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svn SVN Revision 68352 For flatmenu

This file contains the SVN revision history for flatmenu, at revision 68352.

Available information include commit date, the name of the committer, the file size, the SVN log messages and a diff from the previous version (if available).

file_info File Information

  • Commit Date: 10-Nov-2009 18:39:07 UTC
  • Committer: AG
  • File Size: 226141 byte(s)

svn_log Log Messages

The following log message was entered by the committer:

FlatMenu: added a pure-Python implementation of wx.FileHistory to handle MRU file list in FlatMenu. Added a menu in the demo to show how to use it (it’s the same as the wxPython demo for wx.FileHistory).

svn_diff Diff To Previous Version (65585)

Version SVN diff:

--- wxPython/3rdParty/AGW/agw/   2010/09/21 21:09:52     65585
+++ wxPython/3rdParty/AGW/agw/   2011/07/24 11:45:28     68352
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Andrea Gavana, @ 03 Nov 2006
-# Latest Revision: 21 Sep 2010, 23.00 GMT
+# Latest Revision: 23 Jul 2011, 15.00 GMT
# TODO List
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
- Multiple columns menu window;
- Tooltips for menus and toolbar items on a `wx.StatusBar` (if present);
- Transparency (alpha channel) for menu windows (for platforms supporting it);
+- FileHistory support through a pure-Python `wx.FileHistory` implementation;
- First attempt in adding controls to FlatToolbar;
- Added a MiniBar (thanks to Vladiuz);
- Added `wx.ToolBar` methods AddCheckTool/AddRadioTool (thanks to Vladiuz).
@@ -120,16 +121,17 @@

FlatMenu is distributed under the wxPython license.

-Latest Revision: Andrea Gavana @ 21 Sep 2010, 23.00 GMT
+Latest Revision: Andrea Gavana @ 23 Jul 2011, 15.00 GMT

-Version 0.9.6
+Version 1.0


__docformat__ = "epytext"
-__version__ = "0.9.6"
+__version__ = "1.0"

import wx
+import os
import math
import cStringIO

@@ -215,6 +217,8 @@
""" Used internally. """
""" Fires the wx.EVT_MENU event for `FlatMenu`. """
+""" Fires the wx.EVT_MENU event for a series of `FlatMenu`. """
""" Fires an event when the mouse leaves a `FlatMenuItem`. """
@@ -1764,6 +1768,316 @@
return wx.BLACK

