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aui.framemanager functions

This is the description of standalone Python functions in the aui.framemanager module.

method_summary Functions Summary

AuiManager_HasLiveResize Static function which returns if the input manager should have “live resize” behaviour.
AuiManager_UseNativeMiniframes Static function which returns if the input manager should use native wx.MiniFrame as
CheckEdgeDrop Checks on which edge of a window the drop action has taken place.
CheckOutOfWindow Checks if a point is outside the window rectangle.
CopyDocksAndPanes This utility function creates shallow copies of the dock and pane info.
CopyDocksAndPanes2 This utility function creates full copies of the dock and pane info.
DoInsertDockLayer This is an internal function that inserts a new dock layer by incrementing all existing dock layer values by one.
DoInsertDockRow This is an internal function that inserts a new dock row by incrementing all existing dock row values by one.
DoInsertPane This is an internal function that inserts a new pane by incrementing all existing dock position values by one.
DrawResizeHint Draws a resize hint while a sash is dragged.
EscapeDelimiters Changes ; into \ and | into \| in the input string.
FindDocks This is an internal function that returns a list of docks which meet the specified conditions in the parameters and returns a sorted array (sorted by layer and then row).
FindOppositeDocks This is an internal function that returns a list of docks which is related to the opposite direction.
FindPaneInDock This method looks up a specified window pointer inside a dock.
GetInternalFrameRect Returns the window rectangle excluding toolbars.
GetManager This function will return the aui manager for a given window.
GetMaxLayer This is an internal function which returns the highest layer inside the specified dock.
GetMaxRow This is an internal function which returns the highest layer inside the specified dock.
GetNotebookRoot Returns the AuiPaneInfo which has the specified notebook_id.
GetToolBarDockOffsets Returns the toolbar dock offsets (top-left and bottom-right).
IsDifferentDockingPosition Returns whether pane1 and pane2 are in a different docking position based on pane status, docking direction, docking layer and docking row.
PaneSortFunc This function is used to sort panes by dock position.
RefreshDockingGuides Refreshes the docking guide windows.
RemovePaneFromDocks Removes a pane window from all docks with a possible exception specified by parameter exc.
RenumberDockRows Takes a dock and assigns sequential numbers to existing rows.
SetActivePane Sets the active pane, as well as cycles through every other pane and makes sure that all others’ active flags are turned off.
ShowDockingGuides Shows or hide the docking guide windows.

API Functions API


Static function which returns if the input manager should have “live resize” behaviour.

Parameters:manager – an instance of AuiManager.


This method always returns True on wxMac as this platform doesn’t have the ability to use wx.ScreenDC to draw sashes.


Static function which returns if the input manager should use native wx.MiniFrame as floating panes.

Parameters:manager – an instance of AuiManager.


This method always returns True on wxMac as this platform doesn’t have the ability to use custom drawn miniframes.

CheckEdgeDrop(window, docks, pt)[source]

Checks on which edge of a window the drop action has taken place.


CheckOutOfWindow(window, pt)[source]

Checks if a point is outside the window rectangle.


CopyDocksAndPanes(src_docks, src_panes)[source]

This utility function creates shallow copies of the dock and pane info. AuiDockInfo usually contain pointers to AuiPaneInfo classes, thus this function is necessary to reliably reconstruct that relationship in the new dock info and pane info arrays.


CopyDocksAndPanes2(src_docks, src_panes)[source]

This utility function creates full copies of the dock and pane info. AuiDockInfo usually contain pointers to AuiPaneInfo classes, thus this function is necessary to reliably reconstruct that relationship in the new dock info and pane info arrays.


DoInsertDockLayer(panes, dock_direction, dock_layer)[source]

This is an internal function that inserts a new dock layer by incrementing all existing dock layer values by one.


DoInsertDockRow(panes, dock_direction, dock_layer, dock_row)[source]

This is an internal function that inserts a new dock row by incrementing all existing dock row values by one.


DoInsertPane(panes, dock_direction, dock_layer, dock_row, dock_pos)[source]

This is an internal function that inserts a new pane by incrementing all existing dock position values by one.


DrawResizeHint(dc, rect)[source]

Draws a resize hint while a sash is dragged.

Parameters:rect – a wx.Rect rectangle which specifies the sash dimensions.


Changes ; into \ and | into \| in the input string.

Parameters:s – the string to be analyzed.


This is an internal functions which is used for saving perspectives.

FindDocks(docks, dock_direction, dock_layer=-1, dock_row=-1, reverse=False)[source]

This is an internal function that returns a list of docks which meet the specified conditions in the parameters and returns a sorted array (sorted by layer and then row).


FindOppositeDocks(docks, dock_direction)[source]

This is an internal function that returns a list of docks which is related to the opposite direction.


FindPaneInDock(dock, window)[source]

This method looks up a specified window pointer inside a dock. If found, the corresponding AuiPaneInfo pointer is returned, otherwise None.


GetInternalFrameRect(window, docks)[source]

Returns the window rectangle excluding toolbars.



This function will return the aui manager for a given window.

Parameters:window – this parameter should be any child window or grand-child window (and so on) of the frame/window managed by AuiManager. The window does not need to be managed by the manager itself, nor does it even need to be a child or sub-child of a managed window. It must however be inside the window hierarchy underneath the managed window.

GetMaxLayer(docks, dock_direction)[source]

This is an internal function which returns the highest layer inside the specified dock.


GetMaxRow(panes, dock_direction, dock_layer)[source]

This is an internal function which returns the highest layer inside the specified dock.


GetNotebookRoot(panes, notebook_id)[source]

Returns the AuiPaneInfo which has the specified notebook_id.

  • panes – a list of AuiPaneInfo instances;
  • notebook_id – the target notebook id.


Returns the toolbar dock offsets (top-left and bottom-right).

Parameters:docks – a list of AuiDockInfo to analyze.

IsDifferentDockingPosition(pane1, pane2)[source]

Returns whether pane1 and pane2 are in a different docking position based on pane status, docking direction, docking layer and docking row.


PaneSortFunc(p1, p2)[source]

This function is used to sort panes by dock position.



Refreshes the docking guide windows.

Parameters:guides – a list of AuiDockingGuideInfo classes;

RemovePaneFromDocks(docks, pane, exc=None)[source]

Removes a pane window from all docks with a possible exception specified by parameter exc.

  • docks – a list of AuiDockInfo structures;
  • pane – the AuiPaneInfo pane to be removed;
  • exc – the possible pane exception.


Takes a dock and assigns sequential numbers to existing rows. Basically it takes out the gaps so if a dock has rows with numbers 0, 2, 5, they will become 0, 1, 2.

Parameters:docks – a list of AuiDockInfo structures.

SetActivePane(panes, active_pane)[source]

Sets the active pane, as well as cycles through every other pane and makes sure that all others’ active flags are turned off.

  • panes – a list of AuiPaneInfo structures;
  • active_pane – the pane to be made active (if found).

ShowDockingGuides(guides, show)[source]

Shows or hide the docking guide windows.

  • guides – a list of AuiDockingGuideInfo classes;
  • show – whether to show or hide the docking guide windows.

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SVN Revision 68342 For framemanager