx.ID_ANY``, will automatically create an identifier; :param `pos`: Window position. ``wx.DefaultPosition`` indicates that wxPython should generate a default position for the window; :param `size`: Window size. ``wx.DefaultSize`` indicates that wxPython should generate a default size for the window. If no suitable size can be found, the window will be sized to 20x20 pixels so that the window is visible but obviously not correctly sized; :param `style`: Window style; :param `name`: the window name. """ RibbonControl.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, wx.BORDER_NONE, name=name) self.Bind(wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW, self.OnMouseEnter) self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnEraseBackground) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, self.OnMouseLeave) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnMouseDown) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnMouseUp) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMouseMove) self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize) self.CommonInit(style)
[docs] def CommonInit(self, style): self._groups = [] self.AppendGroup() self._hover_tool = None self._active_tool = None self._nrows_min = 1 self._nrows_max = 1 self._sizes = [wx.Size(0, 0)] self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM)
[docs] def AddSimpleTool(self, tool_id, bitmap, help_string, kind=RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL): """ Add a tool to the tool bar (simple version). :param `tool_id`: ID of the new tool (used for event callbacks); :param `bitmap`: Large bitmap of the new button. Must be the same size as all other large bitmaps used on the button bar; :param `help_string`: The UI help string to associate with the new button; :param `kind`: The kind of button to add. :see: L{AddDropdownTool}, L{AddHybridTool}, L{AddTool} """ return self.AddTool(tool_id, bitmap, wx.NullBitmap, help_string, kind, None)
[docs] def AddDropdownTool(self, tool_id, bitmap, help_string=""): """ Add a dropdown tool to the tool bar (simple version). :param `tool_id`: ID of the new tool (used for event callbacks); :param `bitmap`: Large bitmap of the new button. Must be the same size as all other large bitmaps used on the button bar; :param `help_string`: The UI help string to associate with the new button. :see: L{AddTool} """ return self.AddTool(tool_id, bitmap, wx.NullBitmap, help_string, RIBBON_BUTTON_DROPDOWN, None)
[docs] def AddHybridTool(self, tool_id, bitmap, help_string=""): """ Add a hybrid tool to the tool bar (simple version). :param `tool_id`: ID of the new tool (used for event callbacks); :param `bitmap`: Large bitmap of the new button. Must be the same size as all other large bitmaps used on the button bar; :param `help_string`: The UI help string to associate with the new button. :see: L{AddTool} """ return self.AddTool(tool_id, bitmap, wx.NullBitmap, help_string, RIBBON_BUTTON_HYBRID, None)
[docs] def AddTool(self, tool_id, bitmap, bitmap_disabled=wx.NullBitmap, help_string="", kind=RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL, client_data=None): """ Add a tool to the tool bar. :param `tool_id`: ID of the new tool (used for event callbacks); :param `bitmap`: Bitmap to use as the foreground for the new tool. Does not have to be the same size as other tool bitmaps, but should be similar as otherwise it will look visually odd; :param `bitmap_disabled`: Bitmap to use when the tool is disabled. If left as `wx.NullBitmap`, then a bitmap will be automatically generated from `bitmap`; :param `help_string`: The UI help string to associate with the new tool; :param `kind`: The kind of tool to add; :param `client_data`: Client data to associate with the new