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agw_title AuiPaneInfo

AuiPaneInfo specifies all the parameters for a pane. These parameters specify where the pane is on the screen, whether it is docked or floating, or hidden. In addition, these parameters specify the pane’s docked position, floating position, preferred size, minimum size, caption text among many other parameters.

hierarchy Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram for: AuiPaneInfo

Inheritance diagram of AuiPaneInfo

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__Default class constructor.
BestSizeSets the ideal size for the pane.
BestSize1Sets the best size of the pane.
BestSize2Sets the best size of the pane.
BottomSets the pane dock position to the bottom of the frame.
BottomDockableIndicates whether a pane can be docked at the bottom of the frame.
BottomSnappableIndicates whether a pane can be snapped at the bottom of the main frame.
CaptionSets the caption of the pane.
CaptionVisibleIndicates that a pane caption should be visible.
CenterSets the pane to the center position of the frame.
CenterPaneSpecifies that the pane should adopt the default center pane settings.
CentreSets the pane to the center position of the frame.
CentrePaneSpecifies that the pane should adopt the default center pane settings.
CloseButtonIndicates that a close button should be drawn for the pane.
CountButtonsReturns the number of visible buttons in the docked pane.
DefaultPaneSpecifies that the pane should adopt the default pane settings.
DestroyOnCloseIndicates whether a pane should be destroyed when it is closed.
DirectionDetermines the direction of the docked pane.
DockIndicates that a pane should be docked.
DockFixedCauses the containing dock to have no resize sash.
DockableSpecifies whether a frame can be docked or not.
FixedForces a pane to be fixed size so that it cannot be resized.
FloatIndicates that a pane should be floated.
FloatableSets whether the user will be able to undock a pane and turn it into a floating window.
FloatingPositionSets the position of the floating pane.
FloatingSizeSets the size of the floating pane.
FlyOutIndicates whether a pane, when floating, has a “fly-out” effect (i.e., floating panes which only show themselves when moused over).
GetMinimizeModeReturns the minimization style for this pane.
GripperIndicates that a gripper should be drawn for the pane.
GripperTopIndicates that a gripper should be drawn at the top of the pane.
HasBorderReturns True if the pane displays a border.
HasCaptionReturns True if the pane displays a caption.
HasCaptionLeftReturns True if the pane displays a caption on the left (rotated by 90 degrees).
HasCloseButtonReturns True if the pane displays a button to close the pane.
HasFlagReturns True if the the property specified by flag is active for the pane.
HasGripperReturns True if the pane displays a gripper.
HasGripperTopReturns True if the pane displays a gripper at the top.
HasMaximizeButtonReturns True if the pane displays a button to maximize the pane.
HasMinimizeButtonReturns True if the pane displays a button to minimize the pane.
HasNotebookReturns whether a pane has a AuiNotebook or not.
HasPinButtonReturns True if the pane displays a button to float the pane.
HideIndicates that a pane should be hidden.
IconSpecifies whether an icon is drawn on the left of the caption text when the pane is docked.
IsBottomDockableReturns True if the pane can be docked at the bottom
IsBottomSnappableReturns True if the pane can be snapped at the bottom of the managed frame.
IsDestroyOnCloseReturns True if the pane should be destroyed when it is closed.
IsDockableReturns True if the pane can be docked.
IsDockedReturns True if the pane is docked.
IsFixedReturns True if the pane cannot be resized.
IsFloatableReturns True if the pane can be undocked and displayed as a
IsFloatingReturns True if the pane is floating.
IsFlyOutReturns True if the floating pane has a “fly-out” effect.
IsHorizontalReturns True if the pane dock_direction is horizontal.
