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agw_title UltimateListHeaderData

A simple class which holds information about UltimateListItem visual attributes for the header/footer items (client rectangles, positions, etc...).

hierarchy Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram for: UltimateListHeaderData

Inheritance diagram of UltimateListHeaderData

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__Default class constructor.
CheckChecks/unchecks a header item.
CheckFooterChecks/unchecks a footer item.
GetCustomRendererReturns the custom renderer associated with this item (if any).
GetFontReturns the header/footer item font.
GetFooterFormatReturns the footer item format.
GetFooterImageReturns a Python list with the zero-based indexes of the images associated
GetFooterKindReturns the footer item kind.
GetFormatReturns the header item format.
GetImageReturns a Python list with the zero-based indexes of the images associated
GetItemReturns information about the item.
GetKindReturns the header item kind.
GetStateReturns a bit field representing the state of the item.
GetTextReturns the header/footer item text.
GetToolTipReturns the header/footer item tooltip.
GetWidthReturns the header/footer item width, in pixels.
HasFooterImageReturns True if the footer item has at least one image associated
HasImageReturns True if the header item has at least one image associated
HasTextReturns True if the currently set text colour is valid.
InitInitializes the header/footer item.
IsCheckedReturns whether the header item is checked or not.
IsFooterCheckedReturns whether the footer item is checked or not.
IsHitReturns True if the input position is inside the item client rectangle.
SetCustomRendererAssociate a custom renderer to this item.
SetFontSets a new font for the header item.
SetFooterFontSets a new font for the footer item.
SetFooterFormatSets the footer item format.
SetFooterKindSets the footer item kind.
SetFormatSets the header item format.
SetHeightSets the header/footer item height, in pixels.
SetItemSets information about the header/footer item.
SetKindSets the header item kind.
SetPositionSets the header/footer item position.
SetStateSets the item state flags.
SetTextSets the header/footer item text.
SetToolTipSets the header/footer item tooltip.
SetWidthSets the header/footer item width, in pixels.


class UltimateListHeaderData(object)[source]

A simple class which holds information about UltimateListItem visual attributes for the header/footer items (client rectangles, positions, etc...).


Default class constructor.

Parameters:item – another instance of UltimateListHeaderData.


Checks/unchecks a header item.

Parameters:checkedTrue to check an item, False to uncheck it.


This method is meaningful only for check and radio header items.


Checks/unchecks a footer item.

Parameters:checkedTrue to check an item, False to uncheck it.


This method is meaningful only for check and radio footer items.


Returns the custom renderer associated with this item (if any).


Returns the header/footer item font.


Returns the footer item format.


Returns a Python list with the zero-based indexes of the images associated with the footer item into the image list.


Returns the footer item kind.

See also

SetKind for a list of valid item kinds.


Returns the header item format.


Returns a Python list with the zero-based indexes of the images associated with the header item into the image list.


Returns information about the item.

Parameters:item – an instance of UltimateListHeaderData.


Returns the header item kind.

See also

SetKind for a list of valid item kinds.


Returns a bit field representing the state of the item.

See also

SetState for a list of valid item states.


Returns the header/footer item text.


Returns the header/footer item tooltip.


Returns the header/footer item width, in pixels.


Returns True if the footer item has at least one image associated with it.


Returns True if the header item has at least one image associated with it.


Returns True if the currently set text colour is valid.


Initializes the header/footer item.


Returns whether the header item is checked or not.


Returns whether the footer item is checked or not.

IsHit(x, y)[source]

Returns True if the input position is inside the item client rectangle.

  • x – the x mouse position;
  • y – the y mouse position.


Associate a custom renderer to this item.

Parameters:renderer – a class able to correctly render the item.


the renderer class must implement the methods DrawHeaderButton and GetForegroundColor.


Sets a new font for the header item.

Parameters:font – an instance of wx.Font.


Sets a new font for the footer item.

Parameters:font – an instance of wx.Font.


Sets the footer item format.

Parameters:format – the footer item format.


Sets the footer item kind.

Parameters:kind – the footer item kind.

See also

SetKind for a list of valid item kinds.


Sets the header item format.

Parameters:format – the header item format.


Sets the header/footer item height, in pixels.

Parameters:h – an integer value representing the header/footer height.


Sets information about the header/footer item.

Parameters:info – an instance of UltimateListHeaderData.


Sets the header item kind.

Parameters:kind – may be one of the following integers:

Item Kind Description
0 A normal item
1 A checkbox-like item
2 A radiobutton-type item

SetPosition(x, y)[source]

Sets the header/footer item position.

  • x – the item x position;
  • y – the item y position.


Sets the item state flags.

Parameters:state – any combination of the following bits:

State Bits Hex Value Description
ULC_STATE_DONTCARE 0x0 Don’t care what the state is
ULC_STATE_DROPHILITED 0x1 The item is highlighted to receive a drop event
ULC_STATE_FOCUSED 0x2 The item has the focus
ULC_STATE_SELECTED 0x4 The item is selected
ULC_STATE_CUT 0x8 The item is in the cut state
ULC_STATE_DISABLED 0x10 The item is disabled
ULC_STATE_FILTERED 0x20 The item has been filtered
ULC_STATE_INUSE 0x40 The item is in use
ULC_STATE_PICKED 0x80 The item has been picked
ULC_STATE_SOURCE 0x100 The item is a drag and drop source


Sets the header/footer item text.

Parameters:text – the new header/footer text.


Sets the header/footer item tooltip.

Parameters:tip – the new header/footer tooltip.


Sets the header/footer item width, in pixels.

Parameters:w – an integer value representing the header/footer width.

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