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agw_title AuiSingleDockingGuide

A docking guide window for single docking hint (not diamond-shaped HUD).

hierarchy Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram for: AuiSingleDockingGuide

Inheritance diagram of AuiSingleDockingGuide

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__Default class constructor.
AeroMoveMoves the docking window to the new position.
CreateShapesWithStyleCreates the docking guide window shape based on which docking bitmaps are used.
HitTestChecks if the mouse position is inside the target window rect.
IsValidReturns whether the docking direction is valid.
SetGuideShapeSets the correct shape for the docking guide window.
SetShapeIf the platform supports it, sets the shape of the window to that depicted by region.
SetValidSets the docking direction as valid or invalid.
UpdateDockGuideUpdates the docking guide images depending on the mouse position, using focused images if the mouse is inside the docking guide or unfocused images if it is outside.


class AuiSingleDockingGuide(AuiDockingGuide)[source]

A docking guide window for single docking hint (not diamond-shaped HUD).

__init__(parent, direction=0)[source]

Default class constructor. Used internally, do not call it in your code!

  • parent – the AuiSingleDockingGuide parent;
  • direction – one of wx.TOP, wx.BOTTOM, wx.LEFT, wx.RIGHT.


Moves the docking window to the new position. Overridden in children classes.

Parameters:pos – the new docking guide position.


Creates the docking guide window shape based on which docking bitmaps are used.

Parameters:useWhidbey – if True, use Whidbey-style bitmaps; if False, use the Aero-style bitmaps.

HitTest(x, y)[source]

Checks if the mouse position is inside the target window rect.

  • x – the x mouse position;
  • y – the y mouse position.


Returns whether the docking direction is valid.


Sets the correct shape for the docking guide window.

Parameters:event – on wxGTK, a wx.WindowCreateEvent event to process.


If the platform supports it, sets the shape of the window to that depicted by region. The system will not display or respond to any mouse event for the pixels that lie outside of the region. To reset the window to the normal rectangular shape simply call SetShape again with an empty region.

Parameters:region – the shape of the frame.


Overridden for wxMac.


Sets the docking direction as valid or invalid.

Parameters:valid – whether the docking direction is allowed or not.


Updates the docking guide images depending on the mouse position, using focused images if the mouse is inside the docking guide or unfocused images if it is outside.

Parameters:pos – a wx.Point mouse position.

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