tool. :returns: An opaque pointer which can be used only with other tool bar methods. :see: L{AddDropdownTool}, L{AddHybridTool}, L{AddSeparator} """ if not bitmap.IsOk(): raise Exception("Exception") tool = RibbonToolBarToolBase() = tool_id tool.bitmap = bitmap if bitmap_disabled.IsOk(): if bitmap.GetSize() != bitmap_disabled.GetSize(): raise Exception("Exception") tool.bitmap_disabled = bitmap_disabled else: tool.bitmap_disabled = self.MakeDisabledBitmap(bitmap) tool.help_string = help_string tool.kind = kind tool.client_data = client_data tool.position = wx.Point(0, 0) tool.size = wx.Size(0, 0) tool.state = 0 self._groups[-1].tools.append(tool) return tool
[docs] def AddSeparator(self): """ Add a separator to the tool bar. Separators are used to separate tools into groups. As such, a separator is not explicity drawn, but is visually seen as the gap between tool groups. """ if not self._groups[-1].tools: return None self.AppendGroup() return self._groups[-1].dummy_tool
[docs] def MakeDisabledBitmap(self, original): img = original.ConvertToImage() return wx.BitmapFromImage(img.ConvertToGreyscale())
[docs] def AppendGroup(self): group = RibbonToolBarToolGroup() group.position = wx.Point(0, 0) group.size = wx.Size(0, 0) self._groups.append(group)
[docs] def IsSizingContinuous(self): return False
[docs] def DoGetNextSmallerSize(self, direction, relative_to): result = wx.Size(*relative_to) area = 0 tobreak = False for nrows in xrange(self._nrows_max, self._nrows_min-1, -1): size = wx.Size(*self._sizes[nrows - self._nrows_min]) original = wx.Size(*size) if direction == wx.HORIZONTAL: if size.GetWidth() < relative_to.GetWidth() and size.GetHeight() <= relative_to.GetHeight(): size.SetHeight(relative_to.GetHeight()) tobreak = True elif direction == wx.VERTICAL: if size.GetWidth() <= relative_to.GetWidth() and size.GetHeight() < relative_to.GetHeight(): size.SetWidth(relative_to.GetWidth()) tobreak = True elif direction == wx.BOTH: if size.GetWidth() < relative_to.GetWidth() and size.GetHeight() < relative_to.GetHeight(): pass if GetSizeInOrientation(original, direction) > area: result = wx.Size(*size) area = GetSizeInOrientation(original, direction) if tobreak: break return result
[docs] def DoGetNextLargerSize(self, direction, relative_to): # Pick the smallest of our sizes which are larger than the given size result = wx.Size(*relative_to) area = 10000 tobreak = False for nrows in xrange(self._nrows_min, self._nrows_max+1): size = wx.Size(*self._sizes[nrows - self._nrows_min]) original = wx.Size(*size) if direction == wx.HORIZONTAL: if size.GetWidth() > relative_to.GetWidth() and size.GetHeight() <= relative_to.GetHeight(): size.SetHeight(relative_to.GetHeight()) tobreak = True elif direction == wx.VERTICAL: if size.GetWidth() <= relative_to.GetWidth() and size.GetHeight() > relative_to.GetHeight(): size.SetWidth(relative_to.GetWidth()) tobreak = True elif direction == wx.BOTH: if size.GetWidth() > relative_to.GetWidth() and size.GetHeight() > relative_to.GetHeight(): tobreak = True if GetSizeInOrientation(original, direction) < area: result = wx.Size(*size) area = GetSizeInOrientation(original, direction) if tobreak: break return result
[docs] def SetRows(self, nMin, nMax): """ Set the number of rows to distribute tool groups over. Tool groups can be distributed over a variable number of rows. The way in which groups are assigned to rows is not specificed, and the order of groups may change, but they will be distributed in such a way as to minimise the overall size of the tool bar. :param `nMin`: The minimum number of rows to use; :param `nMax`: The maximum number of rows to use (defaults to `nMin`). """ if nMax == -1: nMax = nMin if nMin < 1: raise Exception("Exception") if nMin > nMax: raise Exception("Exception") self._nrows_min = nMin self._nrows_max = nMax self._sizes = [] self._sizes = [wx.Size(0, 0) for i in xrange(self._nrows_min, self._nrows_max + 1)] self.Realize()
