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svn SVN Revision 68475 For auibar

This file contains the SVN revision history for auibar, at revision 68475.

Available information include commit date, the name of the committer, the file size, the SVN log messages and a diff from the previous version (if available).

file_info File Information

  • Commit Date: 07-Apr-2009 11:10:38 UTC
  • Committer: AG
  • File Size: 131533 byte(s)

svn_log Log Messages

The following log message was entered by the committer: Implementation of the AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_TOOLBAR flag, which allows to minimize a pane inside an existing toolbar. Limitation: if the minimized icon in the toolbar ends up in the overflowing items (i.e., a menu is needed to show the icon), this style will not work.

svn_diff Diff To Previous Version (68021)

Version SVN diff:

--- wxPython/3rdParty/AGW/agw/aui/ 2011/06/22 19:56:23     68021
+++ wxPython/3rdParty/AGW/agw/aui/ 2011/07/31 20:22:23     68475
@@ -299,6 +299,7 @@
self.hover_bitmap = wx.NullBitmap
self.short_help = ""
self.long_help = ""
+ = None
self.min_size = wx.Size(-1, -1)
self.alignment = wx.ALIGN_CENTER
self.orientation = AUI_TBTOOL_HORIZONTAL
@@ -331,6 +332,7 @@
self.user_data = c.user_data
self.alignment = c.alignment
self.orientation = c.orientation
+ =

def SetWindow(self, w):
@@ -1694,7 +1696,7 @@
return self._art

-    def AddSimpleTool(self, tool_id, label, bitmap, short_help_string="", kind=ITEM_NORMAL):
+    def AddSimpleTool(self, tool_id, label, bitmap, short_help_string="", kind=ITEM_NORMAL, target=None):
Adds a tool to the toolbar. This is the simplest method you can use to
ass an item to the L{AuiToolBar}.
@@ -1716,9 +1718,12 @@
``ITEM_NORMAL``           The item in the `AuiToolBar` is a standard toolbar item
``ITEM_RADIO``            The item in the `AuiToolBar` is a toolbar radio item
========================  =============================
+        :param `target`: a custom string indicating that an instance of L{framemanager.AuiPaneInfo}
+         has been minimized into this toolbar.

-        return self.AddTool(tool_id, label, bitmap, wx.NullBitmap, kind, short_help_string, "", None)
+        return self.AddTool(tool_id, label, bitmap, wx.NullBitmap, kind, short_help_string, "", None, target)

def AddToggleTool(self, tool_id, bitmap, disabled_bitmap, toggle=False, client_data=None, short_help_string="", long_help_string=""):
@@ -1739,7 +1744,7 @@
return self.AddTool(tool_id, "", bitmap, disabled_bitmap, kind, short_help_string, long_help_string, client_data)

-    def AddTool(self, tool_id, label, bitmap, disabled_bitmap, kind, short_help_string, long_help_string, client_data):
+    def AddTool(self, tool_id, label, bitmap, disabled_bitmap, kind, short_help_string, long_help_string, client_data, target):
Adds a tool to the toolbar. This is the full feature version of L{AddTool}.

@@ -1766,6 +1771,8 @@
:param `long_help_string`: this string is shown in the statusbar (if any) of the parent
frame when the mouse pointer is inside the tool.
:param `client_data`: whatever Python object to associate with the toolbar item.
+        :param `target`: a custom string indicating that an instance of L{framemanager.AuiPaneInfo}
+         has been minimized into this toolbar.

item = AuiToolBarItem()
@@ -1775,6 +1782,7 @@
item.disabled_bitmap = disabled_bitmap
item.short_help = short_help_string
item.long_help = long_help_string
+ = target = True
item.dropdown = False
item.spacer_pixels = 0
@@ -2063,6 +2071,20 @@
return None

+    def FindToolByLabel(self, label):
+        """
+        Finds a tool for the given label.
+        :param `tool_id`: the L{AuiToolBarItem} label.
+        """
+        for item in self._items:
+            if item.label == label:
+                return item
+        return None
def FindToolForPosition(self, x, y):
Finds a tool for the given mouse position.
@@ -3625,7 +3647,11 @@
if not manager:

-                        pane = manager.GetPane(self)
+                        if
+                            pane = manager.GetPane(
+                        else:
+                            pane = manager.GetPane(self)
e = framemanager.AuiManagerEvent(framemanager.wxEVT_AUI_PANE_MIN_RESTORE)


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