IsLeftDockableReturns True if the pane can be docked at the left
IsLeftSnappableReturns True if the pane can be snapped on the left of the managed frame.
IsMaximizedReturns True if the pane is maximized.
IsMinimizedReturns True if the pane is minimized.
IsMovableReturns True if the docked frame can be undocked or moved to
IsNotebookControlReturns whether the pane is a notebook control (AuiNotebook).
IsNotebookDockableReturns True if a pane can be docked on top to another to create a
IsNotebookPageReturns whether the pane is a notebook page in a AuiNotebook.
IsOkReturns True if the AuiPaneInfo structure is valid.
IsResizeableReturns True if the pane can be resized.
IsRightDockableReturns True if the pane can be docked at the right
IsRightSnappableReturns True if the pane can be snapped on the right of the managed frame.
IsShownReturns True if the pane is currently shown.
IsSnappableReturns True if the pane can be snapped.
IsToolbarReturns True if the pane contains a toolbar.
IsTopDockableReturns True if the pane can be docked at the top
IsTopSnappableReturns True if the pane can be snapped at the top of the managed frame.
IsVerticalReturns True if the pane dock_direction is vertical.
LayerDetermines the layer of the docked pane.
LeftSets the pane dock position to the left side of the frame.
LeftDockableIndicates whether a pane can be docked on the left of the frame.
LeftSnappableIndicates whether a pane can be snapped on the left of the main frame.
MaxSizeSets the maximum size of the pane.
MaxSize1Sets the maximum size of the pane.
MaxSize2Sets the maximum size of the pane.
MaximizeMakes the pane take up the full area.
MaximizeButtonIndicates that a maximize button should be drawn for the pane.
MinSizeSets the minimum size of the pane.
MinSize1Sets the minimum size of the pane.
MinSize2Sets the minimum size of the pane.
MinimizeMakes the pane minimized in a AuiToolBar.
MinimizeButtonIndicates that a minimize button should be drawn for the pane.
MinimizeModeSets the expected minimized mode if the MinimizeButton() is visible.
MinimizeTargetMinimizes the panes using a AuiPaneInfo as a target. As AuiPaneInfo properties
MovableIndicates whether a pane can be moved.
NameSets the name of the pane so it can be referenced in lookup functions.
NotebookControlForces a pane to be a notebook control (AuiNotebook).
NotebookDockableIndicates whether a pane can be docked in an automatic AuiNotebook.
NotebookPageForces a pane to be a notebook page, so that the pane can be
PaneBorderIndicates that a border should be drawn for the pane.
PinButtonIndicates that a pin button should be drawn for the pane.
PositionDetermines the position of the docked pane.
ResetButtonsResets all the buttons and recreates them from scratch depending on the
ResizableAllows a pane to be resizable if resizable is True, and forces
RestoreIs the reverse of Maximize and Minimize.
RightSets the pane dock position to the right side of the frame.
RightDockableIndicates whether a pane can be docked on the right of the frame.
RightSnappableIndicates whether a pane can be snapped on the right of the main frame.
RowDetermines the row of the docked pane.
SetDockPosCopies the source pane members that pertain to docking position to self.
SetFlagTurns the property given by flag on or off with the option_state parameter.
SetNameFromNotebookIdSets the pane name once docked in a AuiNotebook using the notebook id.
ShowIndicates that a pane should be shown.
SnappableIndicates whether a pane can be snapped on the main frame.
ToolbarPaneSpecifies that the pane should adopt the default toolbar pane settings.
TopSets the pane dock position to the top of the frame.
TopDockableIndicates whether a pane can be docked at the top of the frame.
TopSnappableIndicates whether a pane can be snapped at the top of the main frame.
TransparentMakes the pane transparent when floating.
WindowAssociate a wx.Window derived window to this pane.
dock_direction_getGetter for the dock_direction.
dock_direction_setSetter for the dock_direction.


