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agw_title aui.tabart

Tab art provider code - a tab provider provides all drawing functionality to the AuiNotebook. This allows the AuiNotebook to have a plugable look-and-feel.

By default, a AuiNotebook uses an instance of this class called AuiDefaultTabArt which provides bitmap art and a colour scheme that is adapted to the major platforms’ look. You can either derive from that class to alter its behaviour or write a completely new tab art class. Call SetArtProvider to make use this new tab art.

Module author: Andrea Gavana <>

hierarchy Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram for module: aui.tabart

Inheritance diagram of aui.tabart.AuiCommandCapture, aui.tabart.AuiDefaultTabArt, aui.tabart.AuiSimpleTabArt, aui.tabart.ChromeTabArt, aui.tabart.FF2TabArt, aui.tabart.VC71TabArt, aui.tabart.VC8TabArt

svn_main SVN Revisions

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Revision Graph For tabart

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