+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# File history (a.k.a. MRU, most recently used, files list)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def GetMRUEntryLabel(n, path):
+    """
+    Returns the string used for the MRU list items in the menu.
+    :param `n`: the index of the file name in the MRU list;
+    :param `path`: the full path of the file name.
+    :note: The index `n` is 0-based, as usual, but the strings start from 1.
+    """
+    # we need to quote '&' characters which are used for mnemonics
+    pathInMenu = path.replace("&", "&&")
+    return "&%d %s"%(n + 1, pathInMenu)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# File history management
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class FileHistory(object):
+    """
+    The L{FileHistory} encapsulates a user interface convenience, the list of most
+    recently visited files as shown on a menu (usually the File menu).
+    L{FileHistory} can manage one or more file menus. More than one menu may be
+    required in an MDI application, where the file history should appear on each MDI
+    child menu as well as the MDI parent frame.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, maxFiles=9, idBase=wx.ID_FILE1):
+        """
+        Default class constructor.
+        :param `maxFiles`: the maximum number of files that should be stored and displayed;
+        :param `idBase`: defaults to ``wx.ID_FILE1`` and represents the id given to the first
+         history menu item.
+        :note: Since menu items can't share the same ID you should change `idBase` to one of
+         your own defined IDs when using more than one L{FileHistory} in your application.
+         """
+        # The ID of the first history menu item (Doesn't have to be wxID_FILE1)
+        self._idBase = idBase
+        # Last n files
+        self._fileHistory = []
+        # Menus to maintain (may need several for an MDI app)
+        self._fileMenus = []
+        # Max files to maintain
+        self._fileMaxFiles = maxFiles
+    def GetMaxFiles(self):
+        """ Returns the maximum number of files that can be stored. """
+        return self._fileMaxFiles
+    # Accessors
+    def GetHistoryFile(self, index):
+        """
+        Returns the file at this index (zero-based).
+        :param `index`: the index at which the file is stored in the file list (zero-based).
+        """
+        return self._fileHistory[index]
+    def GetCount(self):
+        """ Returns the number of files currently stored in the file history. """
+        return len(self._fileHistory)
+    def GetMenus(self):
+        """
+        Returns the list of menus that are managed by this file history object.
+        :see: L{UseMenu}.
+        """
+        return self._fileMenus
+    # Set/get base id
+    def SetBaseId(self, baseId):
+        """
+        Sets the base identifier for the range used for appending items.
+        :param `baseId`: the base identifier for the range used for appending items.
+        """
+        self._idBase = baseId
+    def GetBaseId(self):
+        """ Returns the base identifier for the range used for appending items. """
+        return self._idBase
+    def GetNoHistoryFiles(self):
+        """ Returns the number of files currently stored in the file history. """
+        return self.GetCount()
+    def AddFileToHistory(self, fnNew):
+        """
+        Adds a file to the file history list, if the object has a pointer to an
+        appropriate file menu.
+        :param `fnNew`: the file name to add to the history list.
+        """
+        # check if we don't already have this file
+        numFiles = len(self._fileHistory)
+        for index, fileH in enumerate(self._fileHistory):
+            if fnNew == fileH:
+                # we do have it, move it to the top of the history
+                self.RemoveFileFromHistory(index)
+                numFiles -= 1
+                break
+        # if we already have a full history, delete the one at the end
+        if numFiles == self._fileMaxFiles:
+            self.RemoveFileFromHistory(numFiles-1)
+        # add a new menu item to all file menus (they will be updated below)
+        for menu in self._fileMenus:
+            if numFiles == 0 and menu.GetMenuItemCount() > 0:
+                menu.AppendSeparator()
+            # label doesn't matter, it will be set below anyhow, but it can't
+            # be empty (this is supposed to indicate a stock item)
+            menu.Append(self._idBase + numFiles, " ")
+        # insert the new file in the beginning of the file history
+        self._fileHistory.insert(0, fnNew)
+        numFiles += 1
+        # update the labels in all menus
+        for index in xrange(numFiles):
+            # if in same directory just show the filename otherwise the full path
+            fnOld = self._fileHistory[index]
+            oldPath, newPath = os.path.split(fnOld)[0], os.path.split(fnNew)[0]
+            if oldPath == newPath:
+                pathInMenu = os.path.split(fnOld)[1]
+            else:
+                # file in different directory
+                # absolute path could also set relative path
+                pathInMenu = self._fileHistory[index]
+            for menu in self._fileMenus:
+                menu.SetLabel(self._idBase + index, GetMRUEntryLabel(index, pathInMenu))
+    def RemoveFileFromHistory(self, index):
+        """
+        Removes the specified file from the history.
+        :param `index`: the zero-based index indicating the file name position in
+         the file list.
+        """
+        numFiles = len(self._fileHistory)
+        if index >= numFiles:
+            raise Exception("Invalid index in RemoveFileFromHistory: %d (only %d files)"%(index, numFiles))
+        # delete the element from the array
+        self._fileHistory.pop(index)
+        numFiles -= 1
+        for menu in self._fileMenus:
+            # shift filenames up
+            for j in xrange(numFiles):
+                menu.SetLabel(self._idBase + j, GetMRUEntryLabel(j, self._fileHistory[j]))
+            # delete the last menu item which is unused now
+            lastItemId = self._idBase + numFiles
+            if menu.FindItem(lastItemId):
+                menu.Delete(lastItemId)
+            if not self._fileHistory:
+                lastMenuItem = menu.GetMenuItems()[-1]
+                if lastMenuItem.IsSeparator():
+                    menu.Delete(lastMenuItem)
+                #else: menu is empty somehow
+    def UseMenu(self, menu):
+        """
+        Adds this menu to the list of those menus that are managed by this file history
+        object.
+        :param `menu`: an instance of L{FlatMenu}.
+        :see: L{AddFilesToMenu} for initializing the menu with filenames that are already
+         in the history when this function is called, as this is not done automatically.
+        """
+        if menu not in self._fileMenus:
+            self._fileMenus.append(menu)
+    def RemoveMenu(self, menu):
+        """
+        Removes this menu from the list of those managed by this object.
+        :param `menu`: an instance of L{FlatMenu}.
+        """
+        self._fileMenus.remove(menu)
+    def Load(self, config):
+        """
+        Loads the file history from the given `config` object.
+        :param `config`: an instance of `wx.Config`.
+        :note: This function should be called explicitly by the application.
+        :see: L{Save}.
+        """
+        self._fileHistory = []
+        buffer = "file%d"
+        count = 1
+        while 1:
+            historyFile = config.Read(buffer%count)
+            if not historyFile or len(self._fileHistory) >= self._fileMaxFiles:
+                break
+            self._fileHistory.append(historyFile)
+            count += 1
+        self.AddFilesToMenu()
+    def Save(self, config):
+        """
+        Saves the file history to the given `config` object.
+        :param `config`: an instance of `wx.Config`.
+        :note: This function should be called explicitly by the application.
+        :see: L{Load}.
+        """
+        buffer = "file%d"
+        for index in xrange(self._fileMaxFiles):
+            if index < len(self._fileHistory):
+                config.Write(buffer%(index+1), self._fileHistory[i])
+            else:
+                config.Write(buffer%(index+1), "")
+    def AddFilesToMenu(self, menu=None):
+        """
+        Appends the files in the history list, to all menus managed by the file history object
+        if `menu` is ``None``. Otherwise it calls the auxiliary method L{AddFilesToMenu2}.
+        :param `menu`: if not ``None``, an instance of L{FlatMenu}.
+        """
+        if not self._fileHistory:
+            return
+        if menu is not None:
+            self.AddFilesToMenu2(menu)
+            return
+        for menu in self._fileMenus:
+            self.AddFilesToMenu2(menu)
+    def AddFilesToMenu2(self, menu):
+        """
+        Appends the files in the history list, to the given menu only.
+        :param `menu`: an instance of L{FlatMenu}.
+        """
+        if not self._fileHistory:
+            return
+        if menu.GetMenuItemCount():
+            menu.AppendSeparator()
+        for index in xrange(len(self._fileHistory)):
+            menu.Append(self._idBase + index, GetMRUEntryLabel(index, self._fileHistory[i]))
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Class FlatMenuEvent
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
@@ -4172,6 +4486,7 @@
self._shortHelp = shortHelp
self._longHelp = longHelp