class AuiPaneInfo(object)[source]

AuiPaneInfo specifies all the parameters for a pane. These parameters specify where the pane is on the screen, whether it is docked or floating, or hidden. In addition, these parameters specify the pane’s docked position, floating position, preferred size, minimum size, caption text among many other parameters.


Default class constructor.

BestSize(arg1=None, arg2=None)[source]

Sets the ideal size for the pane. The docking manager will attempt to use this size as much as possible when docking or floating the pane.

This method is split in 2 versions depending on the input type. If arg1 is a wx.Size object, then BestSize1 is called. Otherwise, BestSize2 is called.

  • arg1 – a wx.Size object, a (x, y) tuple or a x coordinate.

  • arg2 – a y coordinate (only if arg1 is a x coordinate, otherwise unused).


Sets the best size of the pane.

See also

BestSize for an explanation of input parameters.

BestSize2(x, y)[source]

Sets the best size of the pane.

See also

BestSize for an explanation of input parameters.


Sets the pane dock position to the bottom of the frame.


This is the same thing as calling Direction with AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM as parameter.


Indicates whether a pane can be docked at the bottom of the frame.

Parameters:b – whether the pane can be docked at the bottom or not.


Indicates whether a pane can be snapped at the bottom of the main frame.

Parameters:b – whether the pane can be snapped at the bottom of the main frame or not.


Sets the caption of the pane.

Parameters:caption – a string specifying the pane caption.

CaptionVisible(visible=True, left=False)[source]

Indicates that a pane caption should be visible. If visible is False, no pane caption is drawn.

  • visible – whether the caption should be visible or not;
  • left – whether the caption should be drawn on the left (rotated by 90 degrees) or not.


Sets the pane to the center position of the frame.

The centre pane is the space in the middle after all border panes (left, top, right, bottom) are subtracted from the layout.


This is the same thing as calling Direction with AUI_DOCK_CENTER as parameter.


Specifies that the pane should adopt the default center pane settings.

Centre panes usually do not have caption bars. This function provides an easy way of preparing a pane to be displayed in the center dock position.


Sets the pane to the center position of the frame.

The centre pane is the space in the middle after all border panes (left, top, right, bottom) are subtracted from the layout.


This is the same thing as calling Direction with AUI_DOCK_CENTRE as parameter.


Specifies that the pane should adopt the default center pane settings.

Centre panes usually do not have caption bars. This function provides an easy way of preparing a pane to be displayed in the center dock position.


Indicates that a close button should be drawn for the pane.

Parameters:visible – whether the close button should be visible or not.


Returns the number of visible buttons in the docked pane.


Specifies that the pane should adopt the default pane settings.


Indicates whether a pane should be destroyed when it is closed.

Normally a pane is simply hidden when the close button is clicked. Setting b to True will cause the window to be destroyed when the user clicks the pane’s close button.

Parameters:b – whether the pane should be destroyed when it is closed or not.


Determines the direction of the docked pane. It is functionally the same as calling Left, Right, Top or Bottom, except that docking direction may be specified programmatically via the parameter direction.

Parameters:direction – the direction of the docked pane.

See also

dock_direction_set for a list of valid docking directions.


Indicates that a pane should be docked. It is the opposite of Float.


Causes the containing dock to have no resize sash. This is useful for creating panes that span the entire width or height of a dock, but should not be resizable in the other direction.

Parameters:b – whether the pane will have a resize sash or not.


Specifies whether a frame can be docked or not. It is the same as specifying TopDockable . BottomDockable . LeftDockable . RightDockable .

Parameters:b – whether the frame can be docked or not.


Forces a pane to be fixed size so that it cannot be resized. After calling Fixed, IsFixed will return True.


Indicates that a pane should be floated. It is the opposite of Dock.


Sets whether the user will be able to undock a pane and turn it into a floating window.

Parameters:b – whether the pane can be floated or not.


Sets the position of the floating pane.

Parameters:pos – a wx.Point or a tuple indicating the pane floating position.


Sets the size of the floating pane.

Parameters:size – a wx.Size or a tuple indicating the pane floating size.


Indicates whether a pane, when floating, has a “fly-out” effect (i.e., floating panes which only show themselves when moused over).

Parameters:b – whether the pane can be snapped on the main frame or not.


Returns the minimization style for this pane.

Possible return values are:

Minimize Mode Flag Hex Value Description
AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_SMART 0x01 Minimizes the pane on the closest tool bar
AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_TOP 0x02 Minimizes the pane on the top tool bar
AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_LEFT 0x03 Minimizes the pane on its left tool bar
AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_RIGHT 0x04 Minimizes the pane on its right tool bar
AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_BOTTOM 0x05 Minimizes the pane on its bottom tool bar
AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_TOOLBAR 0x06 Minimizes the pane on a target AuiToolBar
AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_MASK 0x17 Mask to filter the position flags
AUI_MINIMIZE_CAPT_HIDE 0x0 Hides the caption of the minimized pane
AUI_MINIMIZE_CAPT_SMART 0x08 Displays the caption in the best rotation (horizontal or clockwise)
AUI_MINIMIZE_CAPT_HORZ 0x10 Displays the caption horizontally
AUI_MINIMIZE_CAPT_MASK 0x18 Mask to filter the caption flags

The flags can be filtered with the following masks:

Minimize Mask Flag Hex Value Description
AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_MASK 0x17 Filters the position flags
AUI_MINIMIZE_CAPT_MASK 0x18 Filters the caption flags


Indicates that a gripper should be drawn for the pane.

