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svn SVN Revision 70836 For auibook

This file contains the SVN revision history for auibook, at revision 70836.

Available information include commit date, the name of the committer, the file size, the SVN log messages and a diff from the previous version (if available).

file_info File Information

  • Commit Date: 31-Mar-2009 16:34:20 UTC
  • Committer: AG
  • File Size: 197106 byte(s)

svn_log Log Messages

The following log message was entered by the committer:

  • AuiManager: fix a resource leak by calling Destroy on the AuiManager’s wx.EvtHandler;
  • AuiNotebook: override Destroy to call UnInit on the AuiNotebook‘s manager during window destruction.

svn_diff Diff To Previous Version (70742)

Version SVN diff:

--- wxPython/3rdParty/AGW/agw/aui/        2012/02/28 22:11:31     70742
+++ wxPython/3rdParty/AGW/agw/aui/        2012/03/07 19:49:50     70836
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@

class TabNavigatorProps(object):
-    Data storage class for managing and providing access to L{TabNavigatorWindow}
+    Data storage class for managing and providing access to L{TabNavigatorWindow}.

@@ -566,11 +566,14 @@

# Accessors
Icon = property(lambda self: self._icon,
-                    lambda self, icon: setattr(self, '_icon', icon))
+                    lambda self, icon: setattr(self, '_icon', icon),
+                    doc='Sets/Gets the icon for the L{TabNavigatorWindow}, an instance of `wx.Bitmap`.')
Font = property(lambda self: self._font,
-                    lambda self, font: setattr(self, '_font', font))
+                    lambda self, font: setattr(self, '_font', font),
+                    doc='Sets/Gets the font for the L{TabNavigatorWindow}, an instance of `wx.Font`.')
MinSize = property(lambda self: self._minsize,
-                       lambda self, size: setattr(self, '_minsize', size))
+                       lambda self, size: setattr(self, '_minsize', size),
+                       doc='Sets/Gets the minimum size for the L{TabNavigatorWindow}, an instance of `wx.Size`.')

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Class TabNavigatorWindow
@@ -2789,6 +2792,25 @@

NavigatorProps = property(lambda self: self._navProps)

+    def Destroy(self):
+        """
+        Destroys the window safely.
+        Use this function instead of the `del` operator, since different window
+        classes can be destroyed differently. Frames and dialogs are not destroyed
+        immediately when this function is called -- they are added to a list of
+        windows to be deleted on idle time, when all the window's events have been
+        processed. This prevents problems with events being sent to non-existent windows.
+        :return: ``True`` if the window has either been successfully deleted, or
+         it has been added to the list of windows pending real deletion.
+        """
+        self._mgr.UnInit()
+        return wx.PyPanel.Destroy(self)
def GetTabContainer(self):
""" Returns the instance of L{AuiTabContainer}. """

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