def GetLabel(self):
""" Returns the tool label. """

@@ -4728,7 +5043,7 @@

:param `text`: the new item label (excluding the accelerator).
if text:

indx = text.find("\t")
@@ -6144,6 +6459,8 @@

return self._RemoveById(item)

+    Delete = Remove

def _DestroyById(self, id):
""" Used internally. """
@@ -6321,6 +6638,36 @@
return None

+    def SetLabel(self, itemId, label):
+        """
+        Sets the label of a L{FlatMenuItem}.
+        :param `id`: The menu item identifier;
+        :param `label`: The menu item label to set.
+        :see: L{GetLabel}.
+        """
+        item = self.FindItem(itemId)
+        item.SetLabel(label)
+        item.SetText(label)
+        self.ResizeMenu()
+    def GetLabel(self, itemId):
+        """
+        Returns the label of a L{FlatMenuItem}.
+        :param `id`: The menu item identifier;
+        :see: L{SetLabel}.
+        """
+        item = self.FindItem(itemId)
+        return item.GetText()
def FindMenuItemPos(self, itemId, menu=None):
Finds an item and its position inside the menu based on its id.
@@ -6376,6 +6723,11 @@
return table

+    def GetMenuItemCount(self):
+        return len(self._itemsArr)
def GetAccelArray(self):
""" Returns an array filled with the accelerator entries for the menu. """

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SVN Revision 68881 For flatmenu