Parameters:visible – whether the gripper should be visible or not.


Indicates that a gripper should be drawn at the top of the pane.

Parameters:attop – whether the gripper should be drawn at the top or not.


Returns True if the pane displays a border.


Returns True if the pane displays a caption.


Returns True if the pane displays a caption on the left (rotated by 90 degrees).


Returns True if the pane displays a button to close the pane.


Returns True if the the property specified by flag is active for the pane.

Parameters:flag – the property to check for activity.


Returns True if the pane displays a gripper.


Returns True if the pane displays a gripper at the top.


Returns True if the pane displays a button to maximize the pane.


Returns True if the pane displays a button to minimize the pane.


Returns whether a pane has a AuiNotebook or not.


Returns True if the pane displays a button to float the pane.


Indicates that a pane should be hidden.

Calling Show (False) achieve the same effect.


Specifies whether an icon is drawn on the left of the caption text when the pane is docked. If icon is None or wx.NullIcon, no icon is drawn on the caption space.

Parameters:icon – an icon to draw on the caption space, or None.


Returns True if the pane can be docked at the bottom of the managed frame.


Returns True if the pane can be snapped at the bottom of the managed frame.


Returns True if the pane should be destroyed when it is closed.

Normally a pane is simply hidden when the close button is clicked. Calling DestroyOnClose with a True input parameter will cause the window to be destroyed when the user clicks the pane’s close button.


Returns True if the pane can be docked.


Returns True if the pane is docked.


Returns True if the pane cannot be resized.


Returns True if the pane can be undocked and displayed as a floating window.


Returns True if the pane is floating.


Returns True if the floating pane has a “fly-out” effect.


Returns True if the pane dock_direction is horizontal.


Returns True if the pane can be docked at the left of the managed frame.


Returns True if the pane can be snapped on the left of the managed frame.


Returns True if the pane is maximized.


Returns True if the pane is minimized.


Returns True if the docked frame can be undocked or moved to another dock position.


Returns whether the pane is a notebook control (AuiNotebook).


Returns True if a pane can be docked on top to another to create a AuiNotebook.


Returns whether the pane is a notebook page in a AuiNotebook.


Returns True if the AuiPaneInfo structure is valid.


A pane structure is valid if it has an associated window.


Returns True if the pane can be resized.


Returns True if the pane can be docked at the right of the managed frame.


Returns True if the pane can be snapped on the right of the managed frame.


Returns True if the pane is currently shown.


Returns True if the pane can be snapped.


Returns True if the pane contains a toolbar.


Returns True if the pane can be docked at the top of the managed frame.


Returns True if the pane can be snapped at the top of the managed frame.


Returns True if the pane dock_direction is vertical.


Determines the layer of the docked pane.

The dock layer is similar to an onion, the inner-most layer being layer 0. Each shell moving in the outward direction has a higher layer number. This allows for more complex docking layout formation.

Parameters:layer – the layer of the docked pane.


Sets the pane dock position to the left side of the frame.


This is the same thing as calling Direction with AUI_DOCK_LEFT as parameter.


Indicates whether a pane can be docked on the left of the frame.

Parameters:b – whether the pane can be docked at the left or not.


Indicates whether a pane can be snapped on the left of the main frame.

Parameters:b – whether the pane can be snapped at the left of the main frame or not.

MaxSize(arg1=None, arg2=None)[source]

Sets the maximum size of the pane.

This method is split in 2 versions depending on the input type. If arg1 is a wx.Size object, then MaxSize1 is called. Otherwise, MaxSize2 is called.

  • arg1 – a wx.Size object, a (x, y) tuple or a x coordinate.

  • arg2 – a y coordinate (only if arg1 is a x coordinate, otherwise unused).


Sets the maximum size of the pane.

See also

MaxSize for an explanation of input parameters.

