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thumbnailctrl functions

This is the description of standalone Python functions in the thumbnailctrl module.

method_summary Functions Summary

CmpThumb Compares two thumbnails in terms of file names and ids.
GetMondrianBitmap Returns a default image placeholder as a wx.Bitmap.
GetMondrianData Returns a default image placeholder as a decompressed stream of characters.
GetMondrianImage Returns a default image placeholder as a wx.Image.
SortFiles Sort files in alphabetical order.
getDataBL Return the second part of the shadow dropped behind thumbnails.
getDataSH Return the first part of the shadow dropped behind thumbnails.
getDataTR Return the third part of the shadow dropped behind thumbnails.
getShadow Creates a shadow behind every thumbnail.
opj Convert paths to the platform-specific separator.

API Functions API

CmpThumb(first, second)[source]

Compares two thumbnails in terms of file names and ids.

  • first – an instance of Thumb;
  • second – another instance of Thumb.


Returns a default image placeholder as a wx.Bitmap.


Returns a default image placeholder as a decompressed stream of characters.


Returns a default image placeholder as a wx.Image.

SortFiles(items, sorteditems, filenames)[source]

Sort files in alphabetical order.

  • sorteditems – a list of Thumb objects;
  • filenames – a list of image filenames.


Return the second part of the shadow dropped behind thumbnails.


Return the first part of the shadow dropped behind thumbnails.


Return the third part of the shadow dropped behind thumbnails.


Creates a shadow behind every thumbnail.


Convert paths to the platform-specific separator.

Parameters:path – the path to convert.

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SVN Revision 68362 For thumbnailctrl