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agw_title AuiDefaultToolBarArt

Toolbar art provider code - a tab provider provides all drawing functionality to the AuiToolBar. This allows the AuiToolBar to have a plugable look-and-feel.

By default, a AuiToolBar uses an instance of this class called AuiDefaultToolBarArt which provides bitmap art and a colour scheme that is adapted to the major platforms’ look. You can either derive from that class to alter its behaviour or write a completely new tab art class. Call SetArtProvider to make use this new tab art.

hierarchy Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram for: AuiDefaultToolBarArt

Inheritance diagram of AuiDefaultToolBarArt

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__Default class constructor.
CloneClones the AuiToolBar art.
DrawBackgroundDraws a toolbar background with a gradient shading.
DrawButtonDraws a toolbar item button.
DrawControlLabelDraws a label for a toolbar control.
DrawDropDownButtonDraws a toolbar dropdown button.
DrawGripperDraws the toolbar gripper.
DrawLabelDraws a toolbar item label.
DrawOverflowButtonDraws the overflow button for the AuiToolBar.
DrawPlainBackgroundDraws a toolbar background with a plain colour.
DrawSeparatorDraws a toolbar separator.
GetAGWFlagsReturns the AuiDefaultToolBarArt flags. See SetAGWFlags for more
GetElementSizeReturns the size of a UI element in the AuiToolBar.
GetFontReturns the AuiDefaultToolBarArt font.
GetLabelSizeReturns the label size for a toolbar item.
GetOrientationReturns the toolbar orientation.
GetTextOrientationReturns the AuiDefaultToolBarArt text orientation. See
GetToolSizeReturns the toolbar item size.
GetToolsPositionReturns the bitmap and text rectangles for a toolbar item.
SetAGWFlagsSets the toolbar art flags.
SetDefaultColoursSets the default colours, which are calculated from the given base colour.
SetElementSizeSets the size of a UI element in the AuiToolBar.
SetFontSets the AuiDefaultToolBarArt font.
SetOrientationSets the toolbar tool orientation.
SetTextOrientationSets the text orientation.
ShowDropDownShows the drop down window menu for overflow items.


class AuiDefaultToolBarArt(object)[source]

Toolbar art provider code - a tab provider provides all drawing functionality to the AuiToolBar. This allows the AuiToolBar to have a plugable look-and-feel.

By default, a AuiToolBar uses an instance of this class called AuiDefaultToolBarArt which provides bitmap art and a colour scheme that is adapted to the major platforms’ look. You can either derive from that class to alter its behaviour or write a completely new tab art class. Call AuiToolBar.SetArtProvider() to make use this new tab art.


Default class constructor.


Clones the AuiToolBar art.

DrawBackground(dc, wnd, _rect, horizontal=True)[source]

Draws a toolbar background with a gradient shading.

  • dc – a wx.DC device context;
  • wnd – a wx.Window derived window;
  • _rect – the AuiToolBar rectangle;
  • horizontalTrue if the toolbar is horizontal, False if it is vertical.

DrawButton(dc, wnd, item, rect)[source]

Draws a toolbar item button.


DrawControlLabel(dc, wnd, item, rect)[source]

Draws a label for a toolbar control.


DrawDropDownButton(dc, wnd, item, rect)[source]

Draws a toolbar dropdown button.


DrawGripper(dc, wnd, rect)[source]

Draws the toolbar gripper.


DrawLabel(dc, wnd, item, rect)[source]

Draws a toolbar item label.


DrawOverflowButton(dc, wnd, rect, state)[source]

Draws the overflow button for the AuiToolBar.

  • dc – a wx.DC device context;

  • wnd – a wx.Window derived window;

  • rect – the AuiToolBar rectangle;
  • state – the overflow button state.

DrawPlainBackground(dc, wnd, _rect)[source]

Draws a toolbar background with a plain colour.

This method contrasts with the default behaviour of the AuiToolBar that draws a background gradient and this break the window design when putting it within a control that has margin between the borders and the toolbar (example: put AuiToolBar within a wx.StaticBoxSizer that has a plain background).


DrawSeparator(dc, wnd, _rect)[source]

Draws a toolbar separator.



Returns the AuiDefaultToolBarArt flags. See SetAGWFlags for more details.

See also



Returns the size of a UI element in the AuiToolBar.

Parameters:element_id – can be one of the following:

Element Identifier Description
AUI_TBART_SEPARATOR_SIZE Separator size in AuiToolBar
AUI_TBART_GRIPPER_SIZE Gripper size in AuiToolBar
AUI_TBART_OVERFLOW_SIZE Overflow button size in AuiToolBar


Returns the AuiDefaultToolBarArt font.

GetLabelSize(dc, wnd, item)[source]

Returns the label size for a toolbar item.



Returns the toolbar orientation.


Returns the AuiDefaultToolBarArt text orientation. See SetTextOrientation for more details.

GetToolSize(dc, wnd, item)[source]

Returns the toolbar item size.


GetToolsPosition(dc, item, rect)[source]

Returns the bitmap and text rectangles for a toolbar item.

  • dc – a wx.DC device context;

  • item – an instance of AuiToolBarItem;
  • rect – the tool rect.


Sets the toolbar art flags.

Parameters:agwFlags – a combination of the following values:

Flag name Description
AUI_TB_TEXT Shows the text in the toolbar buttons; by default only icons are shown
AUI_TB_NO_TOOLTIPS Don’t show tooltips on AuiToolBar items
AUI_TB_NO_AUTORESIZE Do not auto-resize the AuiToolBar
AUI_TB_GRIPPER Shows a gripper on the AuiToolBar
AUI_TB_OVERFLOW The AuiToolBar can contain overflow items
AUI_TB_VERTICAL The AuiToolBar is vertical
AUI_TB_HORZ_LAYOUT Shows the text and the icons alongside, not vertically stacked. This style must be used with AUI_TB_TEXT
AUI_TB_PLAIN_BACKGROUND Don’t draw a gradient background on the toolbar


Sets the default colours, which are calculated from the given base colour.

Parameters:base_colour – an instance of wx.Colour. If defaulted to None, a colour is generated accordingly to the platform and theme.

SetElementSize(element_id, size)[source]

Sets the size of a UI element in the AuiToolBar.

  • element_id – can be one of the following:

    Element Identifier Description
    AUI_TBART_SEPARATOR_SIZE Separator size in AuiToolBar
    AUI_TBART_GRIPPER_SIZE Gripper size in AuiToolBar
    AUI_TBART_OVERFLOW_SIZE Overflow button size in AuiToolBar
  • size – the new size of the UI element.


Sets the AuiDefaultToolBarArt font.

Parameters:font – a wx.Font object.


Sets the toolbar tool orientation.



Sets the text orientation.

Parameters:orientation – can be one of the following constants:

Orientation Switches Description
AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_LEFT Text in AuiToolBar items is aligned left
AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_RIGHT Text in AuiToolBar items is aligned right
AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_TOP Text in AuiToolBar items is aligned top
AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_BOTTOM Text in AuiToolBar items is aligned bottom

ShowDropDown(wnd, items)[source]

Shows the drop down window menu for overflow items.

  • wnd – an instance of wx.Window;

  • items – the overflow toolbar items (a Python list).

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