MaxSize2(x, y)[source]

Sets the maximum size of the pane.

See also

MaxSize for an explanation of input parameters.


Makes the pane take up the full area.


Indicates that a maximize button should be drawn for the pane.

Parameters:visible – whether the maximize button should be visible or not.

MinSize(arg1=None, arg2=None)[source]

Sets the minimum size of the pane.

This method is split in 2 versions depending on the input type. If arg1 is a wx.Size object, then MinSize1 is called. Otherwise, MinSize2 is called.

  • arg1 – a wx.Size object, a (x, y) tuple or or a x coordinate.

  • arg2 – a y coordinate (only if arg1 is a x coordinate, otherwise unused).


Sets the minimum size of the pane.

See also

MinSize for an explanation of input parameters.

MinSize2(x, y)[source]

Sets the minimum size of the pane.

See also

MinSize for an explanation of input parameters.


Makes the pane minimized in a AuiToolBar.

Clicking on the minimize button causes a new AuiToolBar to be created and added to the frame manager, (currently the implementation is such that panes at West will have a toolbar at the right, panes at South will have toolbars at the bottom etc...) and the pane is hidden in the manager.

Clicking on the restore button on the newly created toolbar will result in the toolbar being removed and the original pane being restored.


Indicates that a minimize button should be drawn for the pane.

Parameters:visible – whether the minimize button should be visible or not.


Sets the expected minimized mode if the MinimizeButton() is visible.

The minimized pane can have a specific position in the work space:

Minimize Mode Flag Hex Value Description
AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_SMART 0x01 Minimizes the pane on the closest tool bar
AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_TOP 0x02 Minimizes the pane on the top tool bar
AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_LEFT 0x03 Minimizes the pane on its left tool bar
AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_RIGHT 0x04 Minimizes the pane on its right tool bar
AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_BOTTOM 0x05 Minimizes the pane on its bottom tool bar
AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_TOOLBAR 0x06 Minimizes the pane on a target AuiToolBar

The caption of the minimized pane can be displayed in different modes:

Caption Mode Flag Hex Value Description
AUI_MINIMIZE_CAPT_HIDE 0x0 Hides the caption of the minimized pane
AUI_MINIMIZE_CAPT_SMART 0x08 Displays the caption in the best rotation (horizontal in the top and in the bottom tool bar or clockwise in the right and in the left tool bar)
AUI_MINIMIZE_CAPT_HORZ 0x10 Displays the caption horizontally


In order to use the AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_TOOLBAR flag, the instance of AuiPaneInfo you pass as an input for MinimizeTarget must have a real name and not the randomly generated one. Remember to set the Name property of the toolbar pane before calling this method.


Minimizes the panes using a AuiPaneInfo as a target. As AuiPaneInfo properties need to be copied back and forth every time the perspective has changed, we only store the toobar name.

Parameters:toolbarPane – an instance of AuiPaneInfo, containing a AuiToolBar.


In order to use this functionality (and with the AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_TOOLBAR flag set), the instance of AuiPaneInfo you pass as an input must have a real name and not the randomly generated one. Remember to set the Name property of the toolbar pane before calling this method.


Indicates whether a pane can be moved.

Parameters:b – whether the pane can be moved or not.


Sets the name of the pane so it can be referenced in lookup functions.

If a name is not specified by the user, a random name is assigned to the pane when it is added to the manager.

Parameters:name – a string specifying the pane name.


If you are using AuiManager.SavePerspective() and AuiManager.LoadPerspective(), you will have to specify a name for your pane using Name, as randomly generated names can not be properly restored.


Forces a pane to be a notebook control (AuiNotebook).

Parameters:id – the notebook id.


Indicates whether a pane can be docked in an automatic AuiNotebook.

Parameters:b – whether the pane can be docked in a notebook or not.

NotebookPage(id, tab_position=1000)[source]

Forces a pane to be a notebook page, so that the pane can be docked on top to another to create a AuiNotebook.

  • id – the notebook id;
  • tab_position – the tab number of the pane once docked in a notebook.


Indicates that a border should be drawn for the pane.

Parameters:visible – whether the pane border should be visible or not.


Indicates that a pin button should be drawn for the pane.

Parameters:visible – whether the pin button should be visible or not.