[docs] def Realize(self): if self._art == None: return False # Calculate the size of each group and the position/size of each tool temp_dc = wx.MemoryDC() group_count = len(self._groups) for group in self._groups: prev = None tool_count = len( tallest = 0 for t, tool in enumerate( tool.size, tool.dropdown = self._art.GetToolSize(temp_dc, self, tool.bitmap.GetSize(), tool.kind, t==0, t==(tool_count-1)) tool.state = tool.state & ~RIBBON_TOOLBAR_TOOL_DISABLED if t == 0: tool.state |= RIBBON_TOOLBAR_TOOL_FIRST if t == tool_count - 1: tool.state |= RIBBON_TOOLBAR_TOOL_LAST if tool.size.GetHeight() > tallest: tallest = tool.size.GetHeight() if prev: tool.position = wx.Point(*prev.position) tool.position.x += prev.size.x else: tool.position = wx.Point(0, 0) prev = tool if tool_count == 0: group.size = wx.Size(0, 0) else: group.size = wx.Size(prev.position.x + prev.size.x, tallest) for tool in tool.size.SetHeight(tallest) # Calculate the minimum size for each possible number of rows sep = self._art.GetMetric(RIBBON_ART_TOOL_GROUP_SEPARATION_SIZE) smallest_area = 10000 row_sizes = [wx.Size(0, 0) for i in xrange(self._nrows_max)] major_axis = ((self._art.GetFlags() & RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_VERTICAL) and [wx.VERTICAL] or [wx.HORIZONTAL])[0] self.SetMinSize(wx.Size(0, 0)) for nrows in xrange(self._nrows_min, self._nrows_max+1): for r in xrange(nrows): row_sizes[r] = wx.Size(0, 0) for g in xrange(group_count): group = self._groups[g] shortest_row = 0 for r in xrange(1, nrows): if row_sizes[r].GetWidth() < row_sizes[shortest_row].GetWidth(): shortest_row = r row_sizes[shortest_row].x += group.size.x + sep if group.size.y > row_sizes[shortest_row].y: row_sizes[shortest_row].y = group.size.y size = wx.Size(0, 0) for r in xrange(nrows): if row_sizes[r].GetWidth() != 0: row_sizes[r].DecBy(sep, 0) if row_sizes[r].GetWidth() > size.GetWidth(): size.SetWidth(row_sizes[r].GetWidth()) size.IncBy(0, row_sizes[r].y) self._sizes[nrows - self._nrows_min] = size if GetSizeInOrientation(size, major_axis) < smallest_area: self.SetMinSize(size) smallest_area = GetSizeInOrientation(size, major_axis) # Position the groups dummy_event = wx.SizeEvent(self.GetSize()) self.OnSize(dummy_event) return True
[docs] def OnSize(self, event): if self._art == None: return # Choose row count with largest possible area size = event.GetSize() row_count = self._nrows_max major_axis = (self._art.GetFlags() & RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_VERTICAL and [wx.VERTICAL] or [wx.HORIZONTAL])[0] if self._nrows_max != self._nrows_min: area = 0 for i in xrange(self._nrows_max - self._nrows_min + 1): if self._sizes[i].x <= size.x and self._sizes[i].y <= size.y and \ GetSizeInOrientation(self._sizes[i], major_axis) > area: area = GetSizeInOrientation(self._sizes[i], major_axis) row_count = self._nrows_min + i # Assign groups to rows and calculate row widths row_sizes = [wx.Size(0, 0) for i in xrange(row_count)] sep = self._art.GetMetric(RIBBON_ART_TOOL_GROUP_SEPARATION_SIZE) group_count = len(self._groups) for group in self._groups: shortest_row = 0 for r in xrange(1, row_count): if row_sizes[r].GetWidth() < row_sizes[shortest_row].GetWidth(): shortest_row = r group.position = wx.Point(row_sizes[shortest_row].x, shortest_row) row_sizes[shortest_row].x += group.size.x + sep if group.size.y > row_sizes[shortest_row].y: row_sizes[shortest_row].y = group.size.y # Calculate row positions total_height = 0 for r in xrange(row_count): total_height += row_sizes[r].GetHeight() rowsep = (size.GetHeight() - total_height) / (row_count + 1) rowypos = [0]*row_count rowypos[0] = rowsep for r in xrange(1, row_count): rowypos[r] = rowypos[r - 1] + row_sizes[r - 1].GetHeight() + rowsep # Set group y positions for group in self._groups: group.position.y = rowypos[group.position.y]
[docs] def DoGetBestSize(self): return self.GetMinSize()
[docs] def OnEraseBackground(self, event): # All painting done in main paint handler to minimise flicker pass
[docs] def OnPaint(self, event): dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self) if self._art == None: return self._art.DrawToolBarBackground(dc, self, wx.Rect(0, 0, *self.GetSize())) for group in self._groups: tool_count = len( if tool_count != 0: self._art.DrawToolGroupBackground(dc, self, wx.RectPS(group.position, group.size)) for tool in rect = wx.RectPS(group.position + tool.position, tool.size) self._art.DrawTool(dc, self, rect, tool.bitmap, tool.kind, tool.state)
[docs] def OnMouseMove(self, event): pos = event.GetPosition() new_hover = None for group in self._groups: if group.position.x <= pos.x and pos.x < group.position.x + group.size.x \ and group.position.y <= pos.y and pos.y < group.position.y + group.size.y: pos -= group.position for tool in if tool.position.x <= pos.x and pos.x < tool.position.x + tool.size.x \ and tool.position.y <= pos.y and pos.y < tool.position.y + tool.size.y: pos -= tool.position new_hover = tool break break if new_hover and new_hover != self._hover_tool: self.SetToolTipString(new_hover.help_string) elif self.GetToolTip() and new_hover != self._hover_tool: self.SetToolTipString("") if new_hover != self._hover_tool: if self._hover_tool: self._hover_tool.state &= ~(RIBBON_TOOLBAR_TOOL_HOVER_MASK | RIBBON_TOOLBAR_TOOL_ACTIVE_MASK) self._hover_tool = new_hover if new_hover: what = RIBBON_TOOLBAR_TOOL_NORMAL_HOVERED if new_hover.dropdown.Contains(pos): what = RIBBON_TOOLBAR_TOOL_DROPDOWN_HOVERED new_hover.state |= what if new_hover == self._active_tool: new_hover.state &= ~RIBBON_TOOLBAR_TOOL_ACTIVE_MASK new_hover.state |= (what << 2) self.Refresh(False) elif self._hover_tool and self._hover_tool.kind == RIBBON_BUTTON_HYBRID: newstate = self._hover_tool.state & ~RIBBON_TOOLBAR_TOOL_HOVER_MASK what = RIBBON_TOOLBAR_TOOL_NORMAL_HOVERED if self._hover_tool.dropdown.Contains(pos): what = RIBBON_TOOLBAR_TOOL_DROPDOWN_HOVERED newstate |= what if newstate != self._hover_tool.state: self._hover_tool.state = newstate if self._hover_tool == self._active_tool: self._hover_tool.state &= ~RIBBON_TOOLBAR_TOOL_ACTIVE_MASK self._hover_tool.state |= (what << 2) self.Refresh(False)
[docs] def OnMouseDown(self, event): self.OnMouseMove(event) if self._hover_tool: self._active_tool = self._hover_tool self._active_tool.state |= (self._active_tool.state & RIBBON_TOOLBAR_TOOL_HOVER_MASK) << 2 self.Refresh(False)
[docs] def OnMouseLeave(self, event): if self._hover_tool: self._hover_tool.state &= ~RIBBON_TOOLBAR_TOOL_HOVER_MASK self._hover_tool = None self.Refresh(False)
[docs] def OnMouseUp(self, event): if self._active_tool: if self._active_tool.state & RIBBON_TOOLBAR_TOOL_ACTIVE_MASK: evt_type = wxEVT_COMMAND_RIBBONTOOL_CLICKED if self._active_tool.state & RIBBON_TOOLBAR_TOOL_DROPDOWN_ACTIVE: evt_type = wxEVT_COMMAND_RIBBONTOOL_DROPDOWN_CLICKED notification = RibbonToolBarEvent(evt_type, notification.SetEventObject(self) notification.SetBar(self) self.ProcessEvent(notification) # Notice that m_active_tool could have been reset by the event handler # above so we need to test it again. if self._active_tool: self._active_tool.state &= ~RIBBON_TOOLBAR_TOOL_ACTIVE_MASK self._active_tool = None self.Refresh(False)
[docs] def OnMouseEnter(self, event): if self._active_tool and not event.LeftIsDown(): self._active_tool = None
[docs] def GetDefaultBorder(self): return wx.BORDER_NONE