Determines the position of the docked pane.

Parameters:pos – the position of the docked pane.


Resets all the buttons and recreates them from scratch depending on the AuiPaneInfo flags.


Allows a pane to be resizable if resizable is True, and forces it to be a fixed size if resizeable is False.

If resizable is False, this is simply an antonym for Fixed.

Parameters:resizable – whether the pane will be resizeable or not.


Is the reverse of Maximize and Minimize.


Sets the pane dock position to the right side of the frame.


This is the same thing as calling Direction with AUI_DOCK_RIGHT as parameter.


Indicates whether a pane can be docked on the right of the frame.

Parameters:b – whether the pane can be docked at the right or not.


Indicates whether a pane can be snapped on the right of the main frame.

Parameters:b – whether the pane can be snapped at the right of the main frame or not.


Determines the row of the docked pane.

Parameters:row – the row of the docked pane.


Copies the source pane members that pertain to docking position to self.

Parameters:source – the source pane from where to copy the attributes.

SetFlag(flag, option_state)[source]

Turns the property given by flag on or off with the option_state parameter.

  • flag – the property to set;
  • option_state – either True or False.


Sets the pane name once docked in a AuiNotebook using the notebook id.


Indicates that a pane should be shown.

Parameters:show – whether the pane should be shown or not.


Indicates whether a pane can be snapped on the main frame. This is equivalent as calling TopSnappable . BottomSnappable . LeftSnappable . RightSnappable .

Parameters:b – whether the pane can be snapped on the main frame or not.


Specifies that the pane should adopt the default toolbar pane settings.


Sets the pane dock position to the top of the frame.


This is the same thing as calling Direction with AUI_DOCK_TOP as parameter.


Indicates whether a pane can be docked at the top of the frame.

Parameters:b – whether the pane can be docked at the top or not.


Indicates whether a pane can be snapped at the top of the main frame.

Parameters:b – whether the pane can be snapped at the top of the main frame or not.


Makes the pane transparent when floating.

Parameters:alpha – an integer value between 0 and 255 for pane transparency.


Associate a wx.Window derived window to this pane.

This normally does not need to be specified, as the window pointer is automatically assigned to the AuiPaneInfo structure as soon as it is added to the manager.

Parameters:w – a wx.Window derived window.

actionPane = 17179869184L

buttonClose = 67108864

buttonCustom1 = 1073741824

buttonCustom2 = 2147483648L

buttonCustom3 = 4294967296L

buttonMaximize = 134217728

buttonMinimize = 268435456

buttonPin = 536870912


Getter for the dock_direction.

See also

dock_direction_set for a set of valid docking directions.


Getter for the dock_direction.

See also

dock_direction_set for a set of valid docking directions.


Setter for the dock_direction.

Parameters:value – the docking direction. This cab ne one of the following bits:

Dock Flag Value Description
AUI_DOCK_NONE 0 No docking direction.
AUI_DOCK_TOP 1 Top docking direction.
AUI_DOCK_RIGHT 2 Right docking direction.
AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM 3 Bottom docking direction.
AUI_DOCK_LEFT 4 Left docking direction.
AUI_DOCK_CENTER 5 Center docking direction.
AUI_DOCK_CENTRE 5 Centre docking direction.
AUI_DOCK_NOTEBOOK_PAGE 6 Automatic AuiNotebooks docking style.

needsRestore = 68719476736L

optionActive = 16384

optionBottomDockable = 32

optionBottomSnapped = 8388608

optionCaption = 1024

optionCaptionLeft = 33554432

optionDestroyOnClose = 4096

optionDockFixed = 131072

optionFloatable = 64

optionFloating = 1

optionFlyOut = 16777216

optionGripper = 2048

optionGripperTop = 32768

optionHidden = 2

optionLeftDockable = 4

optionLeftSnapped = 1048576

optionMaximized = 65536

optionMinimized = 524288

optionMovable = 128

optionNotebookDockable = 262144

optionPaneBorder = 512

optionResizable = 256

optionRightDockable = 8

optionRightSnapped = 2097152

optionToolbar = 8192

optionTopDockable = 16

optionTopSnapped = 4194304

savedHiddenState = 8589934592L

wasMaximized = 